UtrechtUniversity / msl_vocabularies

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MSL vocabularies


This repository is used to store and provide access to the vocabularies used and maintained by the EPOS Multi-Scale Laboratories (MSL) community. The vocabularies are used at the EPOS Multi-Scale Labs data catalogue to improve findability of data publications. We encourage others to use and improve the provided vocabularies within this repository.


We currently publish the following vocabularies:

  • Analogue modelling of geological processes (referred to as "analogue")
  • Geochemistry
  • Geological age
  • Geological setting
  • Materials
  • Microscopy and tomography (referred to as "microscopy")
  • Paleomagnetism
  • Pore fluids
  • Rock and melt physics (referred to as "rockphysics")

Repository structure

Within the vocabularies folder all vocabularies are published in separate folders per vocabulary. Within the specific vocabulary folders a specific directory per version is published.


We currently provide 4 formats for publishing the vocabularies:

  • Json (.json)
  • Excel (.xlsx)
  • turtle file (.ttl)
  • rdfxml (.xml)


JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format to provide easy access for (web)applications to use the data. The structure of the vocabularies are provided by including the child terms within its parent term. For each term the following are provided:

  • uri; uri of term (Uniform Resource Identifier)
  • vocab_uri; uri of vocabulary
  • value; term
  • label; label of term
  • synonyms; array of synonyms
  • children; child terms

Sample of data:

    "uri": "https:\/\/epos-msl.uu.nl\/voc\/analoguemodelling\/1.0\/modeled_structure",
    "vocab_uri": "https:\/\/epos-msl.uu.nl\/voc\/analoguemodelling\/1.0\/",
    "value": "Modeled structure",
    "label": "Modeled structure",
    "synonyms": [],
    "children": [
            "uri": "https:\/\/epos-msl.uu.nl\/voc\/analoguemodelling\/1.0\/modeled_structure-modelled_magmatic_structure",
            "vocab_uri": "https:\/\/epos-msl.uu.nl\/voc\/analoguemodelling\/1.0\/",
            "value": "modelled magmatic structure",
            "label": "modelled magmatic structure",
            "synonyms": [],
            "children": [


Excel exports are available in xlsx format.


Vocabularies are also published in turtle (Terse RDF Triple Language) format. Triples currently contain term uri, label and relational information.

Sample of data:

    a skos:Concept ;
    skos:broader "https://epos-msl.uu.nl/voc/analoguemodelling/1.0/modeled_structure-modelled_deformation_structure" ;
    rdfs:label "modelled crack" .

    a skos:Concept ;
    skos:broader "https://epos-msl.uu.nl/voc/analoguemodelling/1.0/modeled_structure-modelled_deformation_structure" ;
    rdfs:label "modelled fracture" .


RDF/XML format published containing the same structural information as published within the turtle format.


Questions, suggestions or contributions? Contact Laurens Samshuijzen.
