TruebitProtocol / truebit-eth

Comprehensive repo for creating, issuing, solving, and verifying Truebit tasks on Ethereum

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What is Truebit?

Truebit is a blockchain enhancement which enables smart contracts to securely perform complex computations in standard programming languages at reduced gas costs. As described in the whitepaper and this graphical, developer-oriented overview, Task Givers can issue computational tasks while Solvers and Verifiers receive remuneration for correctly solving them. You may wish to familiarize yourself with the practical, high-level user guide before proceeding.

This comprehensive Ethereum implementation includes everything you need to create (from C, C++, or Rust code), issue, solve, and verify Truebit tasks. This repo includes the Truebit-OS command line client configurations for solving and verifying tasks, some libraries ported to WebAssembly, an wasm module wrapper for adding runtime hooks, a Rust tool for generating tasks, the off-chain interpreter for executing and snapshotting computations, as well as sample tasks. You can install Truebit using Docker or build it from source for Linux, MacOS, or Windows.

Feel free to browse the legacy wiki, contribute to this repo's wiki, or check out these classic development blog posts:

In addition, Truebit's Reddit channel features links to some excellent introductions and mainstream media articles about Truebit. If you'd like to speak with developers working on this project, come say hello on Truebit's Gitter and Discord channels.

Table of contents

  1. Quickstart guide: computational playground
  2. Solve and verify tasks
  3. Getting data into and out of Truebit
  4. Client configuration
  5. Building your own tasks
  6. Native installation
  7. Contract API reference
  8. If you are using Windows or Mac

Quickstart guide: computational playground

This tutorial demonstrates how to install Truebit, connect to Görli or Ethereum mainnet networks, solve, verify and issue tasks, and finally build your own tasks. Use the following steps to connect to the Görli testnet blockchain and solve tasks with your friends!

Install or update Truebit OS

Follow the following steps to run a containerized Truebit OS client for Solvers, Verifiers, and Task Givers on any Docker-supported system. Docker provides a replicable interface for running Truebit OS and offers a streamlined installation process. First, download and install Docker. Then run the following at your machine's command line.

docker pull truebitprotocol/truebit-eth:latest

If you are running older version of Truebit OS and receive errors in your client, you should update to the latest Docker container via the same command. The current Truebit OS version is listed in the badge at the top of this README file, and you can compare this against the local version which Truebit OS displays at startup.

Windows and Mac considerations

If you are using Windows or Mac and it is not your first time clonning this repository, run the following git commands to ensure that the repo files are using the correct EOL config.

git rm --cached -r .
git reset --hard

Docker incantations

Building the image above will take some minutes, but thereafter running the container will give an instant prompt. While you are waiting for the image download to complete, familiarize yourself with the following three command classes with which you will access the Truebit network.

MacOS build steps

  • Increase Docker Desktop Swap memory to 4gb
  • run export DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM=linux/amd64 docker build . -t truebit-macos

"Start container"

We first open a new container with two parts:

  1. Truebit OS. Solvers and Verifiers can solve and verify tasks via command-line interface.

  2. Truebit Toolchain. Task Givers can build and issue tasks.

Select a directory where you wish to store network cache and private keys. For convenience, we let $YYY denote the full path to this directory. To get the full path for your current working directory in MacOS or Linux, type pwd. For example, if we wish to place the files at ~/truebit-docker, we would write

docker run --network host -v $YYY/docker-clef:/root/.clef -v $YYY/docker-geth:/root/.ethereum -v $YYY/docker-ipfs:/root/.ipfs --name truebit --rm -it truebitprotocol/truebit-eth:latest /bin/bash

Docker will then store your Clef, Geth, and IPFS configuration files in the directories docker-clef, docker-geth and docker-ipfs respectively. The -v flags in the incantation above avoid having to synchronize the blockchain and reconstruct your accounts, IPFS ID's, master seed, and rule attestation from genesis when you later restart the container.

If you are using Windows, try the following incantation.

SET YYY=%userprofile%/truebit-docker
docker run --network host -v %YYY%/docker-clef:/root/.clef -v %YYY%/docker-geth:/root/.ethereum -v %YYY%/docker-ipfs:/root/.ipfs --name truebit --rm -it truebitprotocol/truebit-eth:latest /bin/bash

"Open terminal window"

When you connect to the network, you will need to open multiple windows in the same Docker container. Running Geth or IPFS locally or in a different container from Truebit OS will not work. When it is time to open a new terminal window for your existing container, open a new local terminal window and enter the following at the command line.

docker exec -it truebit /bin/bash

If you omitted the --name truebit flag when starting your container (i.e., you did not cut and paste the command above), you will need to find the name of the container running truebitprotocol/truebit-eth:latest by using docker ps. Then, in place of "truebit" in the docker exec incantation above, substitute either your container's name, which might look something like xenodochial_fermat, or the container's ID, which looks something like 859841f65999.

If you instead wish to run all processes in a single terminal window, initiate tmux and create sub-windows by typing ctrl-b " or ctrl-b % and using ctrl-b (arrow) to switch between sub-windows. To exit a container, type exit. Your container process will remain alive in other windows unless you exited the original window which initiated with the --rm flag.

"Share files"

You can share files between your native machine and the Docker container by copying them into the local docker-clef, docker-geth, or docker-ipfs folders you created above or the respective folders in the Docker container, namely ~/.clef, ~/.geth, or ~/.ipfs. If you wish to synchronize a specific local file with a container file which does not belong to one of these directories on the container, say config.json, first copy config.json to your local directory $YYY/config.json, and then restart the docker run command with an additional volume, e.g. -v $YYY/config.json:/truebit-eth/wasm-client/config.json.

Alternatively, you may copy into (or out of) the container with commands of the following form.

docker cp truebit-eth/mydata.txt f7b994c94911:/root/.ethereum/mydata.txt

Here f7b994c94911 is either the container's name, namely truebit if you followed the convention above, or the container's ID. This example command copies a local file into the container. If you wish to copy from container to local, reverse the order of the files in the incantation.

Finally, for quick text file sharing from your local machine, you can simply copy text into a buffer and then paste into a file on the Docker container via the vim or nano text editors.

Initializing accounts

In order to interact with the Truebit network, you'll need account(s) to handle both Ethereum (ETH) and Truebit (TRU) tokens. We'll use Clef to securely manage account keys and addresses. The first time you start the Docker container, you'll need to initialize Clef with the following command.

clef init

Clef will ask you to create a master seed password which you'll use to unlock all your accounts. Next run the following line exactly as it appears.

clef attest 6441d5def6ec7ebe4ade8a9cf5d74f81088efaef314d8c4bda91221d02a9d976

This will allow Clef to sign all transactions automatically. Task Submitters, Solvers, and Verifiers must sign multiple transactions for each task, and you may find it inconvenient to sign each one manually. For security, all connections to Truebit OS are by default IPC, hence only your local machine can sign your transactions. If you wish to modify the automatic signing script, go to /truebit-eth/wasm-client/ruleset.js, compute its sha256sum hash, and then call clef attest again with your new hash. By default, clef will log its activities in a file called audit.log. If you used the docker run ... command above, you'll find your master seed file on your local computer in a folder called ~/truebit-docker/docker-clef.

You may check your existing accounts in Geth's console using personal.listWallets, in Truebit OS using accounts -r, or at the main Docker command prompt using geth --goerli account list (sans --goerli for mainnet).

New accounts

Repeat the following steps for each new account you wish to create. First, make a new private key for Görli testnet.

clef newaccount --keystore ~/.ethereum/goerli/keystore

Clef returns a "generated account" which is <YOUR PUBLIC ADDRESS>. To add an account for mainnet instead, just use the vanilla command clef newaccount. Clef will ask you to create a password for this account, and the next command will attach the account password to your master seed password keychain.


Clef can now autofill the keystore password for whenever you log in with your master seed password. If you used the docker run ... command above, you'll find your keystore files on your local computer in a folder called ~/truebit-docker/docker-geth.

On testnet one can create keystore files with shorter passwords using geth --goerli account new.

Importing existing accounts

For hardware wallets, you can either add the --privileged flag when starting Docker or run Truebit OS outside the Docker container using a native install. In either case, you will need to remove the --nousb flag from both the clef and geth startup incantations.

If you wish to use an existing keystore file with Truebit, simply paste it into your local folder docker-geth/goerli/keystore (for testnet) or docker-geth/keystore (for mainnet). Alternatively use docker cp to paste into the Docker container at ~/.ethereum/goerli/keystore (testnet) or ~/.ethereum/keystore (mainnet). MyCrypto's Desktop App conveniently manages keystore files offline (i.e. outside the browser).

Funding your accounts with ETH

Finally, get some ETH! You can obtain Görli ETH from one of the free faucets below, or send ETH to your accounts from your favorite wallet (e.g. Metamask or MyCrypto).

As Ethereum mainnet lacks a faucet, you'll have to source ETH from an existing account (or mining).

Connect to the network

One must simultaneously run Geth and IPFS in order to communicate with the blockchain and data infrastructures. When you start up a new Truebit container, initialize the Truebit toolchain compiler, start IPFS, and start Geth as with the following command.

bash /

If you wish to connect to Ethereum mainnet rather than Görli, use instead

bash /

After running the startup script, the Clef account management tool should pop up at the bottom of a split tmux screen with Geth waiting to start above. After you enter the master seed password for your accounts, use Ctrl+b+<KEYBOARD_ARROW> to navigate through the different windows within the terminal, and accept terms and condicionts of the clients to start syncing with the blockchain. After the Ethereum Merge the node clients were splitted into two different parts that must coexist (consensus and execution clients), thats why after running goerli or mainnet shell script it appears 2 different node client windows.

Once your Geth node is fully synchronized, you may enhance IPFS connectivity by running the last four lines in / (sans comment symbol #) or by running the equivalent commands in Truebit OS. Open a new Docker terminal and type cat / to view the file contents, cut and paste to your command line, and cat /ipfs-connect.log for connection results. Alternatively, you can configure Truebit OS to synchronize with an external IPFS node rather than running one in Docker.

Note that one can terminate an IPFS connection at any time by typing ipfs shutdown. If you get an error message like Error: execution aborted (timeout = 5s) when running the commands described in the previous paragraph, check your connection in the Geth window and rerun the offending command. Messages like Error: Invalid JSON RPC response: "Error: connect ECONNREFUSED ... or error: no suitable peers available indicate that IPFS failed to obtain the list of registered Truebit nodes due to lack of Geth connection or synchronization.

Note that Truebit OS automatically detects the blockchain network to which Geth is connected (either Görli testnet or Ethereum mainnet). If you are have trouble connecting to a light client peer, try the following.

  1. Terminate the Clef/Geth split screen (Ctrl-C, Ctrl-D and/or exit) and re-run sh /

  2. Test your connection with a vanilla command at the main Docker prompt, e.g. geth --goerli --syncmode "light", or for mainnet geth --syncmode "fast". Try geth --help for more options.

  3. Test Truebit OS with a plug-and-play API, e.g. Infura or others. See below for configuration instructions.

  4. Change your IP address.

  5. Try running Truebit OS natively instead of using Docker.

  6. Consider running a full Ethereum node on dedicated hardware.

  7. Reconnect later.

To view a list of your connected addresses inside the geth console, type personal.listWallets at the Geth command line.

We also enable using Truebit with zero sync-up time by creating a fork Görli or Mainnet on a local blockchain that you can use for development.

First, we need to install Ganache, using the following command

npm install ganache --global

Once is installed, open a new terminal window, and raise a Ganache local fork node using:

For Görli fork

ganache --fork.url<INFURA_TOKEN> --miner.blockTime 12

For Mainnet Fork

ganache --fork.url<INFURA_TOKEN> --miner.blockTime 12

Solve and verify tasks

We are now ready to run Truebit Solver and Verifier nodes. This walk-through assumes you've already set up your accounts and connected to the network. Use the "open terminal window" incantation to connect to your Docker container in a terminal window separate from Geth. Then start Truebit OS!


cd /truebit-eth

Ganache local fork

cd /truebit-eth
./truebit-os -p ws://host.docker.internal:8545

You should now see a new shell prompt.

  _____                         _       _   _       
 |_   _|  _ __   _   _    ___  | |__   (_) | |_   _
   | |   | '__| | | | |  / _ \ | '_ \  | | | __| (_)
   | |   | |    | |_| | |  __/ | |_) | | | | |_   _
   |_|   |_|     \__,_|  \___| |_.__/  |_|  \__| (_)

  _            _                _                            _  __       
 | |_ __ _ ___| | __  ___  ___ | |_   _____  __   _____ _ __(_)/ _|_   _
 | __/ _` / __| |/ / / __|/ _ \| \ \ / / _ \ \ \ / / _ \ '__| | |_| | | |
 | || (_| \__ \   <  \__ \ (_) | |\ V /  __/  \ V /  __/ |  | |  _| |_| |
  \__\__,_|___/_|\_\ |___/\___/|_| \_/ \___|   \_/ \___|_|  |_|_|  \__, |
[01-21 14:42:00] info: Truebit OS 1.2.6 has been initialized on goerli network at block 4145800 with throttle 3 and gas price 20.1 gwei.

Note that you must be connected to either Görli testnet or Ethereum mainnet in order to execute commands in Truebit OS. You may see error messages at this point if your local node has not yet synchronized with the blockchain or is not connected to a suitable peer (e.g. Error: CONNECTION ERROR: Couldn't connect to node on IPC., Error: Invalid JSON RPC response: "Error: connect ECONNREFUSED, or error: no suitable peers available). If this happens, exit Truebit OS and restart. To avoid gas waste on Ethereum mainnet, make sure your account(s) have sufficient ETH balance(s) to complete desired operation(s). Try first a dry run on Görli testnet using account(s) with identical ETH balance(s) before moving to mainnet. Some methods, like uploading data onchain, may require your account to authorize an ETH equivalent of 5 million gas even if the corresponding transaction consumes only a small fraction of that amount. Always close your Görli (respectively mainnet) connection before running (respectively; clef can only handle one connection per masterseed, and and each redirect Truebit OS's connection.

For a self-guided tour or to explore additional options not provided in this tutorial, type help at the command line, and (optionally) include a command that you want to learn more about. Here is a list of available commands:

help [command...]        Provides help for a given command.
exit                     Exits application.
accounts [options]       List web3 account indices (-r to refresh).
balance [options]        Show account balances (-a account index).
bonus                    Display current per task subsidy.
gas [options] <cmd>      Check or set gas price.
ipfs [options] <cmd>     Manage IPFS nodes.
license [options] <cmd>  Obtain a Solver license.
ps                       List active Solvers and Verifiers along with their games and tasks.
start [options] <cmd>    Start a Solver or Verifier.
stop <num>               Stop a Solver or Verifier. Get process numbers with 'ps'.
task [options] <cmd>     Submit a task or run a utility.
token [options] <cmd>    Swap ETH for TRU.  Deposit to or withdraw from incentive layer.
version                  Display Truebit OS version.

Purchasing, staking, and retiring TRU tokens

In order to start a Solver or Verifier, one must first stake TRU into Truebit's incentive layer. Let's purchase 1000 TRU tokens for account 0. First check the available account indices using accounts and the price in ETH using

token price -v 1000

If you add or remove node accounts while Truebit OS is open, you can refresh and synchronize Truebit OS's account list with

accounts -r

Truebit OS will retain the current list of account indices until one runs this command. After checking balances for account 0 using balance, we are ready to purchase some TRU. WARNING: The purchase command will spend ETH from your account. Please practice the commands in this section on Görli testnet before trying them on Ethereum mainnet.

token purchase -v 1000 -a 0

We should now have 1000 freshly minted TRU in account 0. We can now stake some of our TRU which will enable us to solve or verify a task.

token deposit -v 500 -a 0

We can repeat this process for account 1, if desired. We are ready to start a Verifier, however if we wish to run a Solver, there is one additional step. We must purchase a Solver license with ETH. Check the price using license price, determine whether the account already has a license using license check -a 0, and then

license purchase -a 0

Finally, we can confirm account balances for ETH and TRU and the amount of TRU we have staked in Truebit's incentive layer.

balance -a 0

Eventually, when we are ready to discard TRU and recover ETH, we can retire the tokens as follows. First check the buyback price using token price -v 100. Then

token retire -v 100 -a 1

This transaction will destroy 100 TRU and send ETH from the reserve to account 1. We can conveniently transfer TRU and ETH among accounts in Truebit OS using token transfer-eth and token transfer-tru. For example,

token transfer-tru -a 0 -t 1 -v 20

will transfer 20 TRU from account 0 to account 1.

Running Solvers and Verifiers

We can now start our Solver and Verifier as follows. For clarity it is recommended, but not required, to run each Task Submitter, Solver, or Verifier in a separate terminal window with a distinct account.

start solve -a 0
start verify -a 1

Note that account 0 is assumed for the start command when the -a flag is not specified. If the Solver and Verifier do not immediately find a task on the network, try issuing a sample task yourself.

task -f factorial.json submit -a 0

The Task Submitter address always has first right-of-refusal to solve its own task, so your Solver should pick this one up! You can check progress of your Görli task here:

For mainnet, check here:

Solvers and Verifiers will continue to solve and verify new tasks until instructed to stop. To limit task participation based on TRU rewards, Solvers and Verifiers can use the -l flag to set a minimum, (constant) non-zero reward threshold per task, or use -p to fix a minimum TRU reward per block of computation. For example,

start verify -l 10 -p 0.5

will initialize a Solver who participates when the the total reward for Verifiers is at least 10 TRU and pays at least 0.5 TRU per block of computation. Neither the -l nor the -p flag takes subsidy payments into consideration, so choose parameters accordingly.

You can terminate all Solvers and Verifiers in your terminal by exiting Truebit OS, however it is safer to end them using ps and stop, illustrated below, as this will allow them to complete active tasks(s), active verification game(s) and unbond deposits before terminating.

truebit-os:> ps
1. Account 4: 0xa1b4CbC091E9B15e334d95D92CA7677152F52ac4  
2. Account 5: 0x755908B829B8189a8B6D757da2A8ed4747506a84
 Task 1: 0x100a6f1a7fe990a2839ff3096b950bc5ff81ffaa9d5f87f328e77c5c624d23a9
truebit-os:> stop 1
[01-21 12:54:51] info: Preparing to exit Solver process 1.
1. Account 4: 0xa1b4CbC091E9B15e334d95D92CA7677152F52ac4  Preparing to exit
2. Account 5: 0x755908B829B8189a8B6D757da2A8ed4747506a84
 Task 1: 0x100a6f1a7fe990a2839ff3096b950bc5ff81ffaa9d5f87f328e77c5c624d23a9
truebit-os:> [01-21 12:54:53] info: SOLVER: Exited.

If you make a mistake or lose Internet connectivity while your deposit is bonded to a task, try restarting in recovery mode. For example,

start solve -r 20

will initialize a new Solver 20 blocks behind the current block and recover the intermediate events. You can also try a command of the form task unbond -a 1 to recover a stuck deposit.

Subsidies and platform fees

In addition to TRU fees paid from Task Submitters to Solvers and Verifiers, Task Owners, Solvers, and Verifiers each receive freshly minted TRU subsidies for participating in each task. Use the bonus command to check current subsidy amounts. Task Submitter and Solvers will each pay a small, per-task platform fee. Check task fees for the amount. There is no platform fee for Verifiers, however Verifiers must pay the usual gas costs for sending transactions.

Faster IPFS uploads and downloads

IPFS's peer-to-peer network can route data more efficiently when it knows where to find Truebit Task Submitters, Solvers, and Verifiers. It is recommended to register your IPFS node with Truebit via the following command which makes it easier for others to find your node while you are issuing or solving tasks:

ipfs register

You can then discover other nodes on Truebit's network by running:

ipfs connect

You can use ipfs id to display your node's various addresses and ipfs list to display a list of all registered addresses. If you wish to register a specific address returned by ipfs id, you can specify it with the -i flag. Note that the first address has index 0, so that

ipfs register -i 3

will register the 4th address in the ipfs id array. Specifying an index can ensure that you register an address with a publicly visible IP rather than a strictly local one like

If you are running Truebit OS natively, updating IPFS to the latest version may improve performance. If your node didn't successfully connect to peers, try again in a few minutes as it can take some time for new addresses to propagate. Note that some registered nodes may be offline.

Logging sessions

The vanilla ./truebit-os command generates a file combined.log.json containing a .json log spanning across all Truebit OS terminals but does not include everything displayed on the terminal screens. You can inspect this log as follows:

cat /truebit-eth/combined.log.json | more

It is safe to delete this file. If one wishes a more detailed log for a Truebit OS interactive session, one can use a command of the following form to record the full terminal output:

./truebit-os 2>&1 | tee mylog.txt

Alternatively, one can use the built-in script command to record a terminal session.


After exiting Truebit OS, type exit to leave the script shell. You can then find your session transcript in a file called typescript. To display with proper formatting, use the following command.

cat typescript

Command line execution

One can also execute Truebit OS commands directly from the native (Docker) command line using a -c flag. For example, try:

./truebit-os -c "start solve -a 1" --batch > mylog.txt &

Here the --batch flag tells Truebit OS to run non-interactively, and > mylog.txt & tells Truebit OS to write the output to a log file called mylog.txt rather than the terminal. The command above will return a process number at the command line (e.g. [1] 412). You can stop the Solver process later using the kill command, (e.g. kill 412). The following Unix shell command will return a list of active Truebit processes from all windows.

ps a

Use cat mylog.txt to review these logs with proper formatting.

Client configuration

In the /truebit-eth/wasm-client/ directory, you will find a file called config.json which looks something like this.

  "geth": {
    "providerURL": "http://localhost:8545"
  "ipfs": {
    "protocol": "http",
    "host": "localhost",
    "port": "5001"
  "gasPrice": 20.1,
  "throttle": 3,
  "incentiveLayer": "incentiveLayer"

Setting gas price

When running on Ethereum mainnet, you may wish to modify the gasPrice parameter to increase the chances that Ethereum miners will process your Truebit OS transactions or to economize on ETH costs. Every Ethereum transaction invokes some ETH gas cost, and price per unit gas is given in gwei. The gasPrice can be set within Truebit OS. For example,

gas set -v 47.3 --default

will set the running client gas price to 47.3 gwei, and the optional --default flag tells Truebit OS to write to config.json above so that this value becomes the starting gasPrice the next time you start Truebit OS. Beware that in Ethereum's capricious DeFi environment, gas prices can fluctuate wildly. Use the following command to get a real-time, suggested range of gas prices on mainnet.

gas check

On Görli, a gasPrice of 1 gwei may suffice. Alternatively, one can use Geth's dynamic gas price oracle by setting the --value flag to geth:

gas set -v geth

By default, Geth's price oracle returns the 60th percentile gas price among transactions in the 20 most recent blocks. You can tweak these parameters by starting Geth with --gpopercentile and --gpoblocks flags, e.g.

geth console --gpo.percentile 60 --gpo.blocks 20 --goerli --syncmode "light" --signer ~/.clef/clef.ipc

Bounding the number of simultaneous tasks

The throttle parameter above is the maximum number of simultaneous tasks that your Solver or Verifier will process. You can update throttle in the config.json file via a command of the following form.

task throttle -v 3

Changes to throttle take effect upon restart of Truebit OS. Like gas set -d, the throttle command saves the current providerURL to config.json. Thus throttle can be used to save a providerURL specified at startup via the -p flag (see next paragraph for details).

Blockchain and IPFS connection settings

The geth and ipfs subkeys in config.json must match your Geth and IPFS network settings. Valid prefixes for geth.providerURL include http, https, ws, and wss and determine the provider type for the connection. If geth.providerURL does not have a valid prefix, it must have a .ipc suffix, e.g. /root/.ethereum/goerli/geth.ipc. You can override the default geth.providerURL setting at Truebit OS startup using the -p. For example

./truebit-os -p ws://localhost:8546

will set the RPC server listening port to 8546 and connect via WebSocket. You can also try to use an external hosting provider, like /truebit-os -p<YOUR API KEY>. As such APIs are not trusted, however, you will not be able to unlock your accounts for use in Truebit OS. Finally, never unlock you accounts on a mainnet node using http or ws connections, as anyone with access to the node can sign and broadcast transactions on behalf of your account(s).

The -i flag adjusts the IPFS connection settings analogously, e.g.

./truebit-os -i http://localhost:5001

will connect to IPFS via http on local port 5001. Test your IPFS connection inside Truebit OS with ipfs connect, and confirm your blockchain connection in Truebit OS with this command:


You must restart Truebit OS for config.json changes to take effect. For editing convenience and to save your changes to the next "start container", you may wish to add a volume to your Docker run incantation. Do not change the incentiveLayer key in config.json as Truebit on Ethereum only supports a single incentive layer.

Getting data into and out of Truebit

Tasks can be issued directly from Truebit OS or from smart contracts. We'll focus on task issuance from Truebit OS in this section and then issue tasks from smart contracts in the next section.


Truebit can read and write data to three file types.

  1. BYTES. These are standard Ethereum bytes stored in Truebit's filesystem smart contract. Note that Truebit does not read data from arbitrary smart contracts.

  2. CONTRACT. This method uses a smart contract whose program code consists of the task data itself. This is not a typical contract deployment as the contract may not function.

  3. IPFS. Truebit can read and write to IPFS, a peer-to-peer, content-addressed storage system.

Ethereum has a limit of 5 million gas per contract deploy (~ 24 kilobytes) and roughly the same limit for other transactions. This means that larger files should always sit on IPFS.

Writing task outputs via Truebit OS

Let's inspect a sample task meta-file called reverse.json which can be found in the /truebit-eth directory:

    "codeFile": {
      "path": "/data/reverse_alphabet.wasm",
      "fileType": "IPFS"
    "dataFiles": {
      "/data/alphabet.txt": "CONTRACT",
      "/data/reverse_alphabet.txt": "BYTES"
    "outputs": {
      "reverse_alphabet.txt": "BYTES"
    "solverReward": "2",
    "verifierTax": "6",
    "minDeposit": "10",
    "stackSize": "14",
    "memorySize": "20",
    "globalsSize": "8",
    "tableSize": "8",
    "callSize": "10",
    "blockLimit": "1"

Task parameters

The filepaths above, e.g. /data/reverse_alphabet.wasm, are given relative to the working truebit-os directory. The leading / does not refer to the top level system directory; instead Truebit OS reads from the concatenation of the working directory and this input string (e.g. /truebit-eth/data/reverse_alphabet.wasm). You can experiment with the meta-file's configuration by adjusting parameters below.

  1. codeFile. This keyword specifies the compiled code that the Task Giver wishes to execute. Truebit OS automatically detects code type based on the code file extension (.wasm or .wast), however the Task Giver must specify a file type for the code (BYTES, CONTRACT, or IPFS) telling Solvers and Verifiers where to find it. Each task has exactly one codeFile.

  2. dataFiles. All input and output files for the task program must be listed under this keyword, and each must have a file type (BYTES, CONTRACT, or IPFS).

  3. outputs. The value(s) here are the subset of the data files which are produced and uploaded by the Solver. In this example both the empty data file /data/reverse_alphabet.txt and the corresponding output file reverse_alphabet.txt have the same file type (BYTES), however in general they need not match.

  4. solverReward, verifierTax, and minDeposit pertain to task economics. The solverReward is the reward paid to the Solver for a correct computation, the verifierTax is the fee split among Verifiers, and minDeposit is the minimum unbonded deposit that Solvers and Verifiers must have staked in the Incentive Layer in order participate. Note that the Task Owner's fee is automatically 0 since the Task Submitter is always the Task Owner when deploying from Truebit OS.

In a typical Ethereum deployment, the Task Owner is the Dapp smart contract that sends a task to Truebit which in turns calls back with a solution. The Task Submitter is always a regular (i.e. human-controlled) blockchain address that initiates the task and pays for it.

  1. stackSize, memorySize, globalsSize, tableSize, and callSize. These are virtual machine parameters. You may need to tweak memorySize when you create your own task.

  2. blockLimit. This is the length of time (in blocks) for which Solvers and Verifiers will attempt to run the task before reporting a timeout.

Executing tasks

To run this example on-chain, enter the following commands in Truebit OS, preferably in separate windows.

start solve
task -f reverse.json submit

Unless you specify otherwise with the -a flag, Truebit will issue the task from your account with index 0. You can find names of other sample .json meta-files by typing task -f followed by a space and then press tab twice to request an autofill. In the event that the Solver disappears in the middle of a task (or one never shows up), you can try a command of the form to recover both your and the Solver's deposits.

task cancel -t 0x361b1a715e94f56368f78e1c478a659cab4b9b4dec1edf13d5280a26d2f72442

You can review the progress of your task and its parameters with task status, e.g.

task status -t 0x361b1a715e94f56368f78e1c478a659cab4b9b4dec1edf13d5280a26d2f72442

If you wish to experiment with tasks locally without involving the blockchain, use task initial to get the initial state, task final to get the final state, or task jit to run with a faster, just-in-time compiler in place of the interpreter. Truebit OS will then tell you the local directory where it is writing the output file(s) as well as the interpreter command it used to generate them.

truebit-os:> task -f scrypt.json final
[03-04 18:54:58] info: TASK GIVER: Created local directory: /truebit-eth/tmp.giver_1c5ek5jnhug0
Executing: ./../wasm-client/ocaml-offchain/interpreter/wasm -m -disable-float -output -memory-size 20 -stack-size 20 -table-size 20 -globals-size 8 -call-stack-size 10 -file -file -wasm task.wasm
  vm: {
    code: '0xef34a351f42869ed0a1c4f5ba39f4be2377415082083f18592d858bc4361629b',
    stack: '0xf40d787a5a1d95e83bf62e3650806b112627076873a7fa3cdd832250c3c82eea',
    memory: '0x9d71426bf458c911872b7ca15c8959dadfbf73d99e998df7553d5ab59f816836',
    input_size: '0x0e4622ec59dd318509b8d475728ec11bab6c05132b908f19bba96ab64ed8dd29',
    input_name: '0xd3e24e0303f49b3dd3032fa2523603b320c2b2b0eea3693532c6401d315e8a32',
    input_data: '0xccdcd022b89bec0246d141477e6631fc108e56e9b36287a0b3daee64898e1fd2',
    call_stack: '0x8e0167cb6a51b48d61c31c97ff5d8bb3e632a3de1939bb201c4507f908f8d0a7',
    globals: '0x92d1402fb000c5be1173aed60f2f554cabb4c1da645fbe3e093965c2f1b073d6',
    calltable: '0xfad9818866c5279d5125023e4085c3c9facea9cc0083afa0b42f487a0625f18e',
    calltypes: '0x32b4a5f01bf39b515516d7d98afc96803a1550319f3268d13c7055b6975ae994',
    pc: 1099511627775,
    stack_ptr: 1,
    call_ptr: 0,
    memsize: 128
  hash: '0x5d459cf8bbcee56239d3d5f7e9a7df7132accdf09363d53e7ba02be67c5a1a5a',
  steps: 10423523,
  files: [ '', '' ]

Note that the Task Submitter, Solver, and Verifier always rename the task's code file to task.wasm when writing local tmp.giver_..., tmp.solver_..., and tmp.verifier_... files. The JIT, on the other hand, requires that the task file submitted by the Task Giver be named task.wasm.

In the example above, one would find all the task files in the indicated directory /truebit-eth/tmp.giver_1c5ek5jnhug0. Files derived from task processing will have a .out suffix. In this example, one should expect to find both an empty file called, which was supplied as a task data file, and a file called containing data generated through task execution. Note that the file contents of do not depend on whether was specified as one of the outputs in scrypt.json.

Sample tasks via smart contracts

In general, Dapps will issue tasks from smart contracts rather than the Truebit OS command line. This allows Truebit to call back to the smart contract with a Truebit-verified solution. Typically the Task Owner smart contract fixes the task function code during deployment while the Task Submitter puts forth the function inputs at runtime. To demonstrate this method, we deploy and issue some tasks that are preinstalled in your container. One can deploy each of the samples onto the blockchain as follows.

cd /truebit-eth/wasm-ports/samples

To run a sample task, cd into that directory and run node send.js as explained below. You may wish to edit ../deploy.js or send.js by replacing the '0' in accounts[0] with the index of your desired Geth account.

Scrypt (C++)

cd /truebit-eth/wasm-ports/samples/scrypt
node send.js <text>

Computes scrypt. The string is extended to 80 bytes. See the source code here. Originally by @chriseth.

Bilinear pairing (C++)

cd /truebit-eth/wasm-ports/samples/pairing
node send.js <text>

For <text>, enter a string with more than 32 characters. This example uses the libff library to compute bilinear pairings for a bn128 curve. It reads two 32 byte data pieces a and b which are used like private keys to get a*O and b*O. Then a bilinear pairing is computed. The result has several components, and one of them is posted as output. (To be clear, the code just shows that libff can be used to implement bilinear pairings with Truebit). See the source code here.

Chess (C++)

cd /truebit-eth/wasm-ports/samples/chess
node send.js <text>

This example checks moves in a game of chess. Players could use a state channel to play a chess match, and if there is a disagreement, then the game sequence can be posted to Truebit. This method will always work for state channels because both parties have the data available. See the source code here. The source code doesn't implement all the rules of chess, and is not much tested.

Validate WASM file (Rust)

cd /truebit-eth/wasm-ports/samples/wasm
node send.js <wasm file>

Uses parity-wasm to read and write a WASM file. See the source code here.

Size of video packets in a file (C)

cd /truebit-eth/wasm-ports/samples/ffmpeg
node send.js input.ts

See the source code here.

Building your own tasks

We now explore the Truebit Toolchain. Each of the samples below produces a task code file called task.wasm, and each such file is produced by running a script called You can use the files as templates for generating your own tasks. Inspect sample source codes and their respective compile scripts here. Each compile script first compiles C, C++, or Rust source code, along with included library dependencies, to a pair of WebAssembly JavaScript runtime files using WASI-SDK. Truebit's Wasm module wrapper then converts these files into a WebAssemebly format executable in Truebit. Here are is a helpful, legacy tutorial for creating and deploying Truebit tasks as well as a demo video illustrating this process.

Compiling from C/C++

You should now be able to re-compile the sample tasks yourself in C++ (chess, scrypt, pairing), and C (ffmpeg) below.

cd /truebit-eth/wasm-ports/samples/chess
cd /truebit-eth/wasm-ports/samples/scrypt
cd /truebit-eth/wasm-ports/samples/pairing
cd /truebit-eth/wasm-ports/samples/ffmpeg

Note that sh will rebuild both the build and dist directories.

Compiling from Rust

For Rust tasks, take a look @georgeroman's walk-through. You can use this guide to compile the /truebit-eth/wasm-ports/samples/wasm task via the steps below. First, set up the Rust compiler.

ipfs init

Then you can recompile the Rust sample task as follows.

mv /truebit-eth/wasm-ports/samples/wasm /
cp /truebit-eth/rust-tool/ /wasm
sed -i "s|rust_project_name=REPLACE_ME|rust_project_name=wasm_sample|" /wasm/
cd /wasm
rm -r build dist target task.wasm


Once you have compiled your task to Truebit-flavored WebAssmebly, try using the files contract.sol, and send.js, and ../deploy.js as templates for issuing your own tasks directly from smart contracts. The API reference below will help you navigate through these templates. Alternatively, follow the .json template above to launch your task within Truebit OS.

When building and executing your own tasks, you may have to adjust some of the interpreter execution parameters (within range 5 to 30 exclusive), including:

memory-size: depth of the Merkle tree for memory

table-size: depth of Merkle tree for the call table

globals-size: depth of Merkle tree for the globals table

stack-size: depth of Merkle tree for the stack

call-stack-size: depth of Merkle tree for the call stack

Try adjusting memory-size first. Greater parameters make the task more likely to execute. See this file for a complete list of interpreter options.

Native installation

You may wish to experiment with this tutorial on your native command line rather than running it inside the Docker container. To set up natively, first install git and clone the Truebit repo.

git clone

Running samples natively

A Node.js installation is a prerequisite for running the smart contract samples. Once you have confirmed that your Node.js installation includes npm, install Truebit's node packages from the Truebit repository's top-level directory:

cd truebit-eth
npm i

You can then deploy the sample task according to the instructions above. Truebit toolchain task compilations should be done inside the Docker container as native setup is relatively complex.

Running Truebit OS natively

You will need Clef, Geth, IPFS, and Truebit OS.


To get started, install both Geth & IPFS natively (not in the Docker container). Be sure to install a version of Geth that includes Clef. Then download a pre-built Truebit OS executable here:

Choose from Linux, MacOS, or Windows flavors, and paste your chosen executable into the top level of the truebit-eth directory. This downloads page contains the latest Truebit OS version, and you should keep your local copy updated to avoid client errors. Truebit OS displays your local version at startup, and you can compare this against the latest one listed in the badge at the top of this README file. For consistency with the Docker container, the steps below assume that you rename your executable file to truebit-os, however you may choose any name for your downloaded file.

You may need to give your system permission to execute the truebit-os download. In MacOS, for example, this can be done via the following commands.

mv truebit-macos truebit-os
chmod 755 truebit-os

If running ./truebit-os in MacOS returns a pop-up error like: “truebit-os” cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified, go to System Preferences -> Security & Privacy and where it says: "truebit-os" was blocked from use because it is not from an identified developer, choose "Allow Anyway."

Next, build the Truebit WebAssmebly interpreter from source as described below.

macOS interpreter install

In macOS, once Brew is installed, one can install the interpreter as follows, starting from the truebit-eth directory:

brew install libffi ocaml ocamlbuild opam pkg-config
opam init -y
eval $(opam config env)
opam install cryptokit ctypes ctypes-foreign yojson -y
cd ocaml-offchain/interpreter

If you previously installed an older version of OCaml, you may need to run ocaml update, ocaml upgrade, and/or brew upgrade. You can also get a fresh install by removing ~/.opam.

Linux interpreter install

From the truebit-eth directory, use the following Ubuntu install (or modify it to suit your Linux flavor).

apt-get update
apt-get install -y libffi-dev libzarith-ocaml-dev m4 opam pkg-config zlib1g-dev
opam init -y
eval `opam config env`
opam update
opam install cryptokit ctypes ctypes-foreign yojson -y
cd ocaml-offchain/interpreter

Windows interpreter install

Follow the patterns above for Linux and macOS. You may wish to use a Linux emulator.

Starting up

We now walk through the steps to start IPFS, Clef, Geth, and then Truebit-OS.

By default, MacOS stores Clef files in ~/Library/Signer/ and Geth files in ~/Library/Ethereum/. These locations differ from the location in the linux-based Docker container, which are ~/.clef and ~/.geth, so mind these differences when you follow the / or / startup templates. This means that in MacOS you'll probably find Clef's IPC socket at:


Geth's IPC socket at one of these:


and the keystore files at one of these:


The --chainid for Görli is still 5, and the --chainid for mainnet is still 1.

In MacOS, a startup cheatsheet for Görli testnet might look something like this.

ipfs daemon &
clef --advanced  --rules ~/Library/Signer/ruleset.js --keystore ~/Library/Ethereum/goerli/keystore --chainid 5
geth console --syncmode light --signer ~/Library/Signer/clef.ipc --goerli
./truebit-os -p ~/Library/Ethereum/goerli/geth.ipc

For Ethereum mainnet, it might look like this:

ipfs daemon &
clef --advanced --rules ~/Library/Signer/ruleset.js --chainid 1
geth console --syncmode light --signer ~/Library/Signer/clef.ipc
./truebit-os -p ~/Library/Ethereum/geth.ipc

For Linux, try one of the following.

ipfs daemon &
clef --advanced  --rules ~/.clef/ruleset.js --keystore ~/.ethereum/goerli/keystore --chainid 5
geth console --syncmode light --signer ~/.clef/clef.ipc --goerli
./truebit-os -p ~/.ethereum/goerli/geth.ipc

ipfs daemon &
clef --advanced --rules ~/.clef/ruleset.js --chainid 1
geth console --syncmode light --signer ~/.clef/clef.ipc
./truebit-os -p ~/.ethereum/geth.ipc

For Windows, follow the templates above.

Contract API reference

The following reference highlights some key Solidity functions that you may wish to use in your own smart contracts or interact with via web3.js. Note that the file truebit-eth/wasm-client/goerli.json contains addresses and the ABI interface for Truebit's fileSystem and incentiveLayer contracts on Görli testnet. An analogous file for Ethereum mainnet appears in the same directory. The tru token contract follows the standard ERC-20 interface.

Below is a simple "hello world" JavaScript example which prints task data from Truebit's fileSystem and incentiveLayer.

const fs = require('fs')
const Web3 = require('web3')
const net = require('net')
const web3 = new Web3('/root/.ethereum/goerli/geth.ipc', net)

// Get contract artifacts
let artifacts = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('/truebit-eth/wasm-client/goerli.json'))
let FileSystem = new web3.eth.Contract(artifacts.fileSystem.abi, artifacts.fileSystem.address)
let IncentiveLayer = new web3.eth.Contract(artifacts.incentiveLayer.abi, artifacts.incentiveLayer.address)

// Sample contract interaction
let example
(async () => {
  let taskID = '0x50ee4af6810cf64ea04c1f9818101a200f3b8c00c4f6a5e85a14b327a1f8d03f'
  let taskInfo = await IncentiveLayer.methods.taskParameters(taskID).call()
  let bundleID = taskInfo.bundleId
  let codeFileID = await FileSystem.methods.getCodeFileId(bundleID).call()
  console.log(await FileSystem.methods.vmParameters(codeFileID).call())

To execute the example above or the auxiliary functions in the next section, first install Node.js and npm, check your installations, and install the prerequisite packages:

npm i truebit-util web3

Each code template can then be pasted into a .js file and run using Node.js, e.g. node example.js. You'll need to be connected to Görli testnet using bash / or otherwise. The following script provides an additional template for interacting with Truebit's smart contract API.


For a template interaction with Solidity, see any one of the sample tasks, e.g.


Preparing task inputs

We present three JavaScript functions and one Truebit OS method to assist in preparing code and data for use in Truebit. Their uses will become clear in the creating files section below. In order to run the following code templates, your working directory must include a data file called example.txt containing the input you wish to process.


When writing CONTRACT and IPFS files, one must tell Truebit the Merkle root of the data. Such a root for a file example.txt may be computed using the following web3.js template.

const fs = require('fs')
const merkleRoot = require('truebit-util').merkleRoot.web3
const Web3 = require('web3')
const web3 = new Web3('http://localhost:8545')

function getRoot(filePath) {
  let fileBuf = fs.readFileSync(filePath)
  return merkleRoot(web3, fileBuf)

let root = getRoot("./example.txt")


Truebit also needs to know the size of the file being created. Size can be computed as follows in web3.js:

const fs = require('fs')

function getSize(filePath) {
  let fileBuf = fs.readFileSync(filePath)
  return fileBuf.byteLength

let size = getSize("./example.txt")


CONTRACT files should be created with web3.js using the template function uploadOnchain below. This function returns the contract address for the new CONTRACT file prefixed with a string needed for retrieval. You must be connected to an Ethereum-compatible backend, (e.g. geth) in order to run this function.

const fs = require('fs')
const Web3 = require('web3')
const net = require('net');
const web3 = new Web3('/root/.ethereum/goerli/geth.ipc', net)

async function uploadOnchain(filePath) {

  let fileBuf = fs.readFileSync(filePath)
  let sz = fileBuf.length.toString(16)
  if (sz.length == 1) sz = "000" + sz
  else if (sz.length == 2) sz = "00" + sz
  else if (sz.length == 3) sz = "0" + sz

  let init_code = "61" + sz + "600061" + sz + "600e600039f3"
  let hex_data = Buffer.from(fileBuf).toString("hex")

  let contract = new web3.eth.Contract([])
  let accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts()
  deployedContract = await contract.deploy({ data: '0x' + init_code + hex_data }).send({ from: accounts[0], gas: 1000000 })
  return deployedContract.options.address

let contractAddress = uploadOnchain("./example.txt")
contractAddress.then(address => console.log(address))

Obtaining codeRoot

Truebit requires a codeRoot input when registering a .wasm or .wast program file to Truebit's file system. The codeRoot for a task program file can be obtained inside Truebit OS using the task initial command and read off from the vm.code entry. In order to use the template command below, first create a task .json file following the example above. Be sure to run task initial with the same virtual machine parameters that you plan to use when you later issue the task.

truebit-os:> task -f scrypt.json initial
[03-04 19:05:12] info: TASK GIVER: Created local directory: /truebit-eth/tmp.giver_kquvus9u7680
Executing: ./../wasm-client/ocaml-offchain/interpreter/wasm -m -disable-float -input -memory-size 20 -stack-size 20 -table-size 20 -globals-size 8 -call-stack-size 10 -file -file -wasm task.wasm
  vm: {
    code: '0xef34a351f42869ed0a1c4f5ba39f4be2377415082083f18592d858bc4361629b',
    stack: '0xb4c11951957c6f8f642c4af61cd6b24640fec6dc7fc607ee8206a99e92410d30',
    memory: '0xb4c11951957c6f8f642c4af61cd6b24640fec6dc7fc607ee8206a99e92410d30',
    input_size: '0x7c047c6a0b7e3f293efb6009eca04353577f88f7a88afd4b6d53c11d724c442f',
    input_name: '0xd3e24e0303f49b3dd3032fa2523603b320c2b2b0eea3693532c6401d315e8a32',
    input_data: '0xb9646f6bfbecf908827f695715a6774c4eb652c305f9da846d12157eaed6b428',
    call_stack: '0xb4c11951957c6f8f642c4af61cd6b24640fec6dc7fc607ee8206a99e92410d30',
    globals: '0xb4c11951957c6f8f642c4af61cd6b24640fec6dc7fc607ee8206a99e92410d30',
    calltable: '0x7bf9aa8e0ce11d87877e8b7a304e8e7105531771dbff77d1b00366ecb1549624',
    calltypes: '0xb4c11951957c6f8f642c4af61cd6b24640fec6dc7fc607ee8206a99e92410d30',
    pc: 0,
    stack_ptr: 0,
    call_ptr: 0,
    memsize: 0
  hash: '0x60d2429c93b96f2ccc81b06525dfb5538fe18ef096dee42834562fcfedadfb91'

In this example, the codeRoot of task.wasm is 0xc8ada82e770779e03b2058b5e0b9809c0c2dbbdc6532ebf626d1f03b61e0a28d.

fileSystem API

Recall that Truebit reads and writes three file types, 0: BYTES, 1: CONTRACT, and 2: IPFS. Truebit stores BYTES file contents as bytes32 arrays.

Creating files

We enumerate methods for creating Truebit files.

function createFileFromBytes(string calldata name, uint nonce, bytes calldata data) external returns (bytes32);

createFileFromBytes returns a fileID for a BYTES file called name with content data. Here nonce is a random, non-negative integer that uniquely identifies the newly created file. This method converts dataand stores it as a bytes32 array.


bytes32 fileID = createFileFromBytes("", 12345, "hello world!");

function createFileFromArray(string calldata name, uint nonce, bytes32[] calldata arr, uint fileSize) external returns (bytes32);

createFileFromArray returns a fileID for a BYTES file called name whose contents consist of a concatenation of array arr. nonce can be any random, non-negative integer that uniquely identifies the new file. fileSize should be the total number of bytes in the concatenation of elements in arr, excluding any "empty" bytes in the final element. This operation adds arr to contract storage.


bytes32[] memory empty = new bytes32[](0);

filesystem.createFileFromArray("", 67890, empty, 0);

function addContractFile(string calldata name, uint size, address contractAddress, bytes32 root, uint nonce) external returns (bytes32);

addContractFile returns a fileID for a CONTRACT file called name using existing data stored at address contractAddress. The data stored at contractAddress must conform to the uploadOnchain format above, and root must conform to getRoot. The size parameter can be obtained using getSize. nonce can be any random, non-negative integer that uniquely identifies the new file.

function addIpfsFile(string calldata name, uint size, string calldata IPFShash, bytes32 root, uint nonce) external returns (bytes32);

addIpfsFile returns a fileID for an IPFS file called name using existing data stored at IPFS address IPFShash. Root must conform to getRoot, and the size parameter can be obtained using getSize. nonce can be any random, non-negative integer that uniquely identifies the new file.

function setCodeRoot(uint nonce, bytes32 codeRoot, uint8 codeType, uint8 stack, uint8 memory, uint8 globals, uint8 table, uint8 call) external;

setCodeRoot designates the fileID associated with nonce as an executable WebAssembly program file. It also sets the virtual machine parameters to be used when executing the program file as part of a Truebit task. setCodeRoot must be called from the same address that originally generated the fileID.

  • See the directions above for calculating the appropriate codeRoot.

  • The entered codeType must match the code type of the associated code file (0=WAST, 1=WASM). The code type selected should match the program file extension (.wasm or .wast).

  • stack, memory, globals, table, call: These are the same VM parameters stack-size, memory-size, globals-size, table-size, call-stack-size discussed above. You may need to tweak these value to get your task to run, and try changing memory-size first. The task is more likely to succeed with larger parameters. You may wish to experiment with these parameters by issuing the task locally within Truebit OS using task initial (to get the codeRoot) and task final (to verify that the task executes correctly with the given VM parameters).

Naming files and bundles

function calculateId(uint nonce) external view returns (bytes32);

calculateId returns the public fileID/bundleID for the corresponding nonce used when generating file/bundle content. Truebit's filesystem derives fileID's and bundleID's identically from nonces. Distinct addresses yield distinct fileID/bundleID's for the same nonce.

Managing bundles

Bundles are the glue that hold together the files for tasks. Each task has a single bundle which in turn references a program file, input files, and output files.

function addToBundle(uint nonce, bytes32 fid) external;

addtoBundle adds a fileID fid to bundleID makeBundle(nonce). All files must be added to the bundle from the same account. If the bundleID is unused, this method creates a new bundle.

function finalizeBundle(uint nonce, bytes32 codeFileID) external returns (bytes32);

finalizeBundle returns the initial machine state for bundleID makeBundle(nonce) and readies the corresponding bundle for task deployment. The caller designates a fileID codeFileID containing the .wasm (or .wast) program file. This method must be called after all files have been added to the bundle by the same account that added the files.

Once a bundle has been created, one can access its contents via the following calls.

function getCodeFileId(bytes32 bid) external view returns (bytes32);

getCodeFileId returns the fileID for bundle bid's WASM code file.

function getFileList(bytes32 bid) external view returns (bytes32[] memory);

getFileList returns an array of fileID's contained in the bundle bid. If bid was created via standard task procedure, this array contains fileID's from the Task Giver but not the Solver.

function getInitialHash(bytes32 bid) external view returns (bytes32);

getInitialHash returns the initial machine state corresponding to the code root and data files in bundle bid. Solvers and Verifiers reconstruct this value locally from fileID and VM metadata before executing the task.

Reading file data

The following methods retrieve data from fileID's.

function getBytesData(bytes32 fid) external view returns (bytes32[] memory);

getBytesData returns the data for fileID fid as a bytes32 array, as it is stored in EVM contract storage. fid must have file type BYTES.

function getFormattedBytesData(bytes32 fid) external view returns (bytes memory);

getFormattedBytesData converts the data for fileID fid to a bytes type. fid must have file type BYTES.

function getContractCode(bytes32 fid) external view returns (bytes memory);

getContractCode returns the data for fileID fid as a string of bytes. fid must have file type CONTRACT.

function getContractAddress(bytes32 fid) external view returns (address);

getContractAddress returns the contract address associated with fileID fid where fid must have file type CONTRACT.

function getIpfsHash(bytes32 fid) external view returns (string memory);

getIpfsHash returns the IPFS content address associated with fileID fid where fid must have file type IPFS.

function vmParameters(bytes32 codeFileID) external view returns (bytes32, uint8, uint8, uint8, uint8, uint8, uint8);

vmParameters returns the Truebit virtual machine parameters associated with a program file fileID codeFileID in the following order, namely:

  • 0: bytes32 codeRoot: initial machine state restricted to the program code
  • 1: uint8 codeType: the program code format (0=WAST, 1=WASM)
  • 2: uint8 stackSize: depth of Merkle tree for the stack
  • 3: uint8 memorySize: depth of the Merkle tree for memory
  • 4: uint8 globalsSize: depth of Merkle tree for the globals table
  • 5: uint8 tableSize: depth of Merkle tree for the call table
  • 6: uint8 callSize: depth of Merkle tree for the call stack

When calling vmParameters from web3.js, the created dictionary will automatically contain the above parameter names as attributes.

function forwardData(bytes32 fid, address a) external;

forwardData sends the data associated with fileID fid to the contract at address a. fid must have filetype BYTES, and the contract at address a must have a function called consume with interface function consume(bytes32 fid, bytes32[] calldata dta) external; that determines how to process the incoming data.

Reading file metadata

The following methods retrieve metadata from files of any type.

function getFileType(bytes32 fid) external view returns (uint);

getFileType returns an integer corresponding to the file type for fileID fid. 0 = BYTES, 1 = CONTRACT, and 2 = IPFS.

function getRoot(bytes32 fid) external view returns (bytes32);

getRoot returns the authorative Merkle root associated with fileID fid's content. This Solidity function should not be confused with the example web3.js function above sharing the same name which computes a Merkle root from raw data.

function getName(bytes32 fid) external view returns (string memory);

getName returns the file name associated with fileID fid.

function hashName(string memory filename) external returns (bytes32);

hashName returns the authoritative Merkle hash for filename.

function getSize(bytes32 fid) external view returns (uint);

getSize returns the size of the data associated with fileID fid in bytes. If fid is a BYTES file, it will return the actual file size. For CONTRACT or IPFS files, it will return the size indicated by the file's creator. This Solidity function should not be confused with the example web3.js function above sharing the same name which computes file size from raw data.

incentiveLayer API

We describe some methods used to issue tasks, manage payments, and enhance security.

Creating tasks

Task Givers must specify task parameters, including filesystem, economic, virtual machine (VM), and output files when requesting a computation from the network. The network uniquely identifies each task by its taskID.

function createTaskId(bytes32 bundleID, uint minDeposit, uint solverReward, uint verifierTax, uint ownerFee, uint blockLimit) external returns (bytes32);

createTaskId stores task parameters to the Incentive Layer, including filesystem, economics and VM and assigns them a taskID. The inputs are as follows:

  • bundleID: the bundleID containing all files and VM parameters for the task
  • mindeposit: the minimum TRU deposit required for a Solver or Verifier to participate
  • solverReward: the reward paid to the Solver for correctly solving the task
  • verifierTax: the payment to be split among all Verifiers
  • ownerFee: the fee paid by the Task Submitter to the smart contract issuing the task (if any)
  • blockLimit: the maximum number of blocks a Solver or Verifier spends executing the task

See also sample task above.

function requireFile(bytes32 tid, bytes32 namehash, uint8 fileType) external;

requireFile tells the Solver to upload a file with fileType (0:BYTES, 1:CONTRACT, 2:IPFS) upon obtaining a solution to task tid. tid's filesystem bundle must include an (empty) file whose file name hashes to namehash. namehash can be computed using hashName from the fileSystem API. This method must be called once for each output file after calling createTaskId but before calling submitTask.

function submitTask(bytes32 tid) external payable;

submitTask broadcasts details of task tid to the Truebit network and requests a Solver solution. This method finalizes all task parameters, and the Task Submitter pays the platform fee.

Managing tokens

function makeDeposit(uint amount) external returns (uint);

makeDeposit deposits amount TRU (in wei) from the sender's account into the Incentive Layer and returns the sender's resulting deposit balance.

function withdrawDeposit(uint amount) external returns (uint);

withdrawDeposit withdraws amount TRU (in wei) from the Incentive Layer into the sender's account and returns the sender's resulting deposit balance.

function getBondedDeposit(bytes32 tid, address account) external view returns (uint);

getBondedDeposit returns the amount of TRU (in wei) that account has bonded to task tid.

function getUnbondedDeposit(address account) external view returns (uint);

getUnbondedDeposit returns the number of TRU (in wei) that account has stored in Truebit's incentive layer which are not bonded to any task.

function PLATFORM_FEE_TASK_GIVER() external view returns (uint);

PLATFORM_FEE_TASK_GIVER returns the ETH platform fee (in wei) for Task Submitters.

Browsing the task ledger

One may wish to browse inputs, outputs, and parameters for previously issued tasks.

function taskParameters(tid) external view returns (bytes32, uint, uint, uint, uint, uint, address, address, address, bytes32, uint8);

taskParameters() returns a list of information about data inputs, participants, and economics for task tid. The first 6 return outputs mirror those of the createTaskId method, namely

  • 0: bytes32 bundleId
  • 1: uint mindeposit
  • 2: uint solverReward
  • 3: uint verifierTax
  • 4: uint ownerFee
  • 5: uintblockLimit

One can retrieve the list of input files by plugging bundleID into the getFileList method. The final 3 return outputs are as follows.

  • 6: address owner: the address of the Task Owner's smart contract (if any)
  • 7: address submitter: the address of the "human" Task Submitter's address (may be same as Task Owner)
  • 8: address selectedSolver: the address of the Solver that performs the task
  • 9: bytes32 currentGame: gameID for current verification game (if any)
  • 10: uint8 state: task progress. 7 = successfully finalized, 8 = terminated with error

When calling taskParameters from web3.js, the created dictionary will automatically contain the above parameter names as attributes.

function getSolverUploads(bytes32 tid) external view returns (bytes32[] memory);

getSolverUploads returns the verified outputs uploaded by the Solver for task tid as a list of fileID's. Note that the Merkle root returned by getRoot is authoritative, whereas the content address returned by getIpfsHash or getContractCode is just a hint. Thus, when downloading an output from IPFS or a contract file, one should also compute its Merkle root to confirm correctness. getBytesData is always authoritative.

function getVerifierList(bytes32 tid) external view returns (address[] memory);

getVerifierList returns the list of Verifiers who checked task tid.


If a Solver reveals his private random bits before the designated time, anyone can call the method below to claim his deposit. See the Truebit whitepaper, Section A.1.

function prematureReveal(bytes32 taskID, uint originalRandomBits) external;

prematureReveal slashes the Solver's deposit and transfers half of it to the caller of this method if both:

  • a Solver has been selected but not yet instructed to reveal his solution in the clear, and
  • the Solver's private originalRandombits match those of the taskID.

Contract callbacks

Upon completion or cancellation of a task, Truebit will call back to the Task Owner's (contract) address with a result. In order to process the result, the Task Owner's contract must include one or more of the following methods.

function solved(bytes32 taskID, bytes32[] calldata files) external;

Truebit calls the Task Owner's solved method when taskID successfully terminates with a solution. The input files will be an array consisting of fileID's for the Solver's uploaded solutions.

function cancelled(bytes32 taskID) external;

Truebit calls the Task Owner's cancelled method when taskID terminates without a solution due to a Solver timeout, loss of verification game, blockLimit error, or prematureReveal.

Windows and Mac considerations

If you are using Windows or Mac and its your first time clonning this repository, run the following git commands to ensure that the repo files are using the correct EOL config.

git rm --cached -r .
git reset --hard


Comprehensive repo for creating, issuing, solving, and verifying Truebit tasks on Ethereum


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