Fleabot is a Discord bot dedicated to the chili peppers. You can give it commands to guess lyrics (pulled from a JSON with the band's lyrics in 278 songs, pulled from genius.com, guess what year some images were taken from (pulled from a JSON with getty images URL's), and pass down the stratocaster.
It's written in DiscordJS with some Python to pull lyrics from genius.com. It has command handling for the different commands which include:
- /trivia (handles the 278 lyrics songs with sections).
- /images (with 69 images).
- /passdown for passing down a Stratocaster.
- Thanks to DiscordTwitterBot for the guide and code.
- Pulls tweets the moment they are posted to a discord channel.
- Used python to pull 278 songs from Genius.com (with album artwork URL, lyrics, URL and title and other things)
- Each song has sections (verse 1, chorus, etc...) so it pulls only a section for the embed message so you can have more than 2000 unique lyrics trivia.
- Pulled from a manually-picked JSON file from getty images from the band, initially with 69 images.
- Contains URL, year, title, photographers and people.
- passes down a stratocaster.
1. Install NodeJS
2. Download this repo and unzip it | or git clone it.
3. Open CMD and Install all of the packages with npm install
4. Make sure you put down the credentials clientId
, guildId
and the token
, along with twitter keys and channel ID's keys in a config.json
file. More info here.
5. Add the bot in Discord Developer dashboard.
6. start the bot with node fleabot.js