Vedant2311 / Parallel-Matrices

Implemented Pagerank algorithm as a MapReduce problem to incorporate parallelism. Also optimized different matrix computations by incorporating various parallelization schemes

Repository from Github https://github.comVedant2311/Parallel-MatricesRepository from Github https://github.comVedant2311/Parallel-Matrices


Implemented Pagerank algorithm as a MapReduce problem to incorporate parallelism. Also optimized different matrix computations by incorporating various parallelization schemes. The different projects are divided into their corresponding directories with highly intuitive names. Go through these directories to get more information regarding them.


Implemented Pagerank algorithm as a MapReduce problem to incorporate parallelism. Also optimized different matrix computations by incorporating various parallelization schemes

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 79.7%Language:HTML 13.2%Language:C 3.1%Language:Makefile 2.5%Language:Python 1.3%Language:Odin 0.1%Language:Shell 0.1%Language:R 0.0%Language:Perl 0.0%