Vanille-N / multithread-wc

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Multithreaded Word Count

Neven Villani, ENS Paris-Saclay

$ mwc [-w|-l|-c] FILE

Count (w)ords, (l)ines or (c)hars in FILE.


  ├── main.c              argument parsing, calls dispatch
  ├── dispatch.c          thread management, calls count
  ├── count.c             counters
  ├── check.h             exit codes and error handlers
  ├── *.h
  ├── Makefile
  ├── tests               correction
  │     ├──         check ./mwc against ./mwc-handout
  │     ├──     output random chars
  │     └── *.plain         tricky tests
  └── benches             performance
        ├──        measure with hyperfine
        ├──    file builder
        └── *.plain         massive tests (not included)



Error codes:

#define WR_OPT 1
#define WR_ARG 2
#define WR_FILE 3

Argument rules:

  • at most one of -w, -c, -l (otherwise WR_OPT)
  • if no option is provided then -w is assumed
  • no other argument may start with '-' (otherwise WR_OPT)
  • exactly one file name (otherwise WR_ARG)
  • file must exist and have read permissions (otherwise WR_FILE)
  • arguments may be in any order

Other failures:

  • 101 if read fails
  • 102 if open fails
  • 103 if lseek fails


#define NB_THREADS 5

typedef struct {
    const char* file;
    int start;
    int end;
    int count;
} zone_t;

int dispatch (const char* file, void* counter (void*));

NB_THREADS may safely be set to any reasonable strictly positive value to adjust to the number of cores available.

A zone_t describes the work each thread has to do : file is the name of the file they have to open, start and end delimit the area of the file they have to consider, count serves as a return value. file being a field of the zone_t rather than a single global variable would make it somewhat easier to adapt mwc to analyse several files in parallel.

Threads have no obligation to check that the file exists or to ensure their zone is valid (0 <= start <= end <= size(file)), it is dispatch's role to ensure they are. They will nevertheless abort gracefully with the appropriate error code if some operation were to fail.

More precisely, dispatch :

  • determines the length of the file
  • divides it evenly between the wanted number of threads
  • sets up each zone_t
  • launches one instance of the counter given as second argument per zone
  • waits for thread termination
  • sums up all results


#define BUFSIZE (16 * 1024)

int count_bytes (const char* file);

void* count_lines (void* data);

void* count_words (void* data);

Lowering BUFSIZE too much may decrease performance because of too many system calls and bounds checks. Conversely, raising it may increase memory consumption. 64 * 1024 was found to be a good compromise.

count_bytes opens the file and returns its length (uses lseek, very fast).

fun count_bytes(file)
    open file as fd
    go to end of fd
    return position of cursor in fd

count_lines interpretes its argument as a zone_t* and counts the number of '\n' in the zone it was assigned.

fun count_lines(file, start, end)
    open file as fd
    jump to start in fd
    n <- 0
    for char c until end in fd
        if c == '\n'
            incr n
    return n

count_words splits on ' ', '\t', '\n'. It may read a single char outside of its zone to check if the last letters of its zone constitute a word.

It counts a word when it finds a separator or the end of the file directly after one of the characters in its zone.

fun count_words(file, start, end)
    open file as fd
    jump to start in fd
    n <- 0
    prev_blank = true
    for char c until end in fd
        if c is a separator
            if not prev_blank
                prev_blank = true
                incr n
            prev_blank = false
    if not prev_blank
        c <- next char of fd
        if c is a separator
            incr n
    return n


|  thread 1  |  thread 2  |  thread 3   |
aaaaa a  aaaa a aaaaaaa aaaa a a a a a a
     ^ ^     ^ ^       ^    ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
     1 1     1 2       2    3 3 3 3 3 3 3

The last word of zone 1 has its end in the zone 1 but the separator in zone 2: thread 1 reads the first character of zone 2.

The first word of zone 3 had already begun in zone 2, but was not counted by thread 2.

The last word of zone 3 ends with an EOF and is counted by thread 3.

All the other words are fully inside their zone, and are counted by their respective thread.


make targets

  • make / make bin builds mwc
  • make tests executes correction tests (see
  • make bench executes performance tests (see

Fixed tests are chosen for edge cases. They purposefully contain many consecutive spaces, long words, empty lines, etc...

Random tests are generated on the fly with sizes from 0B to 100kB. They are meant to ensure the program behaves correctly in a wide range of conditions.

For both fixed and random tests, mwc is checked against the binary we were given and that defines the behavior: mwc-handout. uses hyperfine to accurately compare the performance of mwc, mwc-handout and wc on files typically 1M to 1G in size.

Those files are not provided with the code, but can be generated automatically with

The source code of needs to be changed to chose which commands to compare and on which files.

In short

To test everything:

$ make
$ make tests
$ ./benches/
$ make bench



Language:C 55.2%Language:Python 19.0%Language:Shell 18.3%Language:Makefile 7.5%