TommyPKeane / learning-javascript-reactjs

React.js Website and Webapp Examples

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React.js Websites by Tommy P. Keane

These are React.js website examples created by me, Tommy P. Keane -- provided here for reference and educational purposes.

Original Setup

To create a basic React.js Webapp, we need to first setup npm using nvm, and then we can run the create-react-app command.

First, to install nvm you can use brew install nvm on macOS (or look here for other OSes.

We want to then create a new .nvmrc file in our project directory and put these contents in there:


We then call nvm use to install and switch to the stated version of npm.

You should now be able to see a result when you call which npm, like this:

❯ which npm

Now, if we want our React.js site to be tommypkeane_com for example (for, then we can use the npx create-react-app tommypkeane_com command as follows:

❯ npx create-react-app tommypkeane_com
Need to install the following packages:
Ok to proceed? (y) y

Creating a new React app in /Users/tommy/dev/website_reactjs/tommypkeane_com.

Installing packages. This might take a couple of minutes.
Installing react, react-dom, and react-scripts with cra-template...

added 1944 packages, and audited 1945 packages in 2m

Note that we use npx and not npm; this is an executable runner for npm "scripts" (packages/tools), but it is install alongside npm, so you should have it if you've followed the setup above.

And now we have a basic example app that we can then configure.

We'd of course suggest setting up git and creating a .gitignore file with the following contents:

# direnv Virtual Environments

# node.js (npm) Modules and Packages

Note that create-react-app will create an embedded .git directory as a git repostitory, which you may not want -- I didn't. So, you'll have to run:

rm -rf tommypkeane_com/.git/

That will get rid of the embedded git repo, and you can just use the outer project repo. I prefer this because then you can manage one or more react apps in the same project (repo), and you can also have control over npm and python with direnv when initially setting-up the app.

Example Apps

These are the example React.js apps made available in this repo.

To use the build and use these apps locally, you will want to cd into the app directory, and then run the following:

npm run start

This will create the local development build after a minute, and you'll see a message like this, and then your default web-browser will open to the localhost address:

Compiled successfully!

You can now view tommypkeane_com in the browser.

  Local:            http://localhost:3000
  On Your Network:  http://192.168.999.999:3000

Note that the development build is not optimized.
To create a production build, use npm run build.

As it says at the end, if you want to "build" the app to host on a server, you can run npm run build and you'll find a full, hostable app in the build directory.

If you have access to a webserver and your webserver application is pointing to /var/www/html/, as an example, then you'll want to copy the build/ directory contents into that directory, so that you should see a file like /var/www/html/index.html in your server's filesystem.

The server is the computer running the webserver application (Apache, Nginx, etc.).

If the webapp has been updated with a testing framework like jest or storybook, you should also have npm run test as a script/command that can run (per the package.json) to confirm the functionality of the unit-tests.


Personal website of me, Tommy P. Keane, created in June 2021 as a personal portfolio and educational infotainment website.

Visit to see this site live.

See the local for more details.

How to Develop

This section has some links and details related to how to develop a React.js app. The code provided should give some different examples with different degrees of complexity, but it may help to also have some standalone explanations and reference links.

React.js Debugging Links

Some links that may help with debugging React.js code and dealing with any confusing issues.


React.js Website and Webapp Examples


Language:JavaScript 52.9%Language:CSS 18.5%Language:TypeScript 14.8%Language:HTML 13.8%