UnseenWizzard / pocket-cli

A simple Go CLI for accessing and adding articles to pocket

Repository from Github https://github.comUnseenWizzard/pocket-cliRepository from Github https://github.comUnseenWizzard/pocket-cli

❗ While this is a working CLI this is largely a project for me to play around with some libraries and tools.

Notably this only really used/tested on Linux

Pocket CLI

This is a simple CLI to access your Pocket reading list.


Download the latest release and put it somewhere on your path. (e.g. move it to /usr/local/bin/ on Linux)

Or see CONTRIBUTING.md for details on building from source.

Authorize App

When first running you need to authorize pocket-cli to access your Pocket Account.

Do so by running:

pocket-cli login

Access Your Reading List

After authorizing the App access your reading list with:

pocket-cli list


A simple Go CLI for accessing and adding articles to pocket

License:MIT License


Language:Go 94.1%Language:Shell 4.7%Language:Makefile 1.1%