UncleFirefox / quiz

Example real time quiz application with .NET Core, React, DDD, Event Sourcing, Docker and built-in infrastructure for CI/CD with k8s, jenkins and helm

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Quiz App

Simple EventSourcing example using .NET Core, React, Docker, Jenkins and K8s.



  • run with minikube

    • Setup minikube


    • Setup dnsmasq (optional)

      sudo INGRESS_DOMAIN=quiz.internal ./k8s/hack/setupdns.sh

      Notes: For automatic dns wilcards resolution use dnsmasq

    • Install jenkins and quiz app

      • Export the following environment variables:

        export INGRESS_DOMAIN='quiz.internal'
        export QUIZ_ENVIRONMENT='production'
        export TAG_BRANCH=master
        export REGISTRY=localhost:30400
        export TAG=latest
        export JENKINS_PASSWORD=changeit
        export GITHUB_REPO=netcorebcn/quiz
        export GITHUB_USER=mygithubuser
        export GITHUB_TOKEN='<TOKEN>'
      • Execute ./k8s/hack/install.sh

      • Add ingress hosts to local host file (only if dnsmasq is not setup)

        echo $(minikube ip) {jenkins,rabbit,registry}.quiz.internal quiz.internal | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts

      • Open http://jenkins.quiz.internal/job/quiz/ and Build!

      • Once its build Open http://quiz.internal and http://quiz.internal?results

      • Github integration for Pull Request workflow

        ./ngrok http jenkins.quiz.internal:80 -host-header=jenkins.quiz.internal

    Setup script example

    You can use full example setup with ngrok and dnsmasq integration: ./k8s/hack/setup.sh, it requires to store the enviroment variables in a secrets file.


Some slides on the process here: https://www.slideshare.net/PauLpez3/build-in-continuous-integration-delivery-and-deploy

We aren't starting from the scratch. We are using ideas and code from other awesome repos.


Example real time quiz application with .NET Core, React, DDD, Event Sourcing, Docker and built-in infrastructure for CI/CD with k8s, jenkins and helm


Language:C# 49.7%Language:JavaScript 21.7%Language:Smarty 16.7%Language:Shell 5.6%Language:CSS 5.0%Language:HTML 1.3%