Vanille-N / chandeliers

A deep embedding of (a subset of) Lustre in Rust by means of `#[proc_macro]`s

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A deep embedding of Lustre in Rust.

This project provides a proc macro to compile Lustre source code into Rust. This approach is inspired by numerous instances of people embedding new or existing languages in Rust with proc macros, and has interesting benefits such as automatically providing optimizations, access to and IDE integration through rust-analyzer.


The Chandeliers suite is split in many crates:

  • public
    • chandeliers-lus: the main frontend of Chandeliers. This crate defines one macro: decl. This macro takes as input the source code of a Lustre program and generates equivalent Rust code. Examples of usage are shown below.
    • chandeliers-sem: semantics of the target language. This crate is useful if you want to interface Lustre with Rust. It defines the traits that Lustre nodes implement, conversion functions to and from the internal representation of Lustre, and some basic macros that are helpful if you want to write extern nodes.
    • chandeliers-std: standard library for Lustre. All nodes (structs) defined in this crate can be imported and used as extern node to provide features that are not implementable directly in Lustre (typecasts, randomness, ...). See the crate documentation for all the items provided.
  • internal
    • chandeliers-err: error message helpers.
    • chandeliers-syn: definition of the parsing AST, translation to the analysis AST.
    • chandeliers-san: static analysis, typechecking, codegen, etc.

The dependency graph of the Chandeliers suite, and the recommended crates that you should use as direct dependencies.

You would typically depend on

  • chandeliers-sem only if you want to write a library for Lustre,
  • chandeliers-lus only if you want to write basic self-contained programs,
  • chandeliers-lus and chandeliers-std if you need more advanced features,
  • all of the above if you want to interface Lustre with Rust, e.g. to write a main function that isn't handled by a simple #[main].

Under no circumstance should you find the need to have chandeliers-syn, chandeliers-san, or chandeliers-err as direct dependencies. Their definitions are pub, but their interface is very unstable and they are only useful when used together anyway.

Note: all the crates of Chandeliers are published simultaneously and with the same version number. As a result, std or sem may receive a version update even though nothing in their source code has changed, just so that the version numbers do not get out of sync with those of syn and san that change much more often. It is not recommended to have different version numbers for the crates, as they are only tested thoroughly with the same version number everywhere.

Language features

Chandeliers implements a representative subset of Lustre, among which the following constructs:

  • base types int, float, bool, extensible with the generic types declared for the node.
  • assertions assert b
  • boolean connectives b1 and b2, b1 or b2, not b
  • conditional expressions if b then e1 else e2
  • temporal operators e1 -> e2, pre e, e1 fby e2
  • limited support for clocked expressions e when b, e whenot b, and merge b e1 e2.

See syntax examples and notable limitations in chandeliers-lus/

Compilation options

We adapt and regularize the Rust syntax for attributes to configure compilation options. All attributes take the form #[attribute_name[targets](params)] where targets is a comma-separated list of identifiers and params is a comma-separated list of literals. For example #[foo[bar, baz](1, "yes", 3)]. Sometimes the targets or parameters or both may be optional or unavailable, in which case #[attr[]()] is equivalent to #[attr].

The following options are available:

  • #[trace[file](in_format, out_format)] (any node): print debug information after each step of the execution. Variants: all three of file, in_format and out_format are optional. See: #formatting.
  • #[export] and #[pub] (non-extern): visibility specifiers for the environment outside of the macro invocation (we follow the Rust convention of private-by-default). See: #visibility.
  • #[trait] (local node, requires #[export]): instead of an inherent impl, implement the trait Step. This may make the signature easier to read, but will interfere with dead code analysis.
  • #[main(nb_iter)] (any node): generate a main function that will execute this node. This requires that the node have signature () returns (). Variants: nb_iter is optional (defaults to 100).
  • #[test(nb_iter)] (any node): generate a function annotated with #[test] that will execute this node during cargo test. This requires that the node have signature () returns () and is incompatible with #[main], #[export], and #[pub]. Variants: nb_iter is optional (defaults to 100).
  • #[rustc_allow[attr]] (any declaration): forward to Rustc as a #[allow(attr)]. Chandeliers itself inserts many such attributes, but if one is missing you can add it manually. This is useful with e.g. dead_code which Chandeliers intends to insert as little as possible to minimize false negatives.
  • #[doc("Message")] (non-extern): insert documentation in the generated code. Can be specified multiple times and all messages will be concatenated in order.
  • #[generic[T, U]] (any node): declare new opaque type variables. See: #generics
  • #[universal_pre] (node): use a representation of temporal operators that allows arbitrary expressions under pre and fby. See: #temporals


  • full: #[trace[file](in_format, out_format)]
  • minimal: #[trace]
  • other useful examples:
    • #[trace[stderr]]
    • #[trace("{_this} -> (out={out})\n")]
    • #[trace("{_this} <- (in={in})\n", "{_this} -> (out={out})\n")]

file is one of stderr or stdout (defaults to stdout if unspecified). It determines where the text will be printed.

in_format and out_format are standard Rust formatting strings with interpolation variables {x}. For in_format the interpolation may use the input variables only. For out_format the locals and outputs are additionally available. Further strings are available:

  • _this is interpolated to the name of the node
  • _ext is interpolated to "[ext]" if the declaration is an extern one, and nothing otherwise,
  • _clk is interpolated to the node's internal clock.

If only one format is specified, it will be interpreted as the out_format and the in_format will be blank. #[trace("foo\n")] is equivalent to #[trace("", "foo\n")]. Newlines are not inserted, but they are present in the default formats.

If neither in_format nor out_format is specified, a default will be chosen for both the input and output that looks like this: for a node with signature node foo(i, j : int) returns (a, b : float), the default #[trace] produces the equivalent of #[trace("{_this} <- (i={i}, j={j})\n", "{_this} -> (a={a}, b={b})\n")] which will be rendered as

foo <- (i=0, j=1)
foo -> (a=0.1, b=4.2)

The default formatter is not stable and if you need a consistent output you should write the format string yourself.


We do not implement any kind of module system for Lustre, as we prefer to just defer to the existing Rust infrastructure.

The attributes that control visibility are #[export] and #[pub]. By default a node is visible only within the macro it is defined in. Adding #[export] makes it available to the current module, and adding #[pub] further makes it pub in the Rust sense.

Nodes annotated #[export] or #[pub] should have unique names within their module.

mod bar {
    chandeliers_lus::decl! {
        node foo() returns ();
        let tel;
        // `foo` is visible as `foo`
    // `foo` is not visible
// `foo` is not visible
mod bar {
    chandeliers_lus::decl! {
        node foo() returns ();
        let tel;
        // `foo` is visible as `foo`
    // `foo` is visible as `foo`
// `foo` is not visible
mod bar {
    chandeliers_lus::decl! {
        node foo() returns ();
        let tel;
        // `foo` is visible as `foo`
    // `foo` is visible as `foo`
// `foo` is visible as `bar::foo`

If you face name collisions between nodes you should circumvent them by means of Rust techniques like enclosing them in modules and renaming them by use bar::foo as bar_foo;.


Chandeliers implements System F-style polymorphism with per-node type variables. Values of a generic type cannot be inspected, but they can be manipulated by any construct that is oblivious to type (let _ = _, if b then _ else _, pre _, _ -> _, _ fby _), and nodes declared with generic types can be instantiated with arbitrary concrete or generic types.

A standard example is swap:

#[generic[T, U]]
node swap(t0: T; u0: U) returns (u1: U; t1: T);
    t1 = t0;
    u1 = u0;

And you are then free to use swap with arguments of any type: swap(1, 0.5) ~> (0.5, 1), swap(swap(true, false)) ~> (true, false).


Related to the role of #[universal_pre], let us discuss a bit the encoding of temporal operators in Chandeliers.

There are two important constructs needded:

  • the ability to remember a past value from one iteration to the next
  • the ability to evaluate one of two values conditionally on whether this is the first execution or not.

Chandeliers has the following constructs available:

Name Internal representation Lustre interpretation Delay Branching
Past Past { var, depth } pre ..{depth}.. pre var Yes No
Later Later { delay, before, after } before -> after at depth delay No Yes
Register FetchRegister { id } pre update if init is empty Yes Yes
InitRegister { id, val: init } init fby update otherwise
UpdateRegister { id, val: update }
Flip Flip { id, initial, continued } initial -> continued No Yes

Registers are self-sufficient and can optionally work with Flips, while Past/Later go hand-in-hand.

By default the constructs Past and Later are used, but the #[universal_pre] annotation locally switches the node to use Registers (and Flips if needed).

Default mode

By default Chandeliers uses an encoding of temporal operators that is provably optimal in space and amount of copies by a certain metric, which is the least amount of copies when there are an unbounded amount of pre in parallel (as in pre x + pre x + pre x + ... requires exactly one saved value).

In this encoding, we only have access to pre on the variables, and pre must be pushed down through other expression constructs. The translation phase (in chandeliers-syn) implements this pushing

  • [n]x ~~> past(n) x base construct: value of variable x n instants ago
  • [n](pre x) ~~> [n+1]x: pre increments the depth
  • [n](a + b) ~~> [n]a + [n]b
    [n](not x) ~~> not [n]x
    [n](if b then t else f) ~~> if [n]b then [n]t else [n]f
    [n](a, b, c) ~~> ([n]a, [n]b, [n]c) etc. (non-temporal operators)
  • [n](a fby b) ~~> then(n) [n]a [n+1]b will evaluate to [n] a for the first n instants, then [n+1] b.
  • [n](a -> b) ~~> then(n) [n]a [n]b
  • [n]f(x) ~~> after(n) f([n]x) will wait n instants before evaluating f([n]x)

This works great for all the above constructs and requires only memorizing scalar values (no past values of tuples saved natively).

The main limitation of this method is that it does not handle clocked values correctly! Indeed [n](merge b x y) ~~> merge [n]b [n]x [n]y is only sound if you consider [n]x to be the value n iterations ago, and not the n'th past value of x when x is an expression that does not have a value on all iterations.

In this default mode, it is thus forbidden to use temporal operators (pre, ->, fby) on clocked values (when, whenot).

Extended mode

Because the above mode has better performance it is used by default, but you may want to use a fby or other temporal operator on a clocked value. This requires opting in to the extended mode of temporal operators with is activated by the #[universal_pre] node annotation.

In this mode

  • computing a fby b produces a new register and invoques three operations per iteration:
    • InitRegister with a to initialize the value
    • FetchRegister to get the current value
    • UpdateRegister with b to step to the next value
  • -> involves a Flip that works exactly like Later except that it has its own clock instead of using the clock-wide clock, making it suitable for slower expressions as well.
  • pre x is simply nil fby x.

Important: in this mode there is a significant additional change to the semantics of ->. Previously -> was a n-ary operator with a -> b -> c -> d evaluating to a1, b2, c3, d4, d5, d6, .... In this mode instead, -> has normal associativity and a -> b -> c -> d is equivalent to a -> (b -> (c -> d)) which just means a -> d. It is thus not sufficient to just insert #[universal_pre] to your node if you want past values of clocked expressions, you also might need to check your usage of ->.


You may find self-contained examples of standalone executable programs in the examples folder.

Below is an example taken from examples/features (somewhat contrived in order to maximize the features it showcases) to get a feeling for the syntax:

use chandeliers_std::rand::random_float;

chandeliers_lus::decl! {
    extern node random_float() returns (f : float);

    #[doc("Probability that this entire test will fail on the first execution.")]
    const PROBA_FAIL: float = 0.9;

    #[rustc_allow[unused_variables]] // We could also rename `i` into `_i`
    #[doc("Return `true` with probability `PROBA_FAIL`.")]
    #[doc("Note: the input is ignored")]
    node ignore_input_and_pick_random(i : int) returns (b : bool);
        b = random_float() <= PROBA_FAIL;

    #[doc("Increasing counter starting at 0 or 1 with a certain probability.")]
    #[doc("Has a certain probability of returning the same value twice in a row.")]
    node unreliable_counter() returns (n : int);
        n = (if ignore_input_and_pick_random(42) then 1 else 0)
            + (0 fby n);

    #[doc("Strictly increasing counter starting at 0.")]
    node reliable_counter() returns (n : int);
        n = 0 fby n + 1;

chandeliers_lus::decl! {
    extern node unreliable_counter() returns (n : int);
    extern node reliable_counter() returns (n : int);

    #[doc("Verify that the strictly increasing counter is at least as big")]
    #[doc("as the increasing counter. There is currently a bug on purpose")]
    #[doc("in the implementation because there is a certain probability that")]
    #[doc("the unreliable counter starts at 1.")]
    #[doc("This results in a `PROBA_SUCCESS` probability of this node failing")]
    #[doc("its execution after one step, and a `1 - PROBA_SUCCESS` probability")]
    #[doc("of it running forever.")]
    node system() returns ();
    var c1, c2 : int;
        c1 = unreliable_counter();
        c2 = reliable_counter();
        assert c1 <= c2;


A deep embedding of (a subset of) Lustre in Rust by means of `#[proc_macro]`s

License:MIT License


Language:Rust 97.0%Language:Typst 1.6%Language:Shell 1.3%