UzairRiaz / Problem-Solving

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


1. Spiral Print of a 2D Array with Recursive Approach
2. Swap two numbers without using third variable
3. Printing "n" fibonacci numbers
4. Sum of number from array to a given number
5. Two Sum Problem
6. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
7. Median of Two Sorted Arrays
8. Finding LSA from a binary Tree
9. Reverse a Integer
10. Reverse K Nodes in a Linked List
11. Roman to Integer
12. Remove Letter for Equalize Frequency
13. Wildcard Matching
14. Maximum Subarray
15. Permutation in String
16. Maximum Water Container
17. Group Anagrams
18. Keypad mapping
19. Divide Two Integers without using division, multiplication, and mod operator
20. Rotting Oranges
21. Date Difference
22. Generate Parentheses
23. Letter Combinations of a Phone Number
24. Sum of Two Integers in a Array to a given number
25. Product of Array Except Self
26. Merge Three Sorted Arrays
27. Set Matrix Zeroes (Inplace)
28. Merge K Sorted Arrays
29. Count and Say
30. Debounce Function in JS
31. Shortest Bridge
32. Square Root of a Number without using sqrt function
33. Ugly Number
34. Group By
35. jsonToMatrix
36. MatrixTojson
37. NumberOf1'sInNestedArray
38. Function to check if a number is a power of a given base
39. Function that take functions as parameters and executes them with given parameters
40. Number of Provinces
41. Snail Traverse
42. Split Array into front and back halves
43. Flatten the given directory structure
44. Expect - tobe
45. Is Object Empty
46. Event Emitter
47. WaterTrapped
48. Find the first non repeating character in a string
49. Find Greatest Common Denominator
50. Regex for matching a string that only contains alphanumeric characters
51. Dijkstra's Algorithm
52. Check if Integer is a Palindrome
53. Array Buffer Implementation
54. Object Pooling Implementation
55. Function With Context
56. Instance of Implementation
57. Atbash Cipher



Language:JavaScript 100.0%