Unity-Technologies / XR-Interaction-Toolkit-Examples

This repository contains various examples to use with the XR Interaction Toolkit

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

test the functionalities without any accessories, using only the keyboard and mouse

hernanUOC opened this issue · comments


We are a group of 30 students utilizing your Unity project on GitHub, the XR Interaction Toolkit Examples - Version 2.3.2, as a learning tool for creating VR games.

Could you please tell us if special VR controllers are required to use your project from Unity's Game View? Or is it possible to test the functionalities without any accessories, using only the keyboard and mouse?

Thank you very much for your assistance.

Best regards,

In the samples in the package manager you can find XR Device Simulator. I work on VR as my day job and never put on a headset till its almost near delivery time since I can test everything from mouse and keyboard.

thank you so much

In the samples in the package manager you can find XR Device Simulator. I work on VR as my day job and never put on a headset till its almost near delivery time since I can test everything from mouse and keyboard.