TundraWork / DG-citrus

Repository from Github https://github.comTundraWork/DG-citrusRepository from Github https://github.comTundraWork/DG-citrus


A server to act as a bridge between the DG-LAB App and third party controller clients.

Compared to the official implementation, this implementation has the following advantages:

  • Adds an HTTP API protocol to provide a more flexible way to interact with the device, especially for restricted coding environments
  • Provides unlimited device bindings, allowing one-to-many and many-to-one control relationships
  • Supports mixed controller client types for a single device, allowing complex control scenarios
    • eg. A device can be controlled by VRChat world buttons (using HTTP) and avatar interactions (using WebSocket through OSC) simultaneously
  • Fully parses the protocol data into the level of a single pulse parameter, friendly for further development based on it
  • High performance, low latency, and low resource consumption compared to other implementations

Quick Start

git clone git@github.com:TundraWork/DG-citrus.git
cd DG-citrus
go mod tidy
cp config.example.yaml config.yaml




  • HostName: The public accessible hostname of the server
  • Port: The port your server will listen on, for both HTTP and WebSocket connections
  • UseSecureWebsocket: Whether to use secure WebSocket connections (wss://), otherwise use insecure connections (ws://)
  • AllowInsecureClientId: Whether to allow clients to connect without a valid client ID, if this is set to true, the server will use only the IP address of a client to identify it. Useful for restricted coding environments.

Websocket API

The websocket API is compatible with the official implementation.

  • DG-LAB App connections: wss://<hostname>:<port>/app/<client ID>
  • Third party controller client connections: wss://<hostname>:<port>/v1/ws


  • Register a client: GET /v1/register
  • Get DG-LAB App binding qrcode: GET /v1/bind?clientId=<client ID>
  • Send a command to all bound devices: GET /v1/command?clientId=<client ID>&message=<message field in official protocol>
  • Heartbeat: GET /v1/heartbeat?clientId=<client ID>


DG-citrus is licensed under the MIT License.


License:MIT License


Language:Go 99.2%Language:Shell 0.8%