Trentonom0r3 / FrameSmith

Repository from Github https://github.comTrentonom0r3/FrameSmithRepository from Github https://github.comTrentonom0r3/FrameSmith



FrameSmith is a high-performance C++ application for video frame interpolation using TensorRT and CUDA. The project leverages TensorRT for accelerated deep learning-based frame interpolation and utilizes FFmpeg for handling video input/output, including support for CUDA/NVENC acceleration. The application supports both Windows and Linux platforms and can be easily built using CMake and vcpkg for dependency management.


  • TensorRT Integration: Uses TensorRT for accelerated deep learning-based frame interpolation.
  • Parallel Processing: Supports asynchronous frame processing and writing using multiple CUDA streams for higher performance.
  • CUDA/NVENC Support: Utilizes FFmpeg with CUDA/NVENC for fast video encoding and decoding.
  • Cross-Platform: Can be built on both Windows and Linux using CMake.
  • Model Support: Works with a wide range of interpolation models, including RIFE and ShuffleSpan, with options for TensorRT, DirectML, and NCNN backends.


General Dependencies

  • CMake 3.18+
  • C++17 compatible compiler
  • CUDA Toolkit (Tested with CUDA 12.1)
  • TensorRT (Tested with TensorRT 10.3)
  • libtorch (Tested with libtorch 2.4.0+cu121)
  • FFmpeg (with CUDA/NVENC support, compiled via vcpkg)
  • Protobuf (libprotobuf, libprotobuf-lite, protoc)
  • libcurl (for downloading models)

Optional Dependencies

  • vcpkg: For managing dependencies like libcurl, FFmpeg, and Protobuf.

vcpkg Dependencies

The project relies on the following specific packages from vcpkg for the x64 Windows build:

  • FFmpeg (7.0.2): Includes the avcodec, avdevice, avformat, avfilter, swresample, swscale, nvcodec features.

    • ffmpeg[avcodec]
    • ffmpeg[avdevice]
    • ffmpeg[avfilter]
    • ffmpeg[avformat]
    • ffmpeg[swresample]
    • ffmpeg[swscale]
    • ffmpeg[nvcodec]: CUDA/NVENC support for video acceleration.
  • libcurl (8.9.1): Provides HTTP/HTTPS support for downloading models.

    • curl[ssl], curl[schannel], curl[sspi].
  • Protobuf (3.21.12): Required for handling serialized data.

    • protobuf.
  • CUDA (10.1+): Required for GPU acceleration.

Installing vcpkg Dependencies

To install the necessary dependencies via vcpkg, use the following commands:

vcpkg install ffmpeg[avcodec,avdevice,avfilter,avformat,swresample,swscale,nvcodec]:x64-windows
vcpkg install curl[ssl,schannel,sspi]:x64-windows
vcpkg install protobuf:x64-windows

Ensure that the vcpkg toolchain file is correctly set in your CMake configuration to use the installed packages.

set(CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE "C:/Users/tjerf/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake" CACHE STRING "Vcpkg toolchain file")

Building on Windows


  • Visual Studio 2019/2022 with C++ and CMake support.
  • vcpkg (optional, for managing dependencies like libcurl).
  • CUDA Toolkit: Installed in C:/Program Files/NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit/CUDA/v12.1.
  • TensorRT: Installed in a directory of your choice.
  • libtorch: Download and extract the Windows package from the PyTorch website.


  1. Open the Project in Visual Studio:

    • Open the project folder in Visual Studio. Ensure that CMake is detected and configured automatically by Visual Studio.
  2. Configure the Project:

    • Set the necessary paths in your CMake configuration, either via CMakeSettings.json or by manually editing the CMake configuration.
  3. Build the Project:

    • Use Visual Studio to build the project by selecting the Build option. The output binary will be placed in the out/build/x64-debug directory.
  4. Running the Application:

    • The executable will be located in your build directory. You can run it directly or through Visual Studio.
  5. Ensure DLLs are in the Same Directory:

    • The build process should automatically copy the necessary DLLs to the output directory. If any DLLs are missing, make sure they are in the same directory as the .exe.

Building on Linux


  • CMake 3.18+

  • GCC or Clang (C++17 compatible)

  • CUDA Toolkit: Install using the package manager or from NVIDIA's website.

  • TensorRT: Download and install from NVIDIA's website.

  • libtorch: Download and extract the Linux package from the PyTorch website.

  • FFmpeg: Ensure FFmpeg is compiled with CUDA/NVENC support or install it via the package manager:


    sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
  • Protobuf: Install via the package manager:

    sudo apt-get install libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler
  • libcurl: Install via the package manager:

    sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev


  1. Clone the Project:

    git clone
    cd FrameSmith
  2. Create a Build Directory:

    mkdir build
    cd build
  3. Configure the Project with CMake:

    cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release             -DTorch_DIR=/path/to/libtorch/share/cmake/Torch             -DCUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR=/usr/local/cuda             -DTENSORRT_DIR=/path/to/TensorRT
  4. Build the Project:

    make -j$(nproc)
  5. Running the Application:

    • The executable will be located in the build directory. You can run it using:
 ./FrameSmith <input_video_path> <output_video_path> --mode <upscale|interpolate> <model_name> <factor> [--half] [--benchmark]
  1. Ensure SO Files are in the Same Directory:
    • The build process should automatically copy the necessary .so files to the output directory. If any .so files are missing, ensure they are in the same directory as the executable or set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH accordingly.


  1. Build the docker:

    DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 sudo docker build -t rife_cpp:latest . 
  2. Run the docker:

    sudo docker run --privileged --gpus all -it --rm -v /path/to/FrameSmith/:/tensorrt/mount rife_cpp:latest

Model Names

You need to specify a model name when running the application. Available models include: (Note that not all are set up to work with the .exe yet)

Interpolation Models

  • rife4.6-tensorrt
  • rife4.15-lite-tensorrt
  • rife4.17-tensorrt
  • rife4.18-tensorrt
  • rife4.20-tensorrt
  • rife4.21-tensorrt
  • rife4.22-tensorrt
  • rife4.22-lite-tensorrt

Upscaling Models

  • shufflecugan-tensorrt
  • compact-tensorrt

Refer to the source code or documentation for a full list of supported models.


 ./FrameSmith <input_video_path> <output_video_path> --mode <upscale|interpolate> <model_name> <factor> [--half] [--benchmark]


Common Issues

  • Missing DLLs/SOs: Ensure all necessary dependencies are in the same directory as the executable.
  • CMake Errors: Check that all paths to dependencies are correctly set in the CMake configuration.
  • Runtime Errors: Verify that your CUDA and TensorRT installations are correctly configured and that your GPU is supported.

Additional Help

If you encounter any issues, consider checking the CMake logs (CMakeError.log and CMakeOutput.log) in the build directory, or consult the official documentation for each dependency.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.



Language:C++ 79.8%Language:Cuda 11.2%Language:CMake 6.5%Language:Dockerfile 2.5%