UdaraAlwis / Blazor-Playground

Me myself and I playing around with Blazor tid bits...

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Me, myself and I playing around and continusouly learning with Blazor tid bits... for the love of learning and building kickass stuff with .NET platform! ;)

Get started with ASP.NET Core Blazor


Project /BlazorClientApp

BlazorClientApp Screenshot


  1. Splitting Counter.razor file with the Counter.razor.cs code behind implementation.
public class CounterBase : ComponentBase
	public int CurrentCount { get; set; } = 0;

	public void IncrementCount(){ ... }
  1. Extending from ComponentBase and inherited @inherits CounterBase into Counter.razor page
  2. Added Counter.razor as a Component into the Index.razor page
  3. Switched from HttpClient.GetFromJsonAsync() to HttpClient.GetAsync() with the use of System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer
  4. Blazor Client renders content in Client's Web Browser
  5. Blazor Client Apps = Blazor WebAssembly Apps
  6. Blazor Client Apps cannot directly debug in Visual Studio

Build your first Blazor app


Project /BlazorTodoApp

BlazorPersonApp Screenshot


  1. In-Memory todo list created in Todo.razor page
  2. Adding the Navigation path in NavMenu.razor
  3. Data binding with @bind="newTodo" across web UI elements
  4. Adding Bootstrap css decorations for the elements

Intro to Blazor (Preview 7) - Replace JavaScript with client-side C#


Project /BlazorPersonApp

BlazorPersonApp Screenshot


  1. ASP.NET Hosted Blazor Client App solution was created.
  2. Added a PersonController API endpoint in the BlazorPersonApp.Server project
  3. Implemented Get and Post endpoints in the PersonController and implemented calls to pull data for the Client App

Intro to Blazor Server Side - Includes SQL Data Access and Best Practices


Project /BlazorServerApp

BlazorServerApp Screenshot

BlazorServerApp Database Set up


  1. You can mix and mingle ASP.NET Core UI Components and Bootstrap Css Style
<InputText class="form-control" placeholder="First Name" 
id="firstName" @bind-Value="_newPerson.FirstName" />
  1. Using EditForm Component with DataAnnotationsValidator for validating data model
<EditForm class="form-group" Model="@_newPerson" OnValidSubmit="InsertPerson">
    <DataAnnotationsValidator />
    <ValidationSummary />
  1. Make sure to create a local Database and set up the following table
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[People] (
    [Id]           INT          IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL,
    [FirstName]    VARCHAR (50) NULL,
    [LastName]     VARCHAR (50) NULL,
    [DateOfBirth]  DATETIME     NULL,
    [EmailAddress] VARCHAR (50) NULL,
  1. Blazor Server renders content in Server, and uses SignalR WebSockets to transfer data back and forth
  2. Blazor Server Apps can directly debug in Visual Studio
  3. How to identify Blazor Server project? in the Startup.cs look for services.AddServerSideBlazor();

Blazor Server Components - Making Razor Components Easy to Use


Project /BlazorComponentsApp

BlazorComponentsApp Screenshot


  1. Created the simple TaskList Component and reused it multiple times in a single page
  2. You can use multiple Components in a single page
  3. You can also Nest components within each other
  4. Remove @page "/TaskList" so it can't be used as a page

Blazor - app building workshop


Project /BlazingPizzaApp

BlazingPizzaApp Screenshot


  1. The most comprehensive end to end blazor self learning experience ever!
  2. Its better to build Page UIs with separate Components put together.
  3. NavigationManager allows you to programmatically Navigate in your Blazor app.
  4. Save the state of a page in the DI container builder.Services.AddScoped<OrderState>();
  5. Saving the state will help you retain data during page navigation
  6. Using Annotations on the data model you can easily implement Server side data validation
  7. Using EditForm, you implement client side data validation
  8. A nicer way to display input data field validation is by using ValidationMessage.
  9. [Authorize] on the API Controller, to enforce Authorization for all incoming calls.
  10. To enable the authentication services, for your Blazor Client add a call to AddApiAuthorization in Program.cs
  11. RemoteAuthenticatorView component orchestrates the authentication flow.
  12. CascadingAuthenticationState wraps to let you inherit auth state to child elements.
  13. AuthorizeView will let you control displaying of elements based on auth state.
  14. Use the IAccessTokenProvider injected to the pages for aquire AccessTokens.
  15. AuthenticationStateTask lets you check programmatically if the user is logged in or not.
  16. AuthorizeRouteView controls the direct access to routes based on auth state
  17. Redirecting will make you lose state, but you can preserve it by implementing RemoteAuthenticationState.
  18. Inject IJSRuntime to invoke JavaScript functions with JSRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync() method.
  19. Build Templated Components to increase the reusability of Components.
  20. Easily set up PWA features (installable, offline, push notifications) for Blazor, with service-worker.js configuration.
  21. Use WebPush to set up Push Notifications in your Blazor application and Server backend.
  22. Displaying and handling the received Push Notification is set up in service-worker.js.
  23. To Publish to Azure, you need to create an App Service and Hosting Plan of Basic tier or higher.
  24. Finally you need to set up a signing key with Azure Key Vault for the IdentityServer.


Me myself and I playing around with Blazor tid bits...

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Language:HTML 37.9%Language:C# 32.4%Language:CSS 26.2%Language:JavaScript 3.5%