Unknown-y-mus / ft_free

A malloc manager for C program to avoid leaks

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Descriptions :

This project is made to perform a clean management of all malloc.

Functions :

  t_m_free	*ft_free_init(void);
  	Return malloced struct of t_m_free to store all malloced ptr
  void		*ft_free_malloc(t_m_free *m_free, size_t size);
  	Malloc a new ptr and store it in m_free struct (ft_free_add not needed, already done)
  int		ft_free_add(t_m_free *m_free, void *ptr);
  	Add inside m_free the malloced ptr
  void		ft_free_remove(t_m_free *m_free, void *ptr);
  	Remove inside m_free the ptr malloced and free it
  void		ft_free(t_m_free *m_free);
  	Free all maloced ptr and free m_free
  int		ft_free_size(t_m_free *m_free);
  	Return the number of malloced ptr

If you try to add two (or much) time a ptr to ft_free_add(), that gonna do nothing (The program cancel the action if found in the list)
If you try to free a function with ft_free_remove two times (or more) that gonna do nothing.
But if you free it with free() that can crash if after you use ft_free_remove() / ft_free() - To patch that :

  • Set the PTR to NULL (Or don't use free()..).

If you try to add a variable not malloced / not NULLED it will crash the program.
If you want to use it, be sure the variables is malloced or the variable = NULL
If a NULL variables is gived in ft_free_add(), the program will don't add it

Example of a crash :

int main(void)
  t_m_free  *m_free;
  char      *a;
  char      *b;
  m_free = ft_free_init();
  a = malloc(sizeof(char));
  ft_free_add(m_free, (void *)a);
  ft_free_add(m_free, (void *)b);

To patch it :

  b = NULL; // Before adding it, or don't add it ;).

If a variables is manually freed and is inside the free list, that gonna cause a "double free error" if you use ft_free() / ft_free_remove(m_free_ptr, ptr)
The struct m_free returned by ft_free_init() is a malloced struct, so if you don't use ft_free(), he don't gonna be free. If you init him and you don't add any ptr, you can use ft_free or free(m_free)

Example (Global Usage):

int main(void)
  t_m_free  *m_free;
  char      *test;
  char      *test2;
  m_free = ft_free_init();
  // Now you can malloc a variable.
  test = malloc(sizeof(char));
  test2 = ft_free_malloc(m_free, sizeof(char));
  ft_free_add(m_free, (void *)test);
  // If you want to remove it manually you just need to use :
  ft_free_remove(m_free, (void *)test);
  // Else, if you want to remove all malloced variable (also needed to destroy *m_free):

Example (Performance Test (5000 malloc)):

int	main(void)
	t_m_free	*m_free;
	char		*a;
	int			*b;
	char		**c;
	char		*d;
	int			x;

	d = NULL;
	x = 0;
	m_free = ft_free_init();
	while (x < 1000)
		a = malloc(sizeof(char) * 100);
		ft_free_add(m_free, a);
		b = malloc(sizeof(int) * 100);
		ft_free_add(m_free, b);
		c = malloc(sizeof(char *) * 2);
		c[0] = malloc(sizeof(char) * 100);
		c[1] = malloc(sizeof(char) * 100);
		ft_free_add(m_free, d); // Exemple of null pointer
		ft_free_add(m_free, c[1]);
		ft_free_add(m_free, c);
		ft_free_add(m_free, c[0]);
	printf("%d\n", ft_free_size(m_free));
	return (0);

Example (Own malloc function):

int	main(void)
	t_m_free	*m_free;
	char		*test;

	m_free = ft_free_init();
	test = ft_free_malloc(m_free, sizeof(char) * 100);
	test[0] = 'a';
	test[1] = 'b';
	test[2] = 'c';
	test[3] = '\0';
	printf("%s\n", test);
	return (0);

Example (Count malloced ptr):

int	main(void)
	t_m_free	*m_free;
	char		*test;

	m_free = ft_free_init();
	printf("%d\n", ft_free_size(m_free));
	test = ft_free_malloc(m_free, sizeof(char));
	printf("%d\n", ft_free_size(m_free));
	return (0);

Tools :

(づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ :

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A malloc manager for C program to avoid leaks

License:MIT License


Language:C 83.8%Language:Makefile 16.2%