Ugbot / chat-app

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


In this workshop you will be deploying a modern chat platform, with efficient caching, event driven architecture that can trigger special workloads, all backed by Kafka.


Aiven Account

First of all you will need an Aiven account, you can create one for free with no credit card asked. You will have a free plan for MySQL, PostreSQL and Redis. You will also have 300$ of free credit. This will be enough for you to run this workshop, get your account here.

Aiven CLI (avn)

Once you got your account, make sure to install the Aiven CLI tool, you will need it, you can get it here.

Options for deploying the workloads

You will need at least to deploy one workload for this workshop. For the first workload we will give you 3 options :

  • Deploy on Kubernetes, this is the preferred way. You can get a free Kubenertes Cluster provided by Red Hat, called the OpenShift Sandbox, please get yours here. Make also sure to install the kubectl command line on your computer.
  • Deploy on Docker, you will need to have Docker or Podman on your computer.
  • Build and deploy from sources, you will need to have a JDK and Maven installed on your computer.

Before you start

Once you have all the pre-requirements the next important thing is to clone this repo. All the commands that will follow expect you to be at the root of your cloned repository.

Create Aiven services


Use the Aiven Console to create a PostgreSQL service using the free plan.


Use the Aiven Console to create a Redis service using the free plan.


Use the Aiven Console to create a Kafka service using the startup plan and choose the cheapest region.

Once your service is created, looks for advanced configuration and enable : kafka.auto_create_topics_enable.

Also enable Apache Kafka REST API (Karapace).


Use the Aiven Console to create a Flink service using the Business plan and choose the cheapest region.

Deploying the chat-app

The chat-app relies on 3 data infrastructure services : PostgreSQL, Redis and Kafka.

To connect to your Kafka service, you need to create a keystore and trustore, don't worry the avn cli tool can easily do that for you.

Be sure to be at the root of your repository, connected to your Aiven account with a token and type (replace with your values) :

avn service user-kafka-java-creds <your kafka service name>  --username avnadmin -d . --password safePassword123

Configuration for Kubernetes and Docker

Open manifests/ and set all the correct values, the properties starting with QUARKUS_DATASOURCE are for PostgreSQL.

Create Secrets for Kubernetes

Be sure that your kubectl is connected to your Cluster.

First let's create a secret that contains our truststore and keystore :

kubectl create secret generic certs-secrets --from-file=keystore=client.keystore.p12 --from-file=trustore=client.truststore.jks

And then a secret for our configuration :

kubectl create secret generic chat-app-secret --from-env-file=manifests/

Configuration if running from sources :

Copy all the entries from to src/main/ and prefix them with kafka.

Deploying and running the app

With Kubernetes

Simply do a : kubectl apply -f manifests/chat-app.yml

If you are using the OpenShift Sandbox you can also create the route : kubectl apply -f manifests/route.yml to access your app on port 80.

With Docker

Simply do a :

docker run -v ./:/etc/certs --env-file=manifests/ -p 8080:8080 sebi2706/chat-app

The Chat app will available on localhost:8080

From sources

simply do a : ./mvnw quarkus:dev

The Chat app will available on localhost:8080

Configure Debezium

Create publication in PostgreSQL

Connect with psql to your PostgreSQL service and type this command :

CREATE PUBLICATION message_publication FOR TABLE message;

Create a Kafka Connect Service

From your Kafka service go to connectors and create a standalone Kafka Connect service.

Create Connector

Ones your Kafka Connect service is running go to the connectors tab and push the button Create connector.

Look for the source connector Debezium - PostgreSQL

You can try to set all the values yourself and use this configuration sample (replace the values for your database) :

    "": "workshop",
    "name": "workshop",
    "database.hostname": "<your pg host>",
    "connector.class": "io.debezium.connector.postgresql.PostgresConnector",
    "database.port": <your pg port>,
    "database.user": "avnadmin",
    "database.password": "<your pg password>",
    "database.dbname": "defaultdb",
    "": "pgoutput",
    "": "message_publication"

Create the connector, now go back to your chat-app, refresh the page, write some messages and go to your Kafka Service, browse to the tab Topics and look for a topic called : workshop.public.message Messages , press "Fetch messages` , you should see some entries there ! Congratulations you have setup a CDC flow !

Configure Flink

Integrate Kafka with Flink

On the home page of your Flink service click on the red button "Get started" and then choose your Kafka service.

Create a Flink Application

Go to the Applications tab and create a new application. You can call it workshop.

Press Create first version and then Add source table

Choose your integrated service and then for the content :

CREATE TABLE messages (
) WITH (
    'connector' = 'kafka',
    'properties.bootstrap.servers' = '',
    'scan.startup.mode' = 'earliest-offset',
    'topic' = 'workshop.public.message',
    'value.format' = 'json',
    'value.json.ignore-parse-errors' = 'true'

and 'Add table`

Now let's add a sink table :

CREATE TABLE special_command (
    content STRING,
    username STRING
) WITH (
    'connector' = 'kafka',
    'properties.bootstrap.servers' = '',
    'scan.startup.mode' = 'earliest-offset',
    'topic' = 'special_command',
    'value.format' = 'json'

And finally create a statement :

INSERT INTO special_command
FROM messages
WHERE after['content']  LIKE '%/chatgpt%'

You can now create a deployment for your Flink Application.

Option 1 : Deploy workload for handling directly the special commands

For now, only available through Kubernetes, simply type : kubectl apply -f chatgpt-seb.yml

Go back to your chat app and type a message starting with "/chatgpt" , i.e "/chatgpt What is Apache Flink ?" wait for a few seconds and you should get the reply from the openAI service.

Option 2 : Leverage Knative Kafka Source to have a Serverless Event Driven approach

First, deploy the the Knative service :

kubectl apply -f manifests/chatgpt-knative-sink.yml

Then create 2 new secrets for the Kafka Source :

kubectl create secret generic cacert --from-file=ca.pem
kubectl create secret tls kafka-secret --cert=service.cert --key=service.key

And finally deploy the Knative Kafka Source :

kubectl apply -f manifests/kafka-source.yml

Create your own Flink Applications

Now that you know how it works, you can create your own Flink Application being consumed by the worload that you want.



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