V1254 / Sprint2.MIN1PROJECT

Spring Web Application

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

C02006 - Coursework(20% of Module) - Spring MVC and Validations.

Graded Score : 100/100

Topics Studied

  • Controllers(Request mappings)
  • Views(JSP,JSTL)
  • Controllers(Forms)
  • Spring Architecture/Validation

Task For this Courswork

The system had to be completed by developing code for the business logic/validation requirements stated below in the following classes

Task For this Courswork

  1. When clicking on Order in the view index, the user must be redirected to the view orderMaster.

  2. When clicking on Main Page in the view orderMaster, the user must be redirected to the view index.

  3. When clicking on Add new order in the view orderMaster, the user must be redirected to the view orderDetail.

  4. When clicking on Edit for a specific order in the view orderMaster, the user must be redirected to the view orderDetail.

  5. When clicking on Delete for a specific order in the view orderMaster, the user must be redirected to the view orderMaster.

  6. When clicking on Add new order in the view orderMaster, a new order must be created and added in the store EMarketApp.store.orderList. We are using EMarketApp.store as an abstraction of a data store that we will replace with a real database in sprint 4. The date of the new order must be the system date, the one that appears in the view index.

  7. When the list of orders is displayed in the view orderMaster, the following information must be displayed for each order in EMarketApp.store.orderList:

    • id: identifier
    • date: date of creation
    • description: description
    • cost: sum of the cost for each item in the order (item.product.price * item.amount)
  8. When clicking on Edit for a specific order in the view orderMaster, the view orderDetail must display the details of the chosen order.

  9. When clicking on Delete for a specific order in the view orderMaster, the selected order must be deleted from EMarketApp.store.orderList.

  10. When clicking on Show all orders in the view orderDetail, the user must be redirected to the view orderMaster.

  11. When clicking on Add new item in the view orderDetail, the user must be redirected to the view itemDetail.

  12. When clicking on Submit in the view itemDetail, and there are no validation errors, the user must be redirected to the view orderDetail.

  13. When clicking on Submit in the view itemDetail, and there are validation errors, the user must be redirected to the view itemDetail.

  14. When clicking on Cancel in the view itemDetail, the user must be redirected to the view orderDetail.

  15. When adding a new item by clicking on Add new item in view orderDetail, a new object OrderItem must be created and linked to the form in the view itemDetail.

  16. When editing an existing item by clicking on Edit in view orderDetail, the corresponding OrderItem must be fetched from its corresponding order, which is stored in EMarketApp.store.orderList.

  17. When deleting an existing item by clicking on Delete in view orderDetail, the corresponding OrderItem must be deleted from its corresponding order, which is stored in EMarketApp.store.orderList.

  18. When adding a new item by clicking on Submit in view itemDetail, a new OrderItem will be created and appended to the itemList of the selected order (its identifier needs to be remembered when going from orderDetail to itemDetail):

    • the product must reference the corresponding product in EMarketApp.store.productList;
    • the amount must be set with the amount in the form in view itemDetail;
    • the cost must correspond to amount * product.price.
  19. In view itemDetail, when submitting a new item, if the field amount is empty an error must be displayed next to the field amount.

  20. In view itemDetail, when submitting a new item, if the amount provided is negative an error must be displayed next to the field amount.

  21. When adding a new item by clicking on Submit in view itemDetail, the system should check if there is an active deal for the selected product in EMarketApp.store.dealList. In that case the discounted cost should be computed by applying the discount with the formula (product.price - deal.discount * product.price) * amount. Feel free to refactor the formula using your algebra skills. A deal is active for an order when:

    • the start date of the deal is before or equal to the order creation date, and there is no end date for the deal;
    • the start date of the deal is before or equal to the order date, and the end date of the deal is after or equal to the order creation date.
  22. In the view orderDetail, display the cost of each item after applying discounts if there are active deals for the product of the order item.

  23. In the view orderMaster, display the cost of the deal after applying discounts to each line item.


Spring Web Application


Language:Java 99.7%Language:Groovy 0.3%