Unity-Technologies / XR-Interaction-Toolkit-Examples

This repository contains various examples to use with the XR Interaction Toolkit

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XRHands - No rotation of object when grab with only one hand in build

jbaessens opened this issue · comments

No rotation of the grabbed object with handtracking / OpenXR plugin / XR Interaction Toolkit
It only works with two handed rotations.
It works well with Oculus in Link mode in editor but not in build.

I have added a cube as child of the direct interactor, I see it rotate in editor but not in build, it always kepts the same orientation .

To reproduce :

  • Package : XR Interaction Toolkit 2.5.2 / XR Hands 1.3.0
  • Build HandsDemoScene with OpenXR plug-in activated
  • Test in your headset
  • Grab a cube. No rotation when it is grabbed with one hand