VINAYAK9669 / uExcelerate

Repository from Github https://github.comVINAYAK9669/uExcelerateRepository from Github https://github.comVINAYAK9669/uExcelerate

UExcelerate Application

This is a chat application built using React.js, Tailwind CSS, React Hook Form, and React Router, adhering to the Figma design provided in the assignment. It includes a login page and a chat screen with smooth navigation, field validation, and error handling.

Table of Contents

Live Demo

You can access the hosted version of the application here. Access the Video here Click Here


  • Login Screen: Allows users to log in with proper validation for the input fields.
  • Chat Screen: Users can navigate to a chat screen upon successful login.
  • Field Validation: Field-level validation using React Hook Form to ensure proper input data.
  • Error Handling: Robust error handling for user actions and form submissions.
  • Responsive UI: The UI is fully responsive and replicates the Figma design accurately.
  • Seamless Navigation: Uses React Router for smooth page transitions.

Technologies Used

  • React.js: JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • Tailwind CSS: Utility-first CSS framework for styling.
  • React Hook Form: Form validation and handling in React.
  • React Router: For navigating between login and chat screens.
  • Netlify : For hosting the live application.



Language:JavaScript 95.9%Language:CSS 2.1%Language:HTML 1.9%