Tuesday-Last / lab-00-install-node

lab 00: Install node from source, and learn to submit an assignment the 401 way!

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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  • Install node from source
  • Sumbit this an assignment the 401 way

Install node from Source

Out with the old

First type which node && which npm if you get anything other than a blank line you already have node installed and need to remove it. If you used the node installer from their website use these commands:

sudo rm -rf $(which node)
sudo rm -rf $(which npm)
sudo rm -rf ~/.node
sudo rm -rf ~/.npm

Now if you type which node && which npm you should have a blank line.

In with the new

These instructions will help you install the latest version of node in a way the prevents you from needing root to install global packages. You will need curl, python v2.x a C compiler(gcc or clang) and make installed. These can be obtained through whatever package manager your operating system uses (homebrew on Mac, apt-get on Ubuntu, etc).

curl -O https://nodejs.org/dist/v4.4.3/node-v4.4.3.tar.gz
tar -vxzf node-v4.4.3.tar.gz
cd node-v4.4.3
./configure --prefix=$HOME/.node
make && make install

These commands will download the latest stable version of node (currently 4.4.3) configure it to install into a .node folder in your home directory and will then compile it from source. Next you need to tell your shell to look for the node command in $HOME/.node/bin

On Linux:

echo "export PATH=$HOME/.node/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export NODE_PATH=$HOME/.node/lib/node_modules" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

On Mac:

echo "export PATH=$HOME/.node/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.bash_profile
echo "export NODE_PATH=$HOME/.node/lib/node_modules" >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile

If you now enter the command node --version you should see v4.4.3

How code assignments will be sumbitted

All coding assignments in the 401n1 night class will be sumbitted through a pull request to the appropriate assignment repository.

Each Code Assignment (Lab/Homework/ect) will have a unique repository with a README.md with the instructions for the assignment. Any special materiales needed for the assignment will be included in the assignment repository.

For each assignment you will fork the assignment repository clone your fork onto your computer. Make a directory named with your name, do all of the work for the assignment in that directory. As you work in your fork you will work in a branch that follows the nameing convention yourname-feature and you will use good git pratices. When you are ready to sumbit your assigmnet you will make a pull request from the master-branch of your GitHub fork to the master-branch of the original Assignment. Then you will copy the url of your pull request and paste it into the assignmnet on canvas.

Sumbit a pull request with a hello world program

The final instruction for this assignment is to write a hello world program, and sumbit it by following the previous instructions.

  • Fork this repository
  • Clone your fork
  • Make a directory named yourname
  • Crate a branch named yourname-helloworld
  • In the directory with your name make a javascript file called helloworld.js
  • In helloworld.js write
console.log('hello, <your name>');
  • run the program by typing node helloworld.js in your shell
  • if the program runs with out errors, push it up to github, then create a pull requset to this assignment from your fork.
  • if you get an error, fix you code before you sumbit


lab 00: Install node from source, and learn to submit an assignment the 401 way!