a feature rich Twitter experience built with Flutter
harpy is currently still in development. See the project for more information about the progress.
harpy is a fully featured Twitter client that focuses on great UI/UX and a clean experience.
This project aims to provide a good example for a medium-big sized Flutter app in hopes that it will be useful for some.
Some interesting features of the app include:
- flutter_bloc for the main state management, using blocs and cubits.
- get_it as a service provider that includes the ability to navigate and to show on screen messages from anywhere in the app.
- sentry as an online error tracking service to report unhandled exceptions.
- Fully featured theme customization.
- Fully featured video player using the video_player package.
- A 'pro' and 'free' android product flavor.
harpy is being released in the Play Store for Android, therefore only Android devices are used for testing the builds.
Run the build runner once after cloning the project
flutter packages pub run build_runner build
Follow these instructions for setting up your Twitter API key.
The app can be built with the "free" or "pro" flavor by running:
flutter run --flavor free --dart-define=flavor=free --dart-define=twitter_consumer_key=your_consumer_key --dart-define=twitter_consumer_secret=your_consumer_secret
flutter run --flavor pro --dart-define=flavor=pro --dart-define=twitter_consumer_key=your_consumer_key --dart-define=twitter_consumer_secret=your_consumer_secret