golang wrapper for ergast formula-1 api
package main
import (
func main() {
fapi, err := api.NewFormulaAPI()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("failed to create new client: %s", err.Error())
driverResponse, err := fapi.GetDriversByYear(context.Background(), "2004")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("failed to get drivers: %s", err.Error())
for _, driver := range *driverResponse.MRData.DriverTable.Drivers {
fmt.Println(*driver.FamilyName, *driver.GivenName)
Ergast is a free API for developers to access historic formula 1 data. This wrapper attempts to make an easy interface for golang developers to utilize formula 1 shenanigans.
Just import the project into your golang project and run a go mod tidy
import "github.com/tylerkranig/ergast-api/pkg/api"
There are a few make commands to help development
make generate
---> will regenerate the oapi-codegen definitions
make clean
---> delete all *.gen.go files, remove the oapi-codegen files
make lint
---> lint go code with golangci-lint as well as the yaml file for ergast with spectral
make format
---> formats go source code
To call the api you first need to create a new Client struct
fapi, err := api.NewFormulaAPI()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("failed to create new client: %s", err.Error())
Passing in a different url is optional, default is https://ergast.com/api/f1
fapi, _ := api.NewFormulaAPI("{some other url}")
Then using the Client struct you can call any of the endpoints you need
This package depends on the free api provided at Ergast. For full information about the API and it's responsible use, please refer to their website. deepmap/oapi-codegen was used to create a client wrapper from the yaml definition.