UltronTheAI / Pymon.2021.21.6

Pymon Update.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Hi there,

Pymon is like nodemon but it is for python, 

why i create pymon ==> we have to click run button or python command many time`s to run python code, so to solve this i create pymon, we have to run this command only one time and it will re-run automatically, to stop pymon press in cmd CTR + C.


Run Python Code With Pymon

First Install python in you`r pc, 

Type in cmd ' pip install typer ',

Type in cmd ' pip install subprocess ',

Type in cmd ' pip install colorama ',

Type in cmd ' python pymon.py run file ',

This ' file ' is, a path to a file.

like .py file`s.

Convert Pymon To Exe

Type in cmd ' pip install pyinstaller ',

Type in cmd ' pyinstaller pymon.py ',

And Go to dist/pymon,

And Add This Folder To Path.

Install Pymon SETUP

Download https://ultrontheai.github.io/Pymon.2021.21.6/Pymon-SetUP.exe OR pymon.exe,

Run Pymon-SetUp.exe,

And Add This Folder To Path ' C:\Program Files (x86)\pymon ' OR Installed pymon.exe folder to path.


Pymon Update.


Language:Python 57.8%Language:HTML 42.2%