TrizlyBear / hack-week

My Discord hack week project for the 1st Hack-Week.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

hack-week Wumpugotchi

Heyo fellas, this is my repo for my discord hack week project. It's called Wumpugotchi. It is basically a wumpus pet, get your own wumpus and race in your nitro motor against other wumpuses. Buy cool skins for your wumpus, and yes even GIF skins. How cool is that?

Wumpus GIF

All commands are:

Wumpus commands:

  1. w!wumpus - Shows your own wumpus.

  2. w!motor [train | upgrade | buy] [upgrade: a | p | power | acceleration] - Use your motor, if you want to train your motor skills, use w!motor train and retype a phrase to finish your training, this will cost 5 coins. If you buy a motor, the motor will cost 20 coins, if you want to upgrade a part of your motor, the prices are different, acceleration upgrade will cost 15 and you will gain 3 more acceleration power, and a power upgrade will cost 20 coins and you will gain 5 power.

  3. w!bal - Shows the balance of coins you have.

  4. w!buy - Buy a cool looking wumpus from your coins.

  5. w!shop [wumpus] - Shows the shop, if you type a wumpus name after the command it will show the image /GIF of a wumpus.

  6. w!race - Race against one of your friends or your worst enemy.

Info commands:

  1. w!ping - Shows the latency in milli seconds.
  2. w!help [page] - Shows this help page, or one of the other pages, depending on the page parameter.
  3. w!info - Shows general info about the bot, including credits and dependencies.

Bot invite: here

Discord Banner 2

Support server invite: here

Permissions needed:

  1. Send Embeds
  2. Send Messages


My Discord hack week project for the 1st Hack-Week.


Language:JavaScript 100.0%