Tuxified / elixirconfeu-2022-talk

Repository from Github https://github.comTuxified/elixirconfeu-2022-talkRepository from Github https://github.comTuxified/elixirconfeu-2022-talk

ElixirConfEU 2022 talk: Automating the Automator - Tonći Galić

In this repo you'll find the presentation for talk titled above, along with things mentioned in (and related to) that talk.

You should be able to view the slides at: https://tuxified.github.io/elixirconfeu-2022-talk/ and a video of the talk at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=doPbkvkajtI


Current efforts for Elixir refactoring tools


License:Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal


Language:CSS 46.1%Language:JavaScript 33.2%Language:HTML 20.6%