TrupeshKumarPatel / ADCIRC

This repository helps to install ADCIRC software on UAHPC cluster at user defined location.

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ADCIRC Installation for HPC Cluster

This repository helps to install ADCIRC software on Pantarhei and UAHPC cluster at a user-defined location.

Getting Started

There are three following phases in order to run ADCIRC on the HPC cluster.

  • In the first phase, we install the ADCIRC on a user-defined location in their UAHPC account using the file.
  • In the second phase, we activate the installed environment using file.
  • In the third phase, we submit a job script or run an interactive job.


  • Step 1: Clone this repository at your desired location on the HPC cluster

    git clone

    All the packages of ADCIRC will be installed in the cloned directory. So, you'll need to run the clone command at your desired file location.

  • Step 2: Change your current directory

  • Step 3: Run the installation file


    The installation process is very long, due to the package's dependency on previously compiled packages. Therefore, take a cup of coffee and watch for any error message, if there is any.

Setup Environment

  • Step 1: Since the ADCIRC is installed on your desired directory, we will need to activate the installed environment every time you log in to HPC or submit any job script to the cluster

    To run the file, you must be in the ADCIRC_UAHPC directory.

Submit Job Script

  • Step 1: Create a bash script to submit in Slurm Workload Manager at HPC

    #SBATCH --job-name=ADCIRC_JOB
    #SBATCH --ntasks=<number>
    #SBATCH --output=ADCIRC-run-%J.log
    #SBATCH --qos main
    #SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
    #SBATCH --mail-user=<CRIMSON_ID>
    #~~~~~~ Printing Job Specifications ~~~~~~#
    echo "==============================================================="
    echo "                        JOB INFORMATION                        "
    echo "==============================================================="
    echo "Cluster Name                       : " $SLURM_CLUSTER_NAME
    echo "# of Nodes requested               : " $SLURM_NNODES
    echo "# of tasks per each node           : " $SLURM_TASKS_PER_NODE
    echo "# of CPUs  per task                : " $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK
    echo "# of CPUs on the allocated node    : " $SLURM_CPUS_ON_NODE
    echo "# of Processes in the current job  : " $SLURM_NTASKS
    echo "List of nodes allocated to the job : " $SLURM_NODELIST
    echo ""
    echo ""
    #~~~~~~ Source and Module for UAHPC Cluster ~~~~~~#
    export CC=/share/apps/intel/2018/bin/icc
    export CXX=/share/apps/intel/2018/bin/icpc
    module load compilers/intel/2018
    module load compilers/intel/util
    module load cmake/3.20.1
    module load mpi/mpich/3.3.2-intel
    module load zlib/1.2.11
    module load hdf5/intel/1.10.6-mpich
    module load netcdf/intel/4.7.3-mpich
    echo "==============================================================="
    echo "                        MODULE LIST                            "
    echo "==============================================================="
    module list


This repository helps to install ADCIRC software on UAHPC cluster at user defined location.


Language:Shell 100.0%