Unity-Technologies / EntityComponentSystemSamples

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JobsTutorial - Steps 3 and 4 do not load correctly with TutorialSelector

BrianLDev opened this issue · comments

Using the TutorialSelector, I'm able to load Step 1 and Step 2, run them, and see the find nearest examples on the Game screen. Steps 3 and 4 do not load correctly and when running it just shows a blank screen.

Looking deeper, it appears that in both cases the Spawner object has 2 missing scripts.

This can be manually fixed if the user adds Spawner.cs and FindNearest.cs to the Spawner GameObject, and changes the Spawner script values (add Seeker and Target prefabs, NumSeekers = 1000, NumTargets = 1000, Bounds = 500, 500)

But clearly, it's not ideal to have errors in a tutorial that the user is forced to fix, so it would be best fixed on the master repo.

Side note - This is a great tutorial with a clearly defined use case (findNearest) and demonstration of multiple solutions of varying efficiency. Nice job overall!

Closing this issue as it appears this was resolved by removing the TutorialSelector and using separate scenes for each step instead.