Vabolos / Vabolos

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👋 Hi, my name is Luc

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    👋 Hi, my name is Luc

Connect with me:

🚀 Passionate Web- & software developer, creating cool and (possibly) useful applications. Skilled in both front-end and back-end technologies, with a keen eye for user experience and performance optimization.

Rapid Fire

  • 💼 I'm currently working on: 💻 Developing a module-based PowerShell application
  • 🌱 I'm currently learning: 📚 C# & C++
  • 💬 Ask me about: 💡 JavaScript, React, Node.js, Java, Python, PowerShell, CSS (and other styling languages)
  • ⚡ Fun fact: 🎢 I once thought my code was working on the first try


JavaScript React TypeScript Node.js Tailwind CSS MySQL Lua Vue Bun MariaDB Docker Azure DevOps Visual Studio Code IntelliJ IDEA Figma Python Java Shell

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✨ My Github profile README