Und3rf10w / Qubes-Dotfiles

Dotfiles from my Qubes Setup

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Qubes dotfiles

A small collection of my dotfiles for Qubes 4.1

Configures i3-gaps, polybar, and rofi on dom0.


  1. Run 01_fix_usernames.sh (not as root)
  2. Install the fonts in the usr directory. Basically just move/copy the dir usr/share/fonts/meslo -> /usr/share/fonts/meslo/ in dom0 or your TemplateVMs
  3. Once the font is placed, run sudo fc-cache -f -n (dom0)
  4. Run git clone --recursive https://github.com/sorin-ionescu/prezto.git "${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zprezto" to install zprezto apprpriately. You might have to do some trickery to get that to happen properly on dom0. Or just copy it over from a dispVM.
  5. I use powerlevel10k, change this line in ~/.zprofile to be:
zstyle ':prezto:module:prompt' theme 'powerlevel10k'
  1. Review .config/i3/config for my keybinds


You should already have rofi, polybar, i3-gaps, i3-lock, xfce4-screenshooter


Dotfiles from my Qubes Setup


Language:Shell 100.0%