TracyCuiq / awesome-image-steganography

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Steganography is an art and science of invisible communication, achieved by hiding secret information in a cover object (image, audio, video, text). According to the communication cover/carrier forms, steganography can be classified into many categories: image steganography, audio steganography, video steganography, text steganography, and DNA-based steganography. Images are so widely used in communication. Therefore, we summarize a wide range of image steganography researches.


Using Artificial Intelligence Approaches for Image Steganography: A Review (IoT 2020) [paper]

Recent Advances of Image Steganography with Generative Adversarial Networks (IEEE Access 2020) [paper]

Comprehensive survey of image steganography: Techniques, Evaluations, and trends in future research (Neurocomputing 2019) [paper]

A Comparative Study of Recent Steganography Techniques for Multiple Image Formats (IJCNIS 2019) [paper]

A Survey on Digital Image Steganography (JIHPP 2019) [paper]

Deep Learning in steganography and steganalysis from 2015 to 2018 (Book chapter 2019) [paper]

Image steganography in spatial domain: A survey (SPIC 2018) [paper]

A review of artificial intelligence techniques in image steganography domain (2017)

Performance evaluation parameters of image steganography techniques

Advances in digital image steganography

Reversible and Irreversible Data Hiding Technique

Digital Image Data Hiding Techniques: A Comparative Study

A Study of Various Steganographic Techniques Used for Information Hiding

Overview: Main Fundamentals for Steganography

Steganography An Art of Hiding Data

Information Hiding Techniques: A Tutorial Review


Hiding secret information is message/string.

SteganoGAN: High Capacity Image Steganography with GANs [paper] [code]

HiDDeN: Hiding Data With Deep Networks [paper]

A New Payload Partition Strategy in Color Image Steganography [paper]

Natural Steganography in JPEG Domain with a Linear Development Pipeline

Towards Robust Image Steganography [paper]

A security steganography scheme based on HDR image

Steganographic Generative Adversarial Networks [paper]

SSGAN- Secure Steganography Based on Generative Adversarial Networks [paper]

A novel image steganography method via deep convolutional generative adversarial networks

Spatial Image Steganography Based on Generative Adversarial Network

Generating steganographic images via adversarial training [paper] [code]

Automatic Steganographic Distortion Learning Using a Generative Adversarial Network


Hiding secret information is image.

Reversible image steganography scheme based on a U-net structure [paper]

EncryptGAN: Image Steganography with Domain Transform [paper]

End-to-end trained CNN encoder-decoder networks for image steganography [paper]

StegNet: Mega Image steganography capacity with deep convolutional network [paper]

Hiding images in plain sight: Deep steganography [paper]

A Secure and High Capacity Image Steganography Technique


Hiding secret information is audio.

Audio Steganography Based on Iterative Adversarial Attacks against Convolutional Neural Networks (TIFS2020) [paper]

An end-to-end generative network for environmental sound-based covert communication [paper]


Hiding secret information is video.

High-Capacity Convolutional Video Steganography with Temporal Residual Modeling

Convolutional video steganography with temporal residual modeling [paper]

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