Scripts that are used on /r/mechmarket and /r/hardwareswap created by the mods of /r/hardwareswap and modified for use by /u/chankster, /u/NotMelNoGuitars, and /u/thelectronicnub. There are two currently running instances of the bot, /u/hwsbot and /u/mechkbot
- - Watches the current confirmed trade post (specified in config.cfg) and updates user flair. Normally fired via cronjob. Accepts -m (curr,prev) to allow for processing of the previous month.
- - Watches the current heatware thread (specified in config.cfg) and updates user flair. Normally fired via cronjob.
- - Monitors all new posts to ensure it matches specified regexs. Attempts to set post flair based on title. Adds comment to each post with specific details for the OP.
- - Creates a new trade post, stickies it in the top position, updates the sidebar based on regex, and updates config file. Normally fired via cronjob.
- - Creates a new price post, stickies it in the bottom position, updates the sidebar based on regex, updates config file. Normally fired via cronjob.
- Upgrade to OAuth2, since password-based login will be deprecated soon
- Implement multiproccess