Tusamarco / testsuite

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

What is it

This test suite is a collection of classes that can be call to perform some of the most basic and often used functionalities tests.

Currently implemented :

  • Connectivity test (MySQLConnectionTest class)
  • stale read test (StaleReadTest class)
  • Queue Processor (QueueProcessor.class)
  • Data Load (GenerateData.class)

HOW to USE it

To run the tests you need to have a Java VM in place (1.8 or newer). Then just invoke the class name with --help to see the possible options:

IE: java -Xms2G -Xmx3G -classpath "./*:./lib/*" net.tc.testsuite.MySQLConnectionTest --help

java -Xms2G -Xmx3G -classpath "./*:./lib/*" net.tc.testsuite.MySQLConnectionTest 'loops=10,parameters=&characterEncoding=UTF-8, url=jdbc:mysql://, verbose=true, summary=true'

or use the run.sh script and add class name and parameters like

./run.sh MySQLConnectionTest "loops=200,parameters=&characterEncoding=UTF-8, url=jdbc:mysql://,sleep=1000,summary=true"

OR with more parameters

sh ./run.sh MySQLConnectionTest "loops=200,0parameters=&characterEncoding=UTF-8, url=jdbc:mysql://,sleep=100,summary=true,user=app_test,password=test,schema=windmills,verbose=true "


Parameters are divided by, connection parameters and application parameters.

Some parameters are common to all tests like:

DB Parameters to use
Parameters are COMMA separated and the whole set must be pass as string
IE java -Xms2G -Xmx3G -classpath "./*:./lib/*" net.tc.testsuite.MySQLConnectionTest "loops=10,parameters=&characterEncoding=UTF-8, url=jdbc:mysql://" 
url [url=jdbc:mysql://]
user [user=test_user]
password [password=test_pw]
parameters [parameters=&useSSL=false&autoReconnect=true]
schema [schema=test]

Application Parameters 
loops [loops=50
sleep [sleep=0]
verbose [verbose=false]
summary [summary=false]
reportCSV [reportCSV=false]
 Optional selectForceAutocommitOff [selectForceAutocommitOff=true]

Some other can be specific to that test

 Optional For the test printConnectionTime [printConnectionTime=true]

Some running example

MySQLConnectionTest : ./run.sh MySQLConnectionTest "loops=100, url=jdbc:mysql://, verbose=true,summary=true,parameters=&characterEncoding=UTF-8,printConnectionTime=true,reportCSV=false,sleep=1000 help"

StaleReadTest : ./run.sh StaleReadTest "loops=10000, url=jdbc:mysql://, urlRead=jdbc:mysql://, verbose=true,summary=true,parameters=&characterEncoding=UTF-8,printConnectionTime=true,reportCSV=false,sleep=1000"

QueueProcessor : ./run.sh QueueProcessor "threads=1,skiplocked=true,items=1500, url=jdbc:mysql://, verbose=true,summary=true,parameters=&characterEncoding=UTF-8,printConnectionTime=true,reportCSV=false,sleep=1000, user=app_test,password=<secret>,schema=queue,reportCSV=false,usechunks=true,itemwriters=5"

GenerateData : ./run.sh GenerateData "url=jdbc:mysql://, user=dba,password=<secret>,verbose=true,summary=true,parameters=&characterEncoding=UTF-8,reportCSV=true,sleep=1000,printStatusDone=true,schema=bobo,savechunksize=100,numberofaddresses=1000,numberofusers=2000"

##GenerateData class

This is a special class that can generate random user data. It must be associated to the data coming in test_generate_dataset.sql and once in place requires the data in data_test.sql See here


All tests have a VERBOSE and SUMMARY mode. You can enable/disable them as you like. All tests have a CSV option, when used you will get output in easy to import format for analysis


  • Please report any bug
  • Please suggest any test you would like to add



Language:Java 99.8%Language:Shell 0.2%