UncleSamSwiss / terraform-openstack-rke2

Easily deploy a high-availability RKE2 Kubernetes cluster on OpenStack providers like Infomaniak.

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Terraform RKE2 OpenStack

Terraform Registry

Easily deploy a high-availability RKE2 Kubernetes cluster on OpenStack providers (e.g. Infomaniak, OVH, etc.). This project aims at offering a simple and stable distribution rather than supporting all configuration possibilities.

Inspired and reworked from remche/terraform-openstack-rke2 to add an easier interface, high-availability, stricter security groups, persistent storage, load-balancer integration and S3 automated etcd snapshots.


  • RKE2 Kubernetes distribution : lightweight, stable, simple and secure
  • persisted /var/lib/rancher/rke2 for (single) server durability
  • configure Openstack Swift or S3-like backend for automated etcd snapshots
  • smooth updates & agent nodes autoremoval with draining
  • bundled with Openstack Cinder CSI
  • Cilium networking (network policy support and no Kube-proxy)
  • load balancers (Openstack Octivia) provisioning
  • highly-available through ip failovers (via address-pairs and VRRP)
  • out of the box support for volume snapshot and Velero

Next features

Getting started

cat <<EOF > cluster.tf
provider "openstack" {
  tenant_name = "PCP-XXXXXXX"
  user_name   = "PCU-XXXXXXX"
  password    = "XXXXXXXXXXX"
  auth_url    = "https://api.pub1.infomaniak.cloud/identity"
  region      = "dc3-a"

module "rke2" {
  source  = "zifeo/rke2/openstack"

  name = "k8s"

  floating_pool  = "ext-floating1"
  rules_ssh_cidr = ""
  rules_k8s_cidr = ""

  bootstrap = true # only on first run
  servers = [
      name = "server-a"

      flavor_name      = "a2-ram4-disk0"
      image_name       = "Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Focal Fossa"
      system_user      = "ubuntu"
      boot_volume_size = 8

      rke2_version     = "v1.25.3+rke2r1"
      rke2_volume_size = 16

  agents = [
      name        = "pool-a"
      nodes_count = 1

      flavor_name      = "a2-ram4-disk0"
      image_name       = "Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Focal Fossa"
      system_user      = "ubuntu"
      boot_volume_size = 8

      rke2_version     = "v1.25.3+rke2r1"
      rke2_volume_size = 16

terraform {
  required_providers {
    openstack = {
      source  = "terraform-provider-openstack/openstack"

terraform init
terraform apply
# or, on upgrade, to process node by node
terraform apply -target='module.rke2.module.servers["server-a"]'

Note: it requires rsync and yq to generate remote kube config file. You can disable this behaviour by setting ff_write_kubeconfig=false and fetch yourself /etc/rancher/rke2/rke2.yaml on server nodes.

Infomaniak OpenStack example

A stable, performent and fully-equiped Kubernetes cluster in Switzerland for as little as CHF 11.—/month (at the time of writing):

  • nginx-ingress with floating ip (perfect under Cloudflare proxy)
  • persistence through cinder-csi storage classes (retain, delete)
  • 1 server 1cpu/2go (= master)
  • 1 agent 1cpu/2go (= worker)

Quick benchmarks confirmed that the price/performance outperforms Scaleway offering (but would need to be deepened).

Flavour CHF/month
2×2.93 (instances) + 0.09×2×(4+6) (blockstorage) + 3.34 (IP) + HA (load-balancer) 21.—
single 2cpu/4go server with 1x4cpu/8go worker ~35.—
3x2cpu/4go HA servers with 1x4cpu/8go worker ~50.—
3x2cpu/4go HA servers with 3x8cpu/16go workers ~110.—
git clone git@github.com:zifeo/terraform-openstack-rke2.git && cd terraform-openstack-rke2/example
cat <<EOF > terraform.tfvars
tenant_name = "PCP-XXXXXXX"
user_name   = "PCU-XXXXXXX"
password    = "XXXXXXXXXXX"
terraform init
terraform apply # approx 2-3mins
kubectl --kubeconfig rke2.yaml get nodes
# NAME           STATUS   ROLES                       AGE     VERSION
# k8s-pool-a-1   Ready    <none>                      119s    v1.21.5+rke2r2
# k8s-server-1   Ready    control-plane,etcd,master   2m22s   v1.21.5+rke2r2
helm install wordpress --values wordpress.yaml --namespace default bitnami/wordpress
kubectl --kubeconfig rke2.yaml get pods -n default
# NAME                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
# wordpress-7474ddb77f-w6c86   1/1     Running   0          102s
# wordpress-mariadb-0          1/1     Running   0          102s
curl -s $(terraform output -raw floating_ip) -H 'host: wordpress.local' | grep Welcome
# <p>Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!</p>

See their technical documentation and pricing.

More on RKE2 & OpenStack

RKE2 cheatsheet

# debug on nodes
sudo systemctl status rke2-server

# restore s3 snapshot
sudo systemctl stop rke2-server && sudo rke2 server --cluster-reset --etcd-s3 --etcd-s3-bucket=BUCKET_NAME --etcd-s3-access-key=ACCESS_KEY --etcd-s3-secret-key=SECRET_KEY --cluster-reset-restore-path=SNAPSHOT_PATH && sudo reboot
# remove db on other server nodes
# sudo systemctl stop rke2-server && sudo rm -rf /var/lib/rancher/rke2/server/db && sudo reboot
# reboot all nodes

# check san
openssl s_client -connect </dev/null 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -inform pem -text

# defrag etcd
kubectl -n kube-system exec $(kubectl -n kube-system get pod -l component=etcd --no-headers -o custom-columns=NAME:.metadata.name | head -1) -- sh -c "ETCDCTL_ENDPOINTS='' ETCDCTL_CACERT='/var/lib/rancher/rke2/server/tls/etcd/server-ca.crt' ETCDCTL_CERT='/var/lib/rancher/rke2/server/tls/etcd/server-client.crt' ETCDCTL_KEY='/var/lib/rancher/rke2/server/tls/etcd/server-client.key' ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl defrag --cluster"

# increase volume size
# shutdown instance
# detach volumne
# expand volume
# recreate node
terraform apply -target='module.rke2.module.servers["server"]' -replace='module.rke2.module.servers["server"].openstack_compute_instance_v2.instance[0]'


Easily deploy a high-availability RKE2 Kubernetes cluster on OpenStack providers like Infomaniak.


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