TrupeshKumarPatel / NGIAB-HPCInfra

This repo describes how to run ngen using Singularity.

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NextGen In A Box (NGIAB)

"NextGen In A Box" (NGIAB) is a containerized version of the NextGen National Water Resources Modeling Framework.

The NextGen Water Resources Modeling Framework (NextGen) is a data-centric framework developed by the NOAA OWP team to enhance the forecasting of flooding and drought, improve water resource management, and protect lives, property, and the environment.

The Cooperative Institute for Research to Operations in Hydrology (CIROH) along with Lynker has developed “NextGen In A Box” - ready-to-run, containerized and cloud-friendly version of NextGen framework, packaged with scripts to help prepare data and get you modeling more quickly. Leveraging open-source technical tools like Git, GitHub, CI/CD, Docker, NextGen In A Box fosters open research practices, enabling transparent and reproducible research outcomes within the NextGen framework.

We are doing a case study : NWM run for Sipsey Fork, Black Warrior river

  • We don’t want to run all of CONUS
  • We want to run NextGen locally
  • We want to have control over inputs / config.
  • How can we do it? Answer: NextGen In A Box

Table of Contents

Repository Information

  • This branch specifically for the users of Singularity container image to run simulation on NextGen Framework
  • The file structure and brife information of each file:
    1. : The guide script to run the simulations on the singularity image
    2. : Documentation of how to run the model and contribute in development on NGIAB


Install SigularityCE and validate SigularityCE is up

  • On Windows:

    • To install SingularityCE on Windows, first you will need to install WSL
    • Install SingularityCE Desktop on Windows
    • Once SingularityCE is installed, the singularity command will now be available in your WSL2 environment.
    • Type singularity exec library://ubuntu echo "Hello World!" to make sure singularity is working.
  • On Mac:

    • To install SingularityCE on Mac, the Sylabs recommend to use Lima, a Linux virtual machine with automatic file sharing and port forwarding (similar to WSL2).
    • Install SingularityCE on Mac
    • Once Lima is installed, start Lima virtual machine by downloading AlmaLinux 9 based template.
      limactl start ./singularity-ce.yml
    • Type limactl shell singularity-ce to start Lima VM with SingularityCE. Here you should be able to access Shell within Lima VM.
    • Type singularity --version to make sure singularity is working.
  • On Linux:

    [!NOTE] Please make sure you install all the prerequisites of installing SingularityCE on Linux.

Install WSL on Windows

  1. Follow Microsofts latest instructions to install WSL
  2. Once this is complete, follow the instructions for linux inside your wsl terminal.

Download the input data in "ngen-data" folder from S3 bucket

Linux & Mac & WSL

    mkdir -p NextGen/ngen-data
    cd NextGen/ngen-data
    wget --no-parent
    tar -xf AWI_09_004.tar.gz
    # to rename your folder
    mv AWI_09_004 my_data

Run NextGen In A Box

To run NextGen framework, hydrologist only have to execute the guide script to run simulations on self-contained NextGen framework container image.

  • The guide script feature:
    • Determine architecher of the underling system (ARM or x86)
    • Automaticlly download latest Singularity NextGen image from Docker Hub
    • Allow to attach input data by providing relative path of it
    • The options of running image:
      1. Run simulation in Serial mode
      2. Run simulation in Parallel mode
      3. Run image in Interactive shell mode

Clone Ngen-Singularity repository

Navigate to NextGen directory and clone the repository using below commands:

    git clone
    cd Ngen-Singularity
    git checkout main

Once you are in Ngen-Singularity directory and on main branch, you should see in it. Now, we are ready to run the model using that script.

How to run the model script?

WSL, Linux and Mac Steps:

Follow below steps to run script

  • The script prompts the user to enter the file path for the input data directory where the forcing and config files are stored.

Run the following command and copy the path value:

    # navigate to the data folder you created earlier
    cd NextGen/ngen-data/AWI_03W_113060_002 # or NextGen/ngen-data/my_data if you renamed it
    # and copy the path

where is the location of the folder with your data in it.

  • The script sets the entered directory as the HOST_DATA_PATH variable and uses it to find all the catchment, nexus, and realization files using the find command.
  • Next, the user is asked whether to run NextGen or exit. If run_NextGen is selected, the script pulls the related image from the awiciroh DockerHub, based on the local machine's architecture:
For Mac with apple silicon (arm architecture), it pulls XXXXX
For x86 machines, it pulls library://trupeshkumarpatel/awiciroh/ciroh-ngen-singularity:latest.
  • The user is then prompted to select whether they want to run the model in parallel or serial mode.
  • If the user selects parallel mode, the script uses the mpirun command to run the model and generates a partition file for the NGEN model.
  • If the user selects the catchment, nexus, and realization files they want to use.

Example NGEN run command for parallel mode:

/dmod/bin/partitionGenerator "/ngen/ngen/data/config/catchments.geojson" "/ngen/ngen/data/config/nexus.geojson" "partitions_2.json" "2" '' ''
mpirun -n 2 /dmod/bin/ngen-parallel \
/ngen/ngen/data/config/catchments.geojson "" \
/ngen/ngen/data/config/nexus.geojson "" \
/ngen/ngen/data/config/awi_simplified_realization.json \
  • If the user selects serial mode, the script runs the model directly.

Example NGEN run command for serial mode:

/dmod/bin/ngen-serial \
/ngen/ngen/data/config/catchments.geojson "" \
/ngen/ngen/data/config/nexus.geojson "" \
  • After the model has finished running, the script prompts the user whether they want to continue.
  • If the user selects 1, the script opens an interactive shell.
  • If the user selects 2, then the script exits.

Output of the model guide script

The output files are copied to the outputs folder in the 'NextGen/ngen-data/AWI_03W_113060_002/' directory you created in the first step


This repo describes how to run ngen using Singularity.


Language:Shell 100.0%