TuSimple / TuSimple-DUC

Understanding Convolution for Semantic Segmentation

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ImageNet Pretrained ResNet-101 Model

ArsenLuca opened this issue · comments

I tried to convert the deeplab model in #1, but failed due to error
Message type "caffe.ImageDataParameter" has no field named "label_type"
So would you please share the ImageNet pretrained ResNet-101 Model please?

We just uploaded the deeplab model (parameters) on Google Drive. You can create the symbol by referring to the deeplab caffe prototxt or by modifying our symbol.

@wpqmanu According to Google Drive Readme, the shared init .params is the Cityscapes pretrained DeepLab v2. Would you kindly share the DeepLab v2 model converted from the ImageNet pretrained ResNet-101 model? Thanks a lot.