TwoPizza9621536 / ncommander-quotes

Quotes from NCommander

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Quotes from NCommander

Guide: code are from videos and streams. Links are discord messages at the start of the chain. [] are discord username if they are different from their server nickname. () are replies in discord to the last message that mentions the user in the quotes.

"And yes HP-UX I’m looking directly at you"

“Horrific, painful, and DNS”

“How could that possibly go wrong for me”

"How many people does it take to make NCommander win solitaire"

"Native Java is not the NCommander way"

"Backups are not the NCommander way"

"Why backup when you can reinstall"

"I used to build cross-compilers professionally"

"aka ./configure --build=x86_64-linux --target=alpha-openvms --host=mips-irix"

"One one hand I have an awesome community. On the other hand they want me to run OpenVMS"

"You could probabbly cross compile it"

"We are doing fips for um.. maximum pain"

"We are still at the um.. we are still at the trying to figure out how to install linux"

"Funk funk funko's the files.. the floppy disk"

"I got a bunch of f's and one g"

"I'm apperently causing ptsd in my chat"

"Things run on ponies and magic and magic and ponies"

"Wow. Words hard difficult"

"Welcome to IBM Operating System divided by 2"

"My revenge against those who quoth me is giving them choice"

"I should probably give @scj643 some free quotes as an apology"

"Don't worry, web design is my passion(tm), and I use Frontpage 98 for a less bloated Internet"

"I build a machine that compile a machine"

"It's been zero days since I last trying patching an operating system older than me to work on a machine older than me."

"We are going to do something far stupider, because I have a bad idea"

"This is not the channel for Good Life Decision(tm)"

"Pain is my eternal friend"

"Reinstalling Minecraft was a mistake"

"laughs in Intel Professional Workstation"

"Let's not make the Portable actually portable 😛"

"I'm pretty sure the quotes file is going to be used as key evidence when I'm held on crimes against computing."

"Most discord servers don't talk about building a Token Ring network so I can prove that you can run Windows 95 without a hard drive"

"I feel like I'm reaching old dude territ-

"It's strongly typed, and its very hard to break its typesystem. That record is going to have an actual string in it, and fuck your casts."

"Honestly, COBOL's type system approaches Ada's levels while having the verbosity of Shakespheres, and the debuggability of brainfuck"

"Sometime between now, and Boston falling into the ocean 😉"

"... what the hell would an NCard even do?"

"Today has been an entire exercise in how not to backup files ..."

"scj643: Oh yeah Robot Hell is in New Jersey"
"NCommander: ... fuck, he knows why I live in New Jersey ..."

"I just ordered an EISA Token Ring card ..."

"Nyalexys [Alexys]:i'm half tempted to make a thing to build java with msbuild just to fuck with people"
"Ncommander: @Nyalexys but why"
"Nyalexys [Alexys]: . (just to fuck with people)"
"Ncommander: jfc, you actually stopped my train of thought"

"Ncommander: @Nyalexys I'm a monument FOR WHAT YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO DO"

"I miss Windows CE"

"The best way to explain the neigherhood was a bunch of people who bought their personalities from a Sears catalog"

"Bytewave: NCommander Minecraft server?
MCCommander, if you wil?"
"NCommander (Bytewave): ... it was at this moment, NCommander knew he fucked up ..."

"hibi: MorningCommander"
"LycanAnanas (hibi): N in NCommander stands for Night 😄"
"pJowok [pJok]: MNCommander? Midnight Commander? 😄"
"LycanAnanas: MC 😄
Oh i get it.. It is Norton Commander, NCommander"
"LycanAnanas: I just realised it now
But there are more NCommander possible
DCommander = Double Commander
MCommander = Midnight Commander
TCommander = Total Commander
WCommander = Windows Commander"
"NCommander (LycanAnanas): ... thanks, I hate it ..."

"DIsNCord: Either we broaden your horizons, or drive you mad in the attempt"

"Right, so I'm NyaaCommander now

"There's a difference between a healthy relationship and using AWS"

"Acher: okay so how exactly does smarthosting work"
"miko (Acher): it's hosting, but smart"
"NCommander (miko): It's the opposite of the typical techbro"

"NCommander: You know, I've heard of birds being dicks ... (slightly NSFW)
{shows an actual picture of a cock}
^- @sadmac356"
"sadmac356: What…I don't know how to respond to that"
"NCommander (sadmac356): I just wanted to break your brain a bit"
"sadmac356: Well you've done that a good bit lately"
"NCommander (sadmac356): I feast on broken minds
"sadmac356: I…and you just did it again"
"NCommander: ... but ... I wasn't trying to ..."
"sadmac356: Well it's what you do, I'm not mad"
"NCommander (sadmac356): but .... I might accidently break someones mind when I'm not intending. I'm not Cthulhu ..."
"sadmac356: No, but you are an agent of chaos"
"NCommander (sadmac356): So I'm Discord? finger snaps"


"miko: wait a minute, this isn't solaris
{Shows an picture of FreeBSD with Motif}"
"NCommander (miko): I think you bought the "I can't believe it's not UNIX" all UNIX alternative"

"NCommander: man, I just looked at the pins, and 90% of it he me suffering, and 10% shitposting"
"sadmac356 (NCommander): What'd you expect?
"NCommander (sadmac356): Less obvious proof that I'm apparently into retro-BDSM"

"That had no freaking right to work"

"NCommander: @vellvda obviously, when you make the UEFI bootloader, you'll have to assign it a UwUID"

"NCommander: ... god my entire channel is one man's exploration into BDSM"

"We aren't talking about very long instruction words on a pregnancy test."

"Future new users in the future"

"Sun Studio [Europa]: I hate to admit it, cuz Oracle, but that makes a lot of sense and I really like that xD"
"NCommander (Sun Studio): Retrocomputing is the technological BDSM of the mind."

"NCommander: Death by platonic snoo snoo"

"Now we had a conversation about fire extinguishers you should buy for your vintage computers."

"It can be f00fed."

"Restless Yankee [NCommander]: oh man, having fresh clipped nails is like having incredibly fresh guacamole at that one mexican place that looks dingy, but is super authentic"

"Restless Yankee [NCommander]: Family friendly BDSM"


Quotes from NCommander