V-for-Vaggelis / Cat-clicker-app

A simple app built for practicing MVC techniques and for understanding how expectations may constantly change in a project.

Home Page:https://v-for-vaggelis.github.io/Cat-clicker-app/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Cat clicker app

The cat-clicker is a website built for practice purposes. The exercise teaches how expectations may constantly change for an app and the importance of using MVO techniques to organize javascript in large projects, in order to make the code more understandable and maintainable.

How to run

You can find the app at this webpage

How to use

The app initially includes 5 buttons that refer to 5 different cats and an "admin" button. By clicking one of the 5 buttons a card will open showing the relevant cat, it's name and a number. The number refers to the number of times you have tapped the cat's image and gets updated every time you do it. You can also select another cat from the list.

The admin button, opens a form which allows the user to replace the selected cat with his own cat, by adding the cat's name, image URL link and number of taps and submitting those information.

Issues and warnings

As mentioned before, this app was built as an exercise with the purpose of learning MVO techniques, so there might be accessibility, performance, compatibility and other issues, since there was not given emphasis on those aspects of the website.


A simple app built for practicing MVC techniques and for understanding how expectations may constantly change in a project.



Language:JavaScript 79.9%Language:CSS 11.8%Language:HTML 8.3%