Tsagadai / spark-zeppelin-docker

docker image with spark and zeppelin

Home Page:https://hub.docker.com/r/mirkoprescha/spark-zeppelin/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This docker image provides a local spark installation with zeppelin and a running spark-history-server.


  • Spark version="2.4.3"
  • Zeppelin version="0.8.2"
  • Hadoop version="2.7"

Start the container

  docker run -it -p 18080:18080 -p 8088:8080 -d tsagadai/spark-zeppelin-docker

Open Zeppelin and Spark History Server

In your local browser

Probably, you have to wait roughly 10 second until zeppelin daemon has been started, right after starting the container.


Copy your spark jar to docker container

Start another shell session and copy the jar-file into the docker container. Following command copies it into your latest started container.

docker cp <your-jar-file.jar> $(docker ps  -l -q):/work/

Run spark job

Go back to container session. You should be connected as root in the docker container:

cd /work
spark-submit   --class <your-class-name-with-package> \
      <your-jar-file.jar> \

Changes in dockerfile

After changes in Dockerfile goto project home dir and run

docker build  -t tsagadai/spark-zeppelin-docker .

This repo is connected to an automated build in docker hub, so the following no push to docker hub is not required.

docker push  tsagadai/spark-zeppelin-docker


if container session is lost

docker start CONTAINER_ID
docker attach CONTAINER_ID

run as background session

add - d


docker image with spark and zeppelin



Language:Dockerfile 100.0%