VRGhost / async-timer

Python async timer

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Async timer

This package provides an async timer object, that should have been part of batteries.

Tests Coverage



Sometimes, you need a way to make something happen over and over again at certain times, like updating information or sending reminders. That's where Async Timer comes in. It lets you set up these repeated actions easily.

This package is particularly useful for tasks like automatically updating caches in the background without disrupting the primary application's workflow.


  • Zero Dependencies: Written entirely in Python, Async Timer operates independently without needing any external libraries.
  • Versatility in Callables: It accommodates various callable types, including:
    • Synchronous functions
    • Asynchronous functions
    • Synchronous generators
    • Asynchronous generators
  • Wait for the Next Tick: You can set it up so your program waits for the timer to do its thing, and then continues.
  • Keep Getting Updates: You can use it in a loop to keep getting updates every time the timer goes off.
  • Cancel anytime: The timer object can be stopped at any time either explicitly by calling stop()/cancel() method OR it can stop automatically on an awaitable resolving (the cancel_aws constructor artument)
  • Test friendly: The package provides an additional mock_async_timer.MockTimer class with mocked sleep function to aid in your testing

Example Usage


This snippet starts fastapi webserver with the refresh_db function being executed every 5 seconds, refresing a shared DB_CACHE object.

import contextlib
import time

import uvicorn
from fastapi import FastAPI

import async_timer

DB_CACHE = {"initialised": False}

async def refresh_db():
    global DB_CACHE
    DB_CACHE |= {"initialised": True, "cur_value": time.time()}

async def lifespan(_app: FastAPI):
    async with async_timer.Timer(delay=5, target=refresh_db) as timer:
        await timer.wait(hit_count=1)  # block until the timer triggers at least once

app = FastAPI(lifespan=lifespan)

async def root():
    return {"message": "Hello World", "db_cache": DB_CACHE}

if __name__ == "__main__":
    uvicorn.run(app, host="", port=8000)


import async_timer

timer = async_timer.Timer(12, target=lambda: 42)
val = await timer.join()  # `val` will be set to 42 after 12 seconds

for loop

# Async for loop example
import async_timer
import time
with async_timer.Timer(14, target=time.time) as timer:
    async for time_rv in timer:
        print(f"{time_rv=}")  # Prints current time every 14 seconds


Python async timer


Language:Python 99.6%Language:Shell 0.4%