V-MalM / Predicting-Credit-Risk-Supervised-ML

A supervised machine learning model that attempts to predict whether a loan from LendingClub will become high risk or not.

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Predicting Credit Risk

Supervised Machine Learning


  • To build a machine learning model that attempts to predict whether a loan from LendingClub will become high risk or not.


LendingClub is a peer-to-peer lending services company that allows individual investors to partially fund personal loans as well as buy and sell notes backing the loans on a secondary market. LendingClub offers their previous data through an API. Task was to use this data to create machine learning models to classify the risk level of given loans. Specifically, would be comparing the Logistic Regression model and Random Forest Classifier.

Retrieve and prepare the data

-- Using GenerateData.ipynb notebook that does the following

Logistic Regression Vs. Random Forests Classifier

Both the models are popular in machine learning. They are both efficient in generating reliable models for predictive modelling.

  • Logistic Regression is less complex, and less prone to over-fitting.
  • It does not really have any critical parameters to tune.
  • It performs best with scaled data.

  • Random Forest uses decision trees that can be scaled to be complex, and hence more liable to over-fitting. Pruning is applied to avoid this.
  • Although default parameters may work fine, Random Forests work best when they are tuned by applying parametes.
  • Random Forsests perfoms well with unscaled data.

When creating a predictive model, both the techniques should be tried and the best performing model should be used.

A prediction as to which model will perform better before I created, fit, and scored the models.

I predict Logistic regression will perform better because it works best for binany classification problems. The data in question has binary output belonging to one class or the other (High Risk, Low Risk).
However, there are a number of categorical and explanatory variables in the dataset that might make Random Forest a better predictor. I still stick with Logical Regression.


Steps :

  1. Converted categorical data to numeric and separated target feature for training data and testing data
  2. Encoded target values using class sklearn.preprocessing.LabelEncoder
  3. Added missing dummy variables to testing set
  4. Trained the Logistic Regression model on the unscaled data and printed the model score
    • Adjusted hyperparameters on LR model on unscaled data to see if the score improves .
      • Tried a few combinations to tune
      • It did improve the Testing Data Score by 5%
      • Takes longer execution time each time a parameter/parameters is/are changed
  5. Trained a Random Forest Classifier model on unscaled data and printed the model score
    • Adjusted hyperparameters to see if the score improves .
      To choose which hyperparameters to adjust, we could visualize with validation_curve, or conduct Exhaustive Grid Search.
    • Used validation_curve and test the parameters 'n_estimators', 'max_depth', 'min_samples_split' by giving them a range of values.
    • Adjusted the Hyperparameters on RF Classifiers on unscaled data
      • Tried a few combinations to tune
      • It did NOT improve the Testing Data Score
      • Takes longer execution time each time a parameter/parameters is/are changed


Unlike my prediction, The Random Forest Classifier performed far better then the logistic regression model on unscaled data.
2020 First Quarter score was : 0.491332 for Logistic regression model.
Random forest 2020 First Quarter score was : 0.683609

Revisit the Preprocessing: Scale the data

  • I predict that scaling data will considerably improve logistic regression model and it will outperform Random Forest Model. StandardScaler makes field values compareable by removing the mean and by scaling each feature/variable to unit variance.
  • Random Forest Model is built on decision trees and ensemble methods that do not require feature scaling as they are not sensitive to the the variance in the data. Hence, we might not see significant improvement in Random Forest model.

Scaled Training and Testging sets using StandardScaler().fit_transform()

Trained the Logistic Regression model on the scaled data and printed the model score

  • Logistic regression model improved considerably after scaling the data.

Trained Random Forest Classifier model on the scaled data and printed the model score

  • Random Forest's performance did not improve with scaled data.
  • Logistice Regression outperformed Random Forest Classifier.

Included the following for Both Models:

  • Confusion matrices and classification reports to give us information about precision and recall in addition to accuracy.

  • Added Feature importance in descending order to tell us which feature had the most influence in creating an accurate model.


  • After scaling the data, Logistic Regression outperformed Random Forest Classifier.
    • 2020 First Quarter score for Logistic Regression : 0.754268
    • 2020 First Quarter score for Random Forest : 0.613607

LogisticRegression Model Performed well on this Data and we can conclude that it is the right Model to predict whether a loan from LendingClub will become high risk or not.


A supervised machine learning model that attempts to predict whether a loan from LendingClub will become high risk or not.


Language:Jupyter Notebook 100.0%