Torthu / kvarteret_symfony_events

An event and rombooking system built on top of the symfony framework

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This project is an attempt at creating an event and booking system built on top of the symfony framework. See

It utilises the Doctrine object relational mapper (orm).

It makes use of the symfony plugins

  • sfDoctrineGuardPlugin
  • sfDoctrineNestedSetPlugin
  • sfCKEditorPlugin
  • dakEventsPlugin

It is mostly a test project for a frontend and backend solution implementing dakEventsPlugin.

Use in production?

You should consider making your own symfony project implementing dakEventsPlugin and modify your project to your needs.

If you want to use this project in production, at least change the CSRFsecrets in apps//config/settings.yml

How to configure the system

To check if your web server supports symfony you should download the configuration checker script from and put it somewhere. If you've got shell access to the server run the command

php check_configuration.php

In the project directory, you can run the command


to take care of most of the following steps and more.

If you want to use sqlite, please make sure that the database file is writable and readable by you and the web server. You can do this on your private test server by issuing the command

chmod ugo+rw /path/to/db/file

Do NOT do this on a shared hosting or production site if you're concerned about your data.

When you've successfully cloned the repository, go into the repository and run the commands

git submodules init git submodules update

to fetch all submodules (specifically the symfony framework and dakEventsPlugin)

Then you should configure your databases. Generally symfony will create a configuration that's common to the development, test, staging and production environment.

Please see Symfony's gentle introduction to running it.

If you are comfortable just using an sqlite database then just run

php symfony configure database:database "sqlite:db.db"

Make sure the directoreis cache/ and log/ exist, if not create them. To fix permissions run:

php symfony project:permissions

If you make changes to schema.yml (the database model) please run

php symfony doctrine:build --all-classes

Setup script ends here

If you want to reload/reset the database, then run

php symfony doctrine:build --sql --db --and-load

If you want to reload every database aspect (model, forms, fixtures, etc...)

php symfony doctrine:build --all --and-load

Default administrator user is admin with password changeme, do immediately change this.

Other users included are locationOwner and arranger, both with password changeme.


An event and rombooking system built on top of the symfony framework