UltimateCoder00 / bank

A Ruby app to manage your bank account

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Bank Account App Build Status


This project is built using ruby 2.4.0 that creates the same facilities a bank account does. Banks accounts are allowed to have deposits, withdrawals and print statements. See specification for more details.



The following list describes the requirements for this project:

  • Create a program for handling a bank account.
  • Deposits can be made into the bank account.
  • Withdrawals can be made from the bank account.
  • Account statement can be printed (date, withdrawals, deposits, balance)
  • Your code should be able to interact with the IRB console.
  • Data can be kept in memory (it doesn't need to be stored to a database or anything).

Acceptance criteria

Given a client makes a deposit of 1000 on 10-01-2012 and a deposit of 2000 on 13-01-2012 and a withdrawal of 500 on 14-01-2012 when they prints their bank statement then they would see

   Date    ||  Withdrawals  ||  Deposits  ||  Balance
14/01/2012 ||               ||   £500.00  || £2500.00
13/01/2012 ||    £2000.00   ||            || £3000.00
10/01/2012 ||    £1000.00   ||            || £1000.00

User stories

The following user stories were used to achieve the specification:

As a client,
so that I can use the services provided by the bank,
I want to be able to have a bank account.

As a client,
so that I am able to save money,
I want to be able to deposit into my bank account.

As a client,
so that I am able to use the money I have saved,
I want to be able to withdraw money from my bank account.

As a client,
so that I can monitor my balance history,
I want to be able view my bank account statement.



To install the program do the following:

- Clone this repo
- Run cd bank
- Run bundle install

Run tests

To run the tests do:

- Run rspec

Use program

To use the program:

- Run irb (or pry):

Program Example

[1] pry(main)> require './lib/bank_account'
=> true
[2] pry(main)> require './lib/statement'
=> true
[3] pry(main)> require './lib/transaction_history'
=> true
[4] pry(main)> bank_account = BankAccount.new
=> #<BankAccount:0x007f885985b978 @balance=0, @statement=#<TransactionHistory:0x007f885985b950 @statement=[]>>
[5] pry(main)> bank_account.deposit(1000)
=> 1000
[6] pry(main)> bank_account.deposit(2500)
=> 3500
[7] pry(main)> bank_account.balance
=> 3500
[8] pry(main)> bank_account.withdraw(500)
=> 3000
[9] pry(main)> bank_account.display_statement
   Date    ||  Withdrawals  ||  Deposits  ||  Balance
{:date=>"2017-05-15", :withdrawals=>0, :deposits=>1000, :balance=>1000}
{:date=>"2017-05-15", :withdrawals=>0, :deposits=>2500, :balance=>3500}
{:date=>"2017-05-15", :withdrawals=>500, :deposits=>0, :balance=>3000}
=> nil
[10] pry(main)> bank_account
=> #<BankAccount:0x007f885985b978
    [{:date=>"2017-05-15", :withdrawals=>0, :deposits=>1000, :balance=>1000},
     {:date=>"2017-05-15", :withdrawals=>0, :deposits=>2500, :balance=>3500},
     {:date=>"2017-05-15", :withdrawals=>500, :deposits=>0, :balance=>3000}]>>


A Ruby app to manage your bank account


Language:Ruby 100.0%