TrinityComputers / PowerColleague

a PowerShell wrapper for the Colleague .Net SDK

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


PowerColleague is a PowerShell module and wrapper around Colleague's .Net SDK

Before Use

  • Verify that Visual Studio is installed I haven't tested this without a VS installation
  • Verify which version of the the Colleague .Net SDK is installed


  1. Clone this project
git clone
  1. Move the PowerColleague folder to your module folder To find modules run:
$env:PSModulePath -split ";"

Setup for first use

  1. Update the file defaultVersion with the correct Colleague .Net SDK version that is installed Note: Current default is 1.6 but I've tested it in 1.5 through 1.8
  2. Select the folder that corresponds to the value listed in defaultVersion
  3. Update the App.config file in the selected folder with your information.
  • Colleague Username
  • Colleague Password
  • Colleague Environment Name
  • Colleague Environment Address
  • Colleague Environment Port Number
  • Colleague Environment Shared Secret


Import the PowerShell Module

Import-Module PowerColleague

Read Colleague Entities

To read information from Colleague Entities call see the examples below:

Read-TableInfo Person -Filter "LAST.NAME EQ 'Garrison'" | Select FirstName, LastName
FirstName LastName
... ...
Roger Garrison
... ...
Read-TableKeys Person -Filter "LAST.NAME EQ 'Garrison' AND FIRST.NAME EQ 'Roger'" 

Execute Colleague Transactions

Note: I'm working to clean this up a bit

  • Generate the transaction and compile it in memory
Set-DataContract (Get-CTXModel ST SFX007) StartStudentPaymentRequest
  • Create a new Transaction Request
$request = New-Object ColleagueSDK.DataContracts.StartStudentPaymentRequest
  • Set the Request Variables
$request.InPersonId = $PersonId
  • Invoke the Transaction
$response = Invoke-CTX $request.getType() (New-Object ColleagueSDK.DataContracts.StartStudentPaymentResponse).getType() $request

Find All Colleague Entities in all Applications

Get-AllApplications | Get-ApplicationEntities

Find All Colleague Transactions in all Applications

Get-AllApplications | Get-ApplicationCtxs

Find which Application has an Entity

Get-AppsForEntity Person

*Returns CORE

All Other commands

Command Synopsis
Close-DmiSession Close the Dmi Session
Get-AllApplications Get all Colleague Applications
Get-ApplicationCtxs Get all the Transactions for a given Colleague Application
Get-ApplicationEntities Get all the Entities for a given Colleague Application
Get-AppsForEntity Get all Colleague Applications that contain a given Entity
Get-ColleagueEnv Get the current Colleague SDK environment Settings
Get-ColleagueSession Get Colleague Session information
Get-CtxModel Build the generated generated c# code for a transaction
Get-EntityModel Build the generated c# code for a entity
Get-SessionTimeout Return the time when the session will timeout
Initialize-ColleagueService Initializes this module
Invoke-CTX Call the Colleage transaction
Open-DmiSession Open a new session to DMI
Read-TableInfo Read the information from the Colleague Entity
Read-TableKeys Read the keys from the Colleague Entity
Set-AppConfig Sets the Application configuration
Set-AppSettings Sets or adds information to the AppSettings Section of the App config
Set-ColleagueCreds Sets the Colleague Credentials in the Application Config
Set-DataContract Add a new Data Contract for reference in the current session

Tested: PowerShell v4.0


a PowerShell wrapper for the Colleague .Net SDK

License:MIT License


Language:PowerShell 100.0%