TradersTeam / coinex4j

CoinEx Exchange API JVM Library

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CoinEx4j Library

CoinEx Exchange API JVM Library

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CoinEx4j is a JVM(Java, Kotlin, etc) library for using CoinEx Exchange API. This library aims to provide an easy-to-use abstraction over official API.




Read documentation here: javadoc

First create a client like this, but keep in mind this will give you a default client with predefined configurations.

CoinEx4J coinEx4J = new CoinEx4J.Builder().build();

You can customize your client like this:

CoinEx4J coinEx4J = new CoinEx4J.Builder()

If you are using this library in JVM only (not Android) like in console for debugging or a server it's suggested to enable autoShutDown otherwise JVM may or may not exit after task completion depending on OkHttp client timeout, more info here.

After creating your client then you need to define the API group that you want to use, which are actually retrofit interfaces.

MarketAPIs marketAPIs = coinEx4J.createAPI(MarketAPIs.class);

Then you can use different sub APIs under that group.

marketAPIs.getMarketsInfo().asyncBody(coinEx4J, (response,error) -> {

Custom callbacks are provided using retrofit call adapter feature and Java Consumer class however you can still use enqueue and execute methods. callbacks can be called from Kotlin too. different types of callbacks are explained here.

Callback Info
async returns a callback with type of BiConsumer with Response<T> and Throwable parameters
asyncCall returns two callbacks, one for success (BiConsumer with Call<T> and Response<T> parameters) and another for failure (BiConsumer with Call<T> and Throwable parameters)
asyncBody returns a callback with type of BiConsumer with T and Throwable as parameters

T is response body type.


Find the latest version from Maven Artifact

Gradle Groovy DSL

Step 1. Add the Maven repository to your build file
Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

repositories {

Step 2. Add the dependency

dependencies {
    implementation 'io.github.TradersTeam:CoinEx4J:$coinex4j_last_version'


Add the dependency


Gradle Kotlin DSL

dependencies {



WebSocket APIs

  • System APIs
  • Market APIs
  • Trading APIs

Perpetual APIs

Perpetual WebSocket

  • Server APIs
  • Market APIs
  • Asset APIs
  • Order APIs
  • Position APIs



CoinEx4J is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0
Permissions of this strong copyleft license are conditioned on making
available complete source code of licensed works and modifications,
which include larger works using a licensed work, under the same
license. Copyright and license notices must be preserved. Contributors
provide an express grant of patent rights.





CoinEx Exchange API JVM Library

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Java 100.0%