Veeenz / opis-manager-core

πŸŽ“ Supply open OPIS data from UniCT.

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Opis-manager-core πŸ“Š


Backend service for opis-manager project. Take a look at our postman API documentation!

Getting started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


You will need:

  • PHP 7.3+
  • Composer
  • php-xml
  • php-mbstring
  • php-mysql

In a debian-based you could install PHP 7.4 following this guide and the related php extensions using:

sudo apt install php-xml php-mbstring php-mysql


Clone the repository

$ git clone

Copy the example enviroment file in a valid .env

$ cp .env.example .env

Opis-manager database is quite agnostic to the database driver under the hood, so configure it in .env.

DB_CONNECTION=(database driver)
DB_HOST=(database host server)
DB_PORT=(database port)
DB_DATABASE=(database name)
DB_USERNAME=(database user)
DB_PASSWORD=(database user password)

Install project dependencies

$ composer install

Set an application encryption key

$ php artisan key:generate

Generate a JWT secret

$ php artisan jwt:secret

Migrate the database schema

$ php artisan migrate

You can actually use seeders to fill the database with existing data.

$ php artisan db:seed

Start a local web server:

$ php artisan serve

Running the tests

This project uses phpunit with several Laravel testing features. In order to run tests, you must run:

$ php artisan test

Or directly with phpunit:

$ vendor/bin/phpunit


The recommended deployement setup is NGINX + php-fpm. Set up the project and link a virtual host to public/index.php.

Cache configurations and routes for faster performances:

$ php artisan config:cache
$ php artisan route:cache

Built with

  • Laravel 7 - the web framework used
  • Composer - Dependency management



πŸŽ“ Supply open OPIS data from UniCT.


Language:PHP 100.0%