Tools4everBV / HelloID-Conn-SA-Full-AD-AFAS-Update-Phone

AFAS <> Active Directory - User account update phone number

Repository from Github https://github.comTools4everBV/HelloID-Conn-SA-Full-AD-AFAS-Update-PhoneRepository from Github https://github.comTools4everBV/HelloID-Conn-SA-Full-AD-AFAS-Update-Phone



This repository contains the connector and configuration code only. The implementer is responsible to acquire the connection details such as username, password, certificate, etc. You might even need to sign a contract or agreement with the supplier before implementing this connector. Please contact the client's application manager to coordinate the connector requirements.

Table of contents


  1. HelloID Environment:
    • Set up your HelloID environment.
    • Install the HelloID Service Automation agent (on-prem).
  2. Active Directory:
    • Service account that is running the agent has Account Operators rights
  3. AFAS Profit:


  • None at this time.



HelloID-Conn-SA-Full-AD-AFAS-Update-Phone is a template designed for use with HelloID Service Automation (SA) Delegated Forms. It can be imported into HelloID and customized according to your requirements.

By using this delegated form, you gain the ability to update the mobile and fixed phone numbers in Active Directory and AFAS Profit. The following options are available:

  1. Search and select the target AD user account
  2. Enter new values for the following AD user account attributes: OfficePhone and MobilePhone
  3. AD user account [OfficePhone and MobilePhone] and AFAS employee [TeNr and MbNr] attributes are updated with new values


AFAS Profit provides a set of REST APIs that allow you to programmatically interact with its data.. The API endpoints listed in the table below are used.

Endpoint Description
profitrestservices/connectors AFAS endpoint

Form Options

The following options are available in the form:

  1. Lookup user:
    • This Powershell data source runs an Active Directory query to search for matching AD user accounts. It uses an array of Active Directory OU's specified as HelloID user-defined variable named "ADusersSearchOU" to specify the search scope. This data source returns additional attributes the receive the current values for OfficePhone and MobilePhone.

Task Actions

The following actions will be performed based on user selections:

  1. Update OfficePhone and MobilePhone in Active Directory:
    • On the AD user account the attributes OfficePhone and MobilePhone will be updated.
  2. Update TeNr and MbNr in AFAS Profit Employee:
    • On the AFAS employee the attributes TeNr and MbNr will be updated.

Connector Setup

Variable Library - User Defined Variables

The following user-defined variables are used by the connector. Ensure that you check and set the correct values required to connect to the API.

Setting Description
ADusersSearchOU Array of Active Directory OUs for scoping AD user accounts in the search result of this form. For example, [{ "OU": "OU=Disabled Users,OU=Training,DC=domain,DC=com"},{ "OU": "OU=Users,OU=Training,DC=domain,DC=com"}]
AFASBaseUrl The URL to the AFAS environment REST service. For example,
AFASToken The AppConnector token to connect to AFAS. For example, < token>< version>1< /version>< data>yourtoken< /data>< /token>

Getting help


For more information on Delegated Forms, please refer to our documentation pages.


If you need help, feel free to ask questions on our forum.

HelloID docs

The official HelloID documentation can be found at:


AFAS <> Active Directory - User account update phone number


Language:PowerShell 100.0%