VectorInstitute / vector-inference

Efficient LLM inference on Slurm clusters using vLLM.

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Vector Inference: Easy inference on Slurm clusters

This repository provides an easy-to-use solution to run inference servers on Slurm-managed computing clusters using vLLM. All scripts in this repository runs natively on the Vector Institute cluster environment, and can be easily adapted to other environments.


If you are using the Vector cluster environment, and you don't need any customization to the inference server environment, all you need to do is run pip install vllm-nccl-cu12 and go to the next section. Otherwise, you might need up to 10GB of storage to setup your own virtual environment. The following steps needs to be run only once for each user.

  1. Setup the virtual environment for running inference servers, run

More details can be found in, make sure to adjust the commands to your environment if you're not using the Vector cluster.

  1. Locate your virtual environment by running
poetry env info --path
  1. OPTIONAL: It is recommended to enable FlashAttention backend for better performance, run the following commands inside your environment to install:
pip install wheel

# Change the path according to your environment, this is an example for the Vector cluster
export CUDA_HOME=/pkgs/cuda-12.3

pip install flash-attn --no-build-isolation
pip install vllm-flash-attn

Launch an inference server

We will use the Llama 3 model as example, to launch an inference server for Llama 3 8B, run

bash models/llama3/

You should see an output like the following:

Job Name: vLLM/Meta-Llama-3-8B

Partition: a40

Generic Resource Scheduling: gpu:1

Data Type: auto

Submitted batch job 12217446

If you want to use your own virtual environment, you can run this instead:

bash models/llama3/ -e $(poetry env info --path)

By default, the script in Llama 3 folder uses the 8B variant, you can switch to other variants with the -v flag, and make sure to change the requested resource accordingly. More information about the flags and customizations can be found in the models folder. The inference server is compatible with the OpenAI Completion and ChatCompletion API. You can inspect the Slurm output files to check the inference server status.

Here is a more complicated example that launches a model variant using multiple nodes, say we want to launch Mixtral 8x22B, run

bash models/mixtral/ -v 8x22B-v0.1 -N 2 -n 4

The default partition for Mixtral models is a40, and we need 8 a40 GPUs to load Mixtral 8x22B, so we requested 2 a40 nodes with 4 GPUs per node. You should see an output like the following:

Number of nodes set to: 2

Number of GPUs set to: 4

Model variant set to: 8x22B-v0.1

Job Name: vLLM/Mixtral-8x22B-v0.1

Partition: a40

Generic Resource Scheduling: gpu:8

Data Type: auto

Submitted batch job 12430232

Send inference requests

Once the inference server is ready, you can start sending in inference requests. We provide example Python and Bash scripts for sending inference requests in examples folder. Make sure to update the model server URL and the model weights location in the scripts. You can run either python examples/ or bash examples/, and you should expect to see an output like the following:

{"id":"cmpl-bdf43763adf242588af07af88b070b62","object":"text_completion","created":2983960,"model":"/model-weights/Llama-2-7b-hf","choices":[{"index":0,"text":"\nCanada is close to the actual continent of North America. Aside from the Arctic islands","logprobs":null,"finish_reason":"length"}],"usage":{"prompt_tokens":8,"total_tokens":28,"completion_tokens":20}}

SSH tunnel from your local device

If you want to run inference from your local device, you can open a SSH tunnel to your cluster environment like the following:

ssh -L 8081: -N

The example provided above is for the vector cluster, change the variables accordingly for your environment


Efficient LLM inference on Slurm clusters using vLLM.


Language:Shell 100.0%