UnrealMexd0x / Fiveguard_Addon

This script serves as an addon for FiveM, enhancing the functionality of the Fiveguard Anticheat system [https://fiveguard.net].

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Fiveguard Addon

This script serves as an addon for FiveM, enhancing the functionality of the Fiveguard Anticheat system.

🛡️ A Touch of Security: With Fiveguard by your side, you can sit back and relax, knowing your players are safe and sound. This anticheat acts like the faithful guardian of your servers, diligently watching every move and bringing a smile to your community's face. Say goodbye to cheating woes and welcome Fiveguard!


Fiveguard Anticheat is a powerful tool for maintaining server integrity and ensuring fair play within the FiveM multiplayer framework. However, even the most robust systems can benefit from additional enhancements. This addon script aims to complement the capabilities of Fiveguard Anticheat by providing extra features.


  1. Ensure you have Fiveguard Anticheat installed and configured on your FiveM server.
  2. Download the latest release of the Fiveguard Addon script from the GitHub repository.
  3. Place the downloaded script into the resources directory of your FiveM server.
  4. Add start Fiveguard_Addon to your server.cfg file to ensure the addon script is loaded on server startup.
  5. Restart your FiveM server.



Shared Configuration (sh_config.lua)

FiveguardAddon = {
    Config = {
        FiveguardName = "YOUR_ANTICHEATNAME",                                   -- Fiveguard Resource Name
        FiveguardAce = 'command.fiveguard',                                     -- Player Command Ace [https://docs.fivem.net/natives/?_0xDEDAE23]

        AddonUpdateInfo = true,                                                 -- Github Update Info [https://github.com/UnrealMexd0x/Fiveguard_Addon]

        Updater = true,                                                         -- Enable the Fiveguard Updater 
        Counter = { "10", "9", "8", "7", "6", "5", "4", "3", "2", "1", "0" },   -- Update Counter

        DiscordBot = true,                                                      -- Enable the Fiveguard Discord Bot

        WeaponEvents = true,                                                    -- Blocks Various Cheat used Weapon Events

        HelpCommand = "help",                                                   -- Help Command

        BanInfoCommand = "baninfo",                                             -- Baninfo Command (Ingame and Console Command)
        BanCommand = "fgban",                                                   -- Ban Command (Bot, Ingame and Console Command)
        UnbanCommand = "fgunban",                                               -- Unban Command (Bot, Ingame and Console Command)
        ScreenshotCommand = "fgscreenshot",                                     -- Screenshot Command (Bot, Ingame and Console Command)
        RecordCommand = "fgrecord",                                             -- Record Command (Bot, Ingame and Console Command)

        SendToLogs = true,                                                      -- Send to Fiveguard Discord Logs
        IgnoreStaticPermission = true,                                          -- Ignore Group Permissions

        Language = {
            -- Your language configuration here

Server-side Configuration (sv_config.lua)

Discord Developer Portal

How to use Discord Developer Portal (Thanks to KlutchxGaming)

FiveguardAddon.Config.SV = {
    Bot = { -- Discord Bot Config
        Color = 8421504,  -- Color for bot messages

        -- Discord Bot Credentials --
        BotToken = "YOUR_BOT_TOKEN",

        -- Users Allowed to Interact with the Bot --
        Allowedusers = {

        ReplyUserName = "Fiveguard Addon",  -- Bot's username for replies
        AvatarURL = "https://yt3.googleusercontent.com/AwJhSb3xMJIDmXa3zwJuCxn_WxR3Z6-lW9RXaF5eqz0UT_r9OcB7Ayvf76SJSmIp2IJ2rnzMfQ=s900-c-k-c0x00ffffff-no-rj",  -- Bot's avatar URL
        Prefix = "+",  -- Command prefix for the bot
        WaitEveryTick = 4000  -- Wait time in milliseconds for each bot tick

    UpdateNotify = function(msg) -- Fiveguard Update Notify Function
        -- If you prefer not to use ox_lib, remember to remove ox_lib from your fxmanifest.lua under dependencies.

        TriggerClientEvent('ox_lib:notify', -1, {
            title = "",
            icon = "fa-solid fa-shield-halved",
            description = msg,
            position = "top-center"

    WeaponCheatDetectionFunction = function(player, weapon, damage, timing, silenced)
        -- You can deactivate weapon events by modifying the 'WeaponEvents' variable in sh_config.lua.
        local function banPlayer(version)
            local reason = "(Weapon Event Cheat) [Version: " .. tostring(version) .. "] [Fiveguard_Addon]"
            FiveguardAddon.Server.BanPlayer(player, reason)

        local function checkBanConditions()
            if weapon == 133987706 then
                if timing > 200000 and damage > 200 then

                    return true
            elseif silenced and damage == 0 then
                if weapon == 2725352035 or weapon == 3452007600 then

                    return true
            elseif weapon == -1569615261 and damage > 200 then

                return true
            elseif not silenced and damage == 131071 and weapon == 1834887169 then

                return true

            return false

        if checkBanConditions() then


Once installed and configured, the addon script seamlessly integrates with Fiveguard Anticheat, enhancing its functionality without requiring any additional user intervention. Simply ensure that both Fiveguard Anticheat and the addon script are running on your FiveM server, and enjoy enhanced protection against cheats and exploits.


Contributions to the development and improvement of the Fiveguard Addon script are welcome! If you have suggestions, bug reports, or feature requests, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request on the GitHub repository.


This addon script is released under the MIT License, allowing for free use, modification, and distribution subject to the terms and conditions outlined in the license.


While every effort has been made to ensure the effectiveness and reliability of the addon script, no system can guarantee complete immunity against cheats and exploits. Server administrators are advised to use Fiveguard Addon as part of a comprehensive anticheat strategy, which may include other tools and measures to maximize server integrity and fair play.



This script serves as an addon for FiveM, enhancing the functionality of the Fiveguard Anticheat system [https://fiveguard.net].

License:MIT License


Language:Lua 100.0%