UnexpectedMaker / micropython-tinypico

TinyPICO MicroPython Helper Library

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MicroPython TinyPICO

TinyPICO MicroPython Helper Library

This library adds some helper functions and useful pin assignments to making coding with TinyPICO & MicroPython easier

Pin Assignments

# Battery
BAT_VOLTAGE = const(35)
BAT_CHARGE = const(34)

# APA102 Dotstar pins for production boards
DOTSTAR_CLK = const(12)
DOTSTAR_DATA = const(2)
DOTSTAR_PWR = const(13)

SPI_MOSI = const(23)
SPI_CLK = const(18)
SPI_MISO = const(19)

I2C_SDA = const(21)
I2C_SCL = const(22)

DAC1 = const(25)
DAC2 = const(26)

Helper functions

# Return a *rough* estimate of the current battery voltage
def battery_voltage():

# Return the current charge state of the battery
def battery_charging():

# Power is controlled by a PNP transistor, so low is ON and high is OFF
def dotstar_power( state ):

Example Usage

# This example requires the micropython_dotstar library
# https://github.com/mattytrentini/micropython-dotstar

from machine import SPI, Pin
import tinypico as TinyPICO
from micropython_dotstar import DotStar
import time, random

# Configure SPI for controlling the DotStar
spi = SPI(sck=Pin( TinyPICO.DOTSTAR_CLK ), mosi=Pin( TinyPICO.DOTSTAR_DATA ), miso=Pin( TinyPICO.SPI_MISO) )
# Create a DotStar instance
dotstar = DotStar(spi, 1, brightness = 0.5 ) # Just one DotStar, half brightness
# Turn the power to the DotStar on
TinyPICO.dotstar_power( True )

# Say hello
print("Hello from TinyPICO!")
# Show some info on boot
print("Battery Voltage is {}V".format( TinyPICO.battery_voltage() ) )
print("Battery Charge State is {}".format( TinyPICO.battery_charging() ) )

# Flicker random colours on the Dotstar
while True:
    dotstar[0] = ( random.randrange(0, 255), random.randrange(0, 255), random.randrange(0, 255), 0.5) # Random colours!


TinyPICO MicroPython Helper Library


Language:Python 100.0%