UMRnInside / MlogExtended

Mindustry logic with more instructions. Compiling to plain Mindustry logic IS supported. NOT A MOD.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


MlogExtended (or mlogex), Mindustry logic with more instructions. Compiling to vanilla Mindustry logic (vanilla mlog)IS supported. NOT A MOD.


  • Conditional jump to tags using xjump instructions.
  • Extended instruction set
  • 99% compatible with vanilla Mindustry logic.
  • Accurate 1:1 conversion from MlogExtended code to vanilla mlog code.
    • Except for __unsafe_call, it takes 2 instructions.
    • if-elif-else-endif and while-wend has more costs, too.
  • Compile to vanilla Mindustry logic for in-game use.
  • "Decompile" from vanilla mlog code.


  • Stable release: pip install mlog_extended or
  • main branch (nightly?): pip install git+
  • Web version


  • python3 -m mlog_extended <input_file> <output_file>

See python3 -m mlog_extended --help for more information


Looks like :Tag1, :snake_case, :我能吞下玻璃而不伤身体, etc.

  • A unicode string on a SEPARATED line, starting with colon :, can contain leading whitespaces before :
  • Points to next instruction
  • has a name. e.g. The name of :named_tag_1 is named_tag_1
  • Tag name should not contain whitespaces
  • Multiple tags can point to one instruction
set x 0
op add x x 1


  • Similar to vanilla jump instruction
  • But xjump jump to tags
set i 0
op add i i 1
xjump DoWhileLoop lessThan i 10
print i

xjump NotTooFar lessThanEq @thisx 10000
print ". Oops, I am too far away!"
printflush message1


  • Similar to xjump instruction
  • Use C-style operators like == != and ===, etc.
set i 0
op add i i 1
jump-if DoWhileLoop i <= 10
print i

jump-if NotTooFar @thisx <= 10000
print ". Oops, I am too far away!"
printflush message1


  • C-Sytle variable assignment, but very limited.
  • Replaces vanilla set, op, sensor, getlink and lookup instructions.
  • Expression parsing is NOT supported.
xlet a = b
xlet a0 = b + c
xlet a0 = b * c
# '/' for floating-point numbers, and '//' for integers
xlet a0 = b / c
xlet a0 = b // c

# '^' Stands for bitwise XOR
xlet a1 = 2 ** 8
xlet a2 min c d
xlet a3 =max c d

xlet a4 =~ x
xlet a5 =floor x
xlet unitX =sensor @unit @x
xlet turret =getlink 2
xlet something =lookup item 1

# With simple += support
xlet a += 5
xlet a //= 2


  • A replacement of vanilla ucontrol command.
  • Python-kwargs-style argument.
  • Support aliases
unit-control idle
unit-control stop
unit-control move x=128 y=192
unit-control approach x=128 y=192 radius=9

unit-control boost enable=1
unit-control boost boost=1

unit-control pathfind
unit-control target x=targetX y=targetY shoot=shooting

unit-control targetp unit=enemy shoot=shooting
unit-control targetp target=enemy shoot=shooting

unit-control itemDrop to=core amount=1
unit-control itemTake from=core amount=1 item=@copper
unit-control payDrop
unit-control payTake takeUnits=false
unit-control mine x=128 y=192

unit-control flag value=10000
unit-control flag flag=10000
unit-control getBlock x=1 y=2 type=0 building=resultBuilding
# results starts with `out` prefix
unit-control getBlock x=1 y=2 resultType=resultType resultBuilding=resultBuilding
unit-control getBlock x=1 y=2 outType=resultType outBuilding=resultBuilding

unit-control within x=1 y=2 radius=3 result=isWithinRadius

unit-radar and xradar

  • A replacement of vanilla uradar/radar command.
  • Python-kwargs-style argument.
  • Support aliases
  • They are similar, as uradar and radar instruction are similar
unit-radar filter1=enemy filter2=attacker filter3=flying order=1 sort=distance output=attacker
unit-radar target=enemy orderBy=maxHealth asc=1 output=enemy
xradar from=turret1 filter1=enemy filter2=flying orderBy=distance asc=0 output=target


  • A replacement of vanilla ulocate command
unit-locate type=ore oreType=@coal resultX=x resultY=y resultIsFound=found
unit-locate type=building group=core isEnemy=false outX=x outY=y found=found building=core
# Aliases
unit-locate find=building group=core enemy=false outX=x outY=y found=found building=core
unit-locate type=damaged outX=x outY=y outFound=found outBuilding=building
unit-locate type=spawn resultX=x resultY=y resultIsFound=found building=building
unit-locate type=damaged outX=x outY=y resultIsFound=found resultBuilding=building


  • A replacement of vanilla control command
# Disable a generator
xcontrol generator1 action=toggle status=0
xcontrol generator1 action=enabled status=0
# Control a cyclone (turret), using argument aliases(unit vs target)
xcontrol cyclone1 action=shoot x=enemyX y=enemyY shoot=1
xcontrol cyclone1 action=shoot x=enemyX y=enemyY shoot=0
xcontrol cyclone1 action=shootp unit=enemy shoot=1
xcontrol cyclone1 action=shootp target=enemy shoot=1
# Config a sorter to sort different items
xcontrol sorter1 action=configure config=@copper
xcontrol sorter1 action=config config=@lead
# Set illuminator's color
xcontrol illuminator1 action=color r=255 g=153 b=0


  • A replacement of vanilla draw command
# Clear display, using material gray color #373737
xdraw clear r=55 g=55 b=55
xdraw clear rgb=0x373737
# Set stroke width
xdraw stroke width=1
# Set color to #FF9100
xdraw color rgb=0xFF9100
# Draw a line
xdraw line x=3 y=1 x2=3 y2=80
xdraw line x1=3 y1=1 x2=3 y2=80
# Draw a rectangle
xdraw rect x1=5 y1=5 height=5 width=10
# Draw a line rectangle
xdraw lineRect x1=15 y1=5 height=5 width=10
# Draw a pentagon
xdraw poly x=20 y=40 sides=5 radius=10 rotation=0
# Draw a triangle
xdraw triangle x1=30 y1=30 x2=20 y2=30 x3=20 y3=20
# Draw a cyclone
xdraw color rgb=FFFFFF
xdraw image x=60 y=60 image=@cyclone size=40 rotation=0
# Flush
drawflush display1

__unsafe_call and __unsafe_return

  • Thin wrapper of "function calls"
xlet i = 10
xlet delays = 60 - 5
xlet delays = delays - 1
jump-if delay1s delays > 0

# Pass arguments
xlet print_content = i
xlet message_board = message1
# Function call
__unsafe_call AutoPrint
xlet i = i - 1
jump-if loop i >= 0

print print_content
printflush message_board
# Return statement, does NOT return a value
__unsafe_return AutoPrint


  • Supported by procedural compiler
  • Similar restrictions to xlet
  • NOTE: you cannot use else if directly, use elif instead
  • Cost:
    • 2 for if, or 1 if condition is invertable
    • 3 for elif, or 2 if condition is invertable
    • 1 for else
    • condition ==, !=, <, <=, >=, > are invertable
if i == 0
   xlet sign = 0
elif i < 0
   xlet sign = -1
   xlet sign = 1

while-wend or while-endwhile

  • Supported by procedural compiler
  • Similar restrictions to xlet
  • Support break and continue
  • Cost: 3 vanilla mlog instructions, 1 at the beginning and 2 at the end
    • or 2 if condition can fit in one jump-if instruction
xlet i = 0
while i < 10
   print i
   print ", "
   xlet i += 1
   if i == 6
   elif i == 8
printflush message1


  • Supported by procedural compiler
  • Similar to mlogex while-wend, but with less cost
xlet i = 0
    print i
    print ", "
    xlet i += 1
dowhile i < 10
printflush message1


Mindustry logic with more instructions. Compiling to plain Mindustry logic IS supported. NOT A MOD.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 99.9%Language:Shell 0.1%